I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 104: Just practicing from morning to night (Revised)

He really values ​​the talent of this little girl, but practicing swordsmanship cannot just focus on talent. Sometimes hard work is more important than talent.

When Qin Shu heard what Master Wang Jian said, she knew he had misunderstood, and hurriedly explained: "Master, I either can't do it, or..."

Her facial features wrinkled into a ball, "I have never counted. I practice swordsmanship every day from dawn until the moon rises. I will rest for a while when I am tired, but it won't delay me much. I estimate that I must have done it a thousand times."

Master Wang Jian's calm lips could hardly be suppressed. This... this...

Not only talented, but also very hardworking! There will be some young people in their Xuantian Sect who can show off in the future!

"Yes, you must not slack off because you have talent. You have done a good job." He suppressed his inner fluctuations and said calmly.

However, only he knew that at this time, the fluctuations in his heart were no less than the raging waves.

Working from sunrise to sunset, resting from sunset, this was the first time he had seen someone practice sword like this.

If she said so, her excellent basic sword skills would make sense.

"Does your arm hurt when you practice sword like that every day?" asked Master Wang Jian.

As a person who had experienced it, he also figured out a set of massage techniques. Seeing that this little disciple was diligent and hardworking, he planned to teach her.

Unexpectedly, the little girl in front of him shook her head, and the high ponytail on her head also swayed with her movements.

Then she said: "My disciple has a wood spirit root. When my arm hurts, I will use the wood spirit to turn it twice and it will be relieved."

Master Wang Jian: "..."

He was a little envious, but he was embarrassed to say it.

When he first started practicing sword, he endured the pain in his arm.

However, this was not over yet. Qin Shu looked up at him and asked with a smile: "Master, I got a recipe for a medicinal bath two days ago. It can not only relieve the soreness of the body, but also replenish the breath and achieve the effect of body refining. I thought that our sword sect disciples might be able to use it, and I am willing to contribute it. I wonder if this... is appropriate?"

Wandering Sword Master blinked his eyes. At this time, he didn't care about being embarrassed or not.

He quickly replied: "Appropriate!"

According to his cultivation level, he would not need these, but his thousands of disciples did need them.

Qin Shu was also a straightforward person. He immediately touched his storage ring, took out a piece of rice paper, and wrote with a pen.

Wandering Sword Master also came over. It was not common to carry paper with you when going out, not to mention that this paper was a piece of ordinary paper.

However, Qin Shu had just written two words when his lips pursed.

"Otherwise... let me write it?"

Finally found something that his little disciple was not good at, which was not easy.

Qin Shu also knew that her handwriting was not very good. When she heard what he said, she quickly gave up her seat and put the pen into his hand without hesitation.

Qin Shu read a word, and Master Wang Jian wrote one.

As more and more medicinal materials were written, the smile on Master Wang Jian's face became more and more intense.

They were the poorest in the entire cultivation world, and this was originally known to everyone.

If the medicinal materials for body refining were too expensive, how could they afford it? Most people would probably choose to endure it. The pain would go away if you endured it, but the spirit stones would really be gone if you spent them.

"I will have someone put this recipe in the mission hall later, so that they can see it when they go on a mission." Master Wang Jian said, holding the written recipe.

Qin Shu said, "Master, there are too many people practicing swords in our Sword Sect. In my humble opinion, it would be better to dig two bathhouses, divided into men and women, and arrange people to boil medicinal baths and send them every day. In this way, the price of medicinal materials will not rise due to everyone's rush to buy, and it will not delay most people's time."

The hand of the master holding the paper shook, and he laughed, "You are really a little kid with a lot of ideas."

Qin Shu smiled, what bad intentions could she have? She just thought that she would just take a bath when she was tired of practicing, and she didn't need to boil water and boil medicine herself.

This is the world of immortal cultivation, and there is no need to worry about hygiene. A cleaning technique can solve all problems.

The master immediately took out the communication jade slip and arranged it, "Yingzhen, take a few people to choose an open space and dig two bathhouses."

Although Sister Yingzhen didn't understand, how dare she disobey the master's order?

Qin Shu watched him collect the jade slips, then she clasped her fists towards him and continued, "Master, I have something to ask you."

Zhuang Jian Zhenren raised his eyebrows, "What is it?"

"My senior brother Cheng Yan... also wants to join the Sword Sect, I wonder..."

"Okay." Before she finished her words, she was interrupted by Wang Jian Zhenren, "It's better to do it today than today, I'm free today."

Qin Shu's face was happy, and she sent a message to Cheng Yan in front of Wang Jian Zhenren.

Cheng Yan came quickly, he flew over the Sword Sect on his own sword, and many people saw it.

However, they didn't know that Cheng Yan came to become a disciple.

Not long after Cheng Yan arrived, Ling Xu Zhenren followed closely behind him, and before he arrived, his voice had already arrived, "Wang Jian, Wang Jian! You actually poached my girl!"

Qin Shu and Cheng Yan stood in a row, lowering their heads, like two quails, one big and one small.

Master Wang Jian held the tea Cheng Yan offered him in his hand, his face flushed. He took a big sip in front of Master Ling Xu, and said with a sigh, "The tea my disciple offers me is really sweet."

Lingxu Zhenren was furious, "It's enough to steal one of my disciples, why are you trying to steal two of them? No way! Wang Jian, you come with me to see the master!"

However, Wan Jian remained unmoved at all. He held a small tea cup in his strong arms and said steadily, "Ling Xu, these two disciples have outstanding talents. You can't do it even if you empty yourself." Teach them everything they want to learn. Wouldn’t it be better for us to teach them together? How come we are still so narrow-minded at this age?

Master Lingxu naturally knew in his heart that without his permission, his two disciples would not have the courage to come to Sword Sect.

But he was still unhappy in his heart. He cast a sidelong glance at Master Wan Jian and asked, "According to what you said, if there are disciples from your Jian Sect who want to make elixirs, my Alchemy Sect will also accept them?"

Master Wan Jian laughed loudly, "That's great! Our disciples of Jian Sect are so poor that they are reluctant to change their robes even after they have been patched. If they could learn some skills from Master Lingxu, It won’t be like this.”

Master Lingxu: "..."

He finally understood that this Wu Jian was barefoot and not afraid of wearing shoes!

He was so angry that he stood up and shook off his sleeves and was about to leave. When he was going out again, he suddenly stopped and looked at the two people standing aside who were trying to reduce their presence. He snorted coldly, "Follow me quickly!"

Qin Shu hurriedly followed without hesitation. Although Jian Zong was good, he didn't have half of the spiritual veins! It was getting dark and she was getting ready to go back to practice.

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