I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 105 Master, I'm in trouble again (Edited)

Master Wang Jian watched his two new disciples being taken away by Master Ling Xu, but he himself was still sitting on the futon, looking not anxious at all.

The disciple's heart was on practicing swordsmanship. If he left today, he would come back sooner or later.

However, what he didn't expect was that this disciple came a little too soon, right?

The next morning, the moon had just set and the sun had not yet risen. The sky seemed to be covered with a layer of gauze, revealing a hazy light.

Qin Shu tied a sandbag to her legs, without using any spiritual power, and ran all the way to the sword sect's sword test stone formation.

Without the moonlight, her cultivation speed was greatly reduced. She ran here to practice her body, and it was said that she could grow taller.

The medicine pool of the sword sect had not been dug yet, otherwise she could come here today to take a bath.

Yesterday she had already noticed that the gravity in this sword test stone formation was twice as heavy as outside, and the effect of her sword practice here would definitely be much faster than on her own mountain.

She opened the "Piercing Clouds and Breaking Rain Sword Technique" and read the first move, memorizing it in her heart.

Then she took out her white jade sword and casually made a starting move.

The most important thing about the Piercing Clouds and Breaking Rain Sword is the momentum. Qin Shu knew that Master Wang Jian gave her this sword technique because she understood the use of momentum.

The sword in her hand followed the trajectory of the sword move and passed perfectly. As Qin Shu's movements became more and more smooth, she suddenly felt a sense of disharmony in her heart.

The essence of sword techniques is to increase damage, but some of the moves are really redundant.

She thought it was her problem at first, but as this sense of disharmony became more and more obvious, she simply simplified the sword moves.

The original sword moves were changed by her like this, and they suddenly opened and closed.

It was as if a ray of sunlight broke through the clouds in a storm and illuminated the world.

Qin Shu looked at the sword test stone in front of her, which was split by her and had a crack. She was startled and quietly sent a message to Master Wang Jian.

"Master, help me."

Zhuang Jian did not expect that the first message she sent to him would be like this. This kid got into trouble the day after becoming his disciple?

Zhuang Jian quickly replied, "He got into trouble so early in the morning?"

Qin Shu cleared her throat guiltily, "Master, I accidentally split a crack on a sword-testing stone. Do I need to pay for it?"

Zhuang Jian was relieved when he heard her say this, but then he thought again, she came so early, this disciple is really diligent.

He was very relieved and said, "It's okay, the sword-testing stone will be damaged every year, no compensation is required."

Just after he finished speaking, he suddenly realized that something was wrong.

The sword-testing stone was split? ? No? A little disciple of the fifth level of Qi training split the sword-testing stone? !

Yesterday, she poked a small hole in the sword-testing stone. Was she hiding her incompetence?

Qin Shu didn't know what Zhuang Jian was thinking at this time. After hearing the four words "no compensation", her heart was finally at ease.

"Thank you, Master. I will continue to practice swordplay!"

Fortunately, she didn't have to pay compensation, otherwise, according to the stingy rules of Xuantian Sect, she didn't know how long she would have to work for nothing.

Qin Shu received the jade slip and looked down at the white jade sword in her hand.

She thought about it and finally changed the piece of wood that was struck by lightning.

No wonder Master asked her to use a wooden sword yesterday. It turned out that these sword-testing stones were so brittle that they couldn't withstand being split.

Although the wood was not as handy as the white jade sword, she got used to it after a long time.

When the first ray of sunlight appeared on the top of the mountain, Yingzhen came with the sword as usual, but she found that she was not the first to arrive this time?

She was stunned and looked at the figure in the stone formation. The wood in her hand was danced by her fiercely.

The person in the stone formation was not very tall, dressed in men's clothes and tied a high ponytail.

This... Isn't this the dress of Qin Shu's junior sister?

While she was stunned, Qin Shu's swordsmanship was repeated twice.

She was like a puppet, repeating the same action without any impatience.

Yingzhen opened her mouth and wanted to say hello to her junior sister, but seeing her serious and focused appearance, she finally chose to shut up.

She also drew her sword and started practicing. On weekdays, she would rest for a while after swinging the sword 200 times, but she saw that her junior sister had not rested yet. How could she feel embarrassed?

As more and more people came to practice sword, everyone was silently competing in their hearts.

Everyone was practicing sword, so I couldn't rest either!

Finally, one of the disciples stumbled and twisted his waist because of the unstable center of gravity.

The sword fell on the stone slab due to the double gravity, making a sound of metal and stone colliding.

Qin Shu also heard it, she stopped the sword moves in her hand and looked back.

Only then did she realize that so many people had come around. A disciple supported his waist with one hand and bent down to pick up his fallen sword with difficulty.

Qin Shu walked over with a stick in her hand, helped him pick up the sword, and handed it to him.

The disciple looked at her with excitement, "Junior sister, you are so amazing! You have practiced sword for so long, and you don't feel any discomfort?"

Qin Shu's eyes fell on his waist and asked, "Brother, did you twist your waist?"

At this time, other disciples also gathered around, "Yutu, you worked too hard today. You usually take a break when practicing sword, but today you didn't even stop."

Yu Tu gave a wry smile, "When I came over to practice my sword in the morning, my junior sister was already here. She didn't even take a break. As a senior brother, I am so many years older than her, so how can I rest?"

Everyone's eyes fell on Qin Shu. Qin Shu pursed her lips and smiled, her eyes sparkling.

"Senior brother, have you forgotten? I have wood spirit roots, and wood spirit energy is endless. If I am tired, I can use wood spirit energy to circulate in my body, and the pain will be relieved a lot."

As Qin Shu spoke, she also used her wood spirit energy to help soothe his twisted waist.

The pain in Yu Tu's waist also eased, and he cupped his fists at Qin Shu, "Junior sister, thank you very much."

Qin Shu withdrew her hand and said: "Cultivation is all about relaxation. Senior brother, if you are tired, take a rest. Master Wanjian said that he will dig two medicine pools in Jianzong. When the digging is completed, you can practice When you’re tired, go take a dip in the pool.”

It was rare for everyone to get first-hand news from Qin Shu, and they all became excited.

"Are you still short of manpower to dig the medicinal pond? I am very strong! I guarantee that the medicinal pond will be dug out in three or two days!"

"I can too!"

"Let's go together! Each person has a shovel, and the medicine pool can be dug tonight."

Qin Shu picked up her wooden stick and planned to continue practicing her sword, but was stopped by Xiong Jun, "Junior sister!"

Qin Shu turned around in confusion and saw Xiong Jun handing her a wooden sword and saying, "Junior sister, you can use this, it will feel better."

Qin Shu took it and thanked him.

I saw Xiong Jun scratching the back of his head in embarrassment, "Master has given me permission to use the White Rainbow Sword. It's useless for me to keep this wooden sword, so I'll give it to my junior sister."

Qin Shu glanced at the wooden sword in her hand and then looked around, only to realize that many people were indeed using spiritual swords.

Could it be that... isn't Master afraid that everyone will split the sword test stone before letting everyone use wooden swords?

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