I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 1043 Otherwise, ask your disciple

Taoist Xuantian was also courageous. He gave up when he said he wanted to, and turned around and came to the ghost world.

Only when you come here do you know how rare the power of desire is.

Someone must sincerely offer incense and candles to worship, but it doesn't matter, he can use the wishing power in the wishing stone.

Although the effect is not as good, but the little things add up, he will be able to use these willpowers sooner or later.

However, as he absorbed more and more wish power, but still couldn't touch the ascension barrier, he became confused.

Could it be that even if you use your willpower, you can't ascend?

Now the words of the King of Hell have completely shattered his belief.

He has been born for cultivation and for ascension all his life, but now... God's will makes people unable to ascend!

Emotions are contagious, and the King of Hell felt uncomfortable seeing him like this.

Finally, he sighed and said comfortingly: "Don't think about ascending. Isn't it still the same as ascending to the immortal world?"

Taoist Xuantian didn't speak, and looked a little dazed. He finally looked at the King of Hell and asked: "I read an ancient book before. The senior clearly used the power of wish to ascend. Why can't he do it now?"

The King of Hell looked at him with a confused expression, and asked him after a moment, "Then why was it possible to ascend to the realm of immortality in the past, but not now?"

Taoist Xuantian felt as if he had been given a slap in the face at this moment. He looked at the King of Hell in shock, "You mean... the passage to the ghost world has also been closed?"

The King of Hell shook his head, "To be precise, our ghost world, the human world and the immortal world are actually just one world. To those gods in the immortal world, they are nothing more than insignificant ants."

Taoist Xuantian looked at the King of Hell, his brows knitted into knots, but the King of Hell said: "You are still young, maybe you don't know the past. Those gods not only don't want us to ascend to the upper world, but also open cracks in the demon world from time to time, trying to take us here One world is completely destroyed.”

When he said this, Taoist Xuantian rarely refuted him, "No, it's not."

The King of Hell looked at him as if he was over the top again, and wanted to persuade him again, when he heard Taoist Xuantian say: "There are other people they want to kill, we are just innocent ants who were implicated... Hahaha... Maybe we will even Not even ants."

Seeing his crazy appearance, the King of Hell did not dare to let him go.

If he couldn't control his emotions for a moment and attacked other souls, it would be really troublesome.

Therefore, he advised Taoist Xuanzhen: "You know now that absorbing wish power is of no use. Why don't you go back with me and ask your disciple? There are many capable people in the world of immortality. Maybe they already have someone who can." The method of ascension is not certain, either?”

Taoist Xuantian thought for a moment and finally nodded.

It wasn't that he wanted to agree to the King of Hell, it was just that he had been aiming for ascension all his life, and now he suddenly had no goal, and for a moment he felt... nowhere to go.

That’s all, let’s go and meet him.

The King of Hell took him straight to Judge Cui's house and entered the door smoothly, but he did not see Judge Cui.

Not only that, even Qin Shu didn't see it.

Just when the King of Hell was seriously thinking about the possibility of Qin Shu running away, a familiar voice came from the roof, "The King of Hell, Master? Why are you here?"

The King of Hell and Taoist Xuantian looked up at the same time and saw Qin Shu sitting cross-legged on the roof, raising one hand to greet them.

The King of Hell's face darkened, "Girl, where did you go just now?"

Qin Shu shrugged, "I've been sitting here."

"Then why didn't I notice your presence just now?"

Qin Shu's eyes lit up when she heard him say this. She stood up and floated down from the roof, landing in the courtyard.

"You really didn't notice?" Qin Shu asked.

The King of Hell shook his head, and Qin Shu looked at Taoist Xuantian who was standing aside, "Master, have you noticed?"

Taoist Xuantian also shook his head, and Qin Shu suddenly became more excited, "It's just that I didn't notice it! It seems that I have fully understood the concealment method that Senior Cui taught me, and it is surprisingly easy to use."

The King of Hell was shocked this time, "Old Cui even taught you the art of concealment?"

Qin Shu nodded, "Senior Cui gave me a scroll of bamboo slips and let me understand it myself."


This guy Lao Cui is so good that he is even willing to teach her the art of stealth?

There are various speculations in the mind of the King of Hell. Although Qin Shu is still excited, she has not forgotten her ancestor.

It was clear that the King of Hell and the others tried their best to capture their ancestor a while ago, so why are the two of them here together today? Looking at the atmosphere around them, it didn't seem so tense.

"Master, why are you here?"

The King of Hell also came to his senses at this time and said to Qin Shu: "You two, grandfather and grandson, talk to each other. I have some official business to do over there, so I will leave first."

Watching the King of Hell leave in a hurry, only their grandfather and grandson were left in the judge's house, as well as two busy servants.

Qin Shu had never been alone with her ancestor, and she always felt a little strange. She raised her hand and scratched the back of her head, and called out, "Master."

Taoist Xuantian looked at the disciple in front of him. He looked like he had good qualifications, but he looked like he was not very smart.

He sighed in his heart and lowered the possibility of getting some useful information from her by another three points before saying, "Let's find a place to talk."

Qin Shu nodded and agreed, then flew up.

Xuantian Taoist sat cross-legged on the roof with Qin Shu, feeling the cold wind blowing from all directions, and asked with a wooden face: "Is this the place you are looking for?"

Qin Shu explained: "Disciple is used to sitting on the roof. If you don't like it, let's change to another place?"

Xuantian Taoist shook his head, "Forget it, let's go here."

Qin Shu laughed, "This place is actually quite good. Once there is a little movement in all directions, we will know everything."

Xuantian Taoist did not refute again, but just asked: "Tell me, what is the situation of the cultivation world now?"

Qin Shu touched her chin and thought for a moment, then said: "It's not clear about the other continents, but our Dongzhou has been flooded by half of the demonic energy."

"What!" Xuantian Taoist was shocked.

Qin Shu shrugged, "But don't worry, our sect has discovered a spiritual plant called demon-subduing grass, which can absorb demonic energy. Now the situation has been controlled."

Xuantian Taoist was still worried, "Where is the passage to ascend?"

When he asked this question, he actually didn't have much hope.

Because he knew that if the ascension channel was opened, he should be able to sense it in the ghost world.

Moreover, his disciple's cultivation level was not high enough, and he should not have touched that level yet.

Unexpectedly, Qin Shu held her chin with one hand and told him calmly: "According to my speculation, the ascension channel should have been destroyed. If you want to ascend, the proper receiving door should not work, you have to climb through the window."

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