I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 1044: Disciple will find a way

As soon as Qin Shu said these words, Taoist Xuantian glanced at her in surprise. She actually knew that the ascension passage was destroyed?

Even if she knew, it didn't matter, her Taoist heart was not affected? It looked like nothing was wrong.

Why do you mean there is no door but there is a window? Why does this girl dare to think more than herself?

Qin Shu knew that he had doubts about her words, so she said to him: "I saw a pair of eyes peeking from above, but because my cultivation level is not enough, I couldn't see the specific location clearly... If I can have another chance , I will definitely find it.”

Taoist Xuantian: "?"

His gaze swept across Qin Shu's eyes, filled with doubts in his heart.

"How...how did you see it?"

If the Gods could be discovered by her so easily, would they still be called Gods?

Qin Shu raised her finger and pointed at her eyes, then looked at Taoist Xuantian with a smile, "Is that what you saw?"

Taoist Xuantian was about to ask the doubts in his heart, but the next moment he saw Qin Shu's eyes covered with a layer of purple energy.

He was startled, suddenly thought of something, and the expression on his face suddenly changed, "You..."

The words came to his lips and he swallowed them again.

It's not that he doesn't want to say it, it's that he can't say it...

Qin Shu looked at his hesitant expression, shrugged her shoulders, and said innocently: "I just happened to see him."

After saying that, she asked again: "Master, what did you want to say just now?"

Taoist Xuantian's face had returned to calm at this time, and he just said lightly: "After you return to the sect, if you have nothing to do, go to the Chuan Gong Hall a few times."

Qin Shu was startled, but she knew in her heart that her master's instructions had his own reasons, and she didn't need to ask any more questions. She would find out when she got back.

Therefore, Qin Shu clasped her fists and said, "Yes, I have written it down."

Taoist Xuantian thought about it for a while and gave one more warning, "You have a low level of cultivation now, so don't get involved in this matter until your level of cultivation improves."

He now understood that when he came to the ghost world, he almost abandoned his martial arts skills, and his abilities could not help him.

Now if you want to ascend, you can only look to others.

As for his young disciple, it seemed somewhat possible, so he could look forward to it a little longer.

At this moment, Taoist Xuantian seemed to notice a slight fluctuation. He stopped and looked towards the door.

Sure enough, Judge Cui, who had been busy for half a month, finally appeared at the door.

As soon as he entered the door, he looked around for Qin Shu's whereabouts, but he couldn't find it?

What shocked him the most was how he seemed to sense Taoist Xuantian's aura?

He hurried over following the breath and found two people sitting on the roof.

two? people? Qin Shu?

Thinking of some possibility, Judge Cui almost couldn't help but was shocked by the law.

"Have you learned the art of concealment?" Judge Cui didn't even bother to ask Taoist Xuantian, so he asked Qin Shu first.

Qin Shu nodded, "Well, it's a little easier than I thought."

Judge Cui pursed his lips and didn't know how to judge this matter for a moment. At this moment, Taoist Xuantian on the side spoke, "My disciples are all amazingly talented and beautiful people, so you don't need to be surprised."

Judge Cui: "..."

You are so immodest. You have already been included in the wanted list of the ghost world, and you are still talking shamelessly here.

He looked at Taoist Xuantian again and asked, "Why are you here too?"

"Why don't I have to report to you when I come to see my disciple? My cultivation level is not high, but my official accent is quite good." Taoist Xuantian said bluntly.

Judge Cui was silent again, and after a moment he couldn't help but said: "Do you want to find out something more? You are at my house now! Can I still know when you come to my house?"

Taoist Xuantian: "..."

I forgot about this.

Qin Shu saw this and said quickly: "Senior Cui, don't be angry. We are just talking on the roof and will leave right away..."

Judge Cui didn't know how the King of Hell was chatting with Taoist Xuantian. At this time, he didn't dare to let him go first, so he stretched out his hand to stop them, "Wait a minute, we're all here, why don't you go down and have a drink?"

Taoist Xuantian gave him a meaningful look, "Drinking will make things worse."

Judge Cui looked at the old hermaphrodite and couldn't help but want to spit at him, but finally endured it.

"Have you seen the King of Hell?" Judge Cui asked.

Qin Shu knew what he was worried about, so she quickly explained a few words. She had always been so considerate.

"Don't worry, it was the King of Hell who personally sent Master here."

Judge Cui breathed a sigh of relief. In this case, the King of Hell must have reached an agreement with him.

As long as he doesn't attack those ghost cultivators randomly, everything else will be easy to talk about.

Seeing this, Qin Shu also asked: "Senior, I am a living soul after all. Staying in the ghost world for a long time will inevitably have consequences. Look at the wish stones here...how long do you have to wait? Otherwise, I will come back to get them next time?"

Judge Cui and the King of Hell originally kept Qin Shu for Taoist Xuantian. Now that Taoist Xuantian has no hope of ascension, he naturally has no interest in the wish stone and should no longer be a threat to other ghost cultivators.

He thought for a moment and said, "Go to the Palace of the King of Hell, and the wishing stone will be allocated to you by the King of Hell himself."

If the King of Hell agrees to her leaving, it means that Taoist Xuantian is really no threat.

Qin Shu's face was filled with joy, she stood up and clasped her fists to bid farewell to the two of them, then turned around and flew towards the Palace of the King of Hell.

Only Taoist Xuantian and Judge Cui were left on the roof, looking at each other in confusion. Judge Cui frowned and asked, "Aren't you leaving?"

Xuantian Taoist calmly asked back: "Aren't you going to keep me for a drink?"

Judge Cui was startled, "Who said that drinking would cause trouble?"

Xuantian Taoist crossed his arms and said indifferently: "I have nothing to do anyway."

Judge Cui: "..."

It is indeed an evil ghost. What he said can make people angry to death.

Qin Shu went to the King of Hell and really received 100,000 wish stones. These 100,000 wish stones fell into Qin Shu's hands. She directly absorbed 70,000 of them, felt the golden wish power in the sea of ​​consciousness, and nodded with satisfaction.

She weighed the remaining 30,000 in her hand and went to Judge Cui's house again.

She forgot to ask just now, and didn't know if the master was still in the judge's house.

Unexpectedly, when she went there, the master was drinking with Judge Cui, and there were two sets of dice on the table.

Judge Cui woke up with a start when he saw Qin Shu.

Not right, not right, drinking is drinking, but the dice can't be shaken anyway.

The Judge's Pen has not been returned yet. If I lose something again... forget it...

He put away the dice, looked at Qin Shu and asked, "Why are you here again?"

Qin Shu handed the 30,000 wish stones to her master, and then said, "Master, you don't have much income here alone. Please keep these 30,000 wish stones for now. I will think of a way to get the rest when I return."

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