I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 1049: Mental Strength Maintenance Method

He Xin: [Senior sister, as expected of you, you guessed it right away. I saw someone in the Communication Square saying that their city lord was nearing his end of life and wanted to find some high-level alchemists to extend his life. 】

Akabane understood: [I see, but it’s useless if I go there. I can make some simple elixirs, but I can’t make the life-extending elixir. 】

Qin Shu also appeared at this time, "It would be good to have a discussion." 】

He Xin also replied: [Yes, where there are alchemists, you can definitely exchange a lot of medicinal materials. I plan to go there and see if I can exchange for a Fiery Sun Magic Grass. 】

The Fierce Sun Magic Grass is a fifth-level spiritual plant. It is not a very high level, but it is really hard to find.

Because this spiritual plant must grow in a place with high temperature, abundant spiritual energy, and full of miasma.

However, if she remembers correctly, this scorching sun magic grass is actually a poisonous plant. What does He Xin want with this?

Qin Shu was very curious and asked directly.

He Xin's laughter came from the jade slip, "I found that alchemists have low combat effectiveness and they don't know how to take advantage of it. Since alchemy can save people, it can also kill people. When I make Zui Huan Powder, I will throw it away casually. , they will be at my mercy. From now on, the combat effectiveness will be directly improved, let’s see who dares to treat our alchemist as a weakling.”

Qin Shu was stunned when she heard He Xin's happy laughter.

Good guy! Can it still be like this?

She thought about using magic talismans and array disks, but she really never thought about using poison.

As expected, going out for experience will make people grow the most. Wasn't He Xin, who was originally innocent, forced to become a poisonous cultivator by reality?

There are thousands of ways to cultivate immortality. As long as it suits you and doesn't violate your original intention, it doesn't matter which one you take.

Hexin's laughter was still echoing in her ears, and Qin Shu had already written a line and sent it: [I'll go with you. 】

The first place won three drops of Qingluan's essence and blood, but she was not interested.

But she was very interested in a reward for second place, the "Spiritual Power Conservation Method".

Although I have learned a little bit from Qian Ning before, but... maybe the technique given by Linxian City is more suitable for the Dongzhou baby's physique?

Must go! And he had to get second place!

Akabane thought for a while, "That's okay. I have nothing to do recently, so I will go with you."

She paused for a moment and then sent another sentence, "Speaking of which, we haven't seen each other for a long time."

Qin Shu thought about it. Counting the days, she hadn't seen Senior Sister Akabane for more than ten years.

"Okay, when do you leave?"

He Xin knows that her cultivation level is low, and she is probably the slowest person here.

He quickly spoke first and said: "It will take at least eight days for me to go from the sect to Linxian City."

Just counting the time spent sitting in the teleportation array, what if she flew there by herself? I'm afraid I have to leave a month in advance.

Qin Shu then said: "Then let's set off on the 1st of next month."

He Xin and Akabane were both very surprised, and they both asked questions.

When Qin Shu saw that these two people were inexperienced, she simply said directly: "According to my experience, the city will be full for such a large-scale event. Linxian City is not a big city, and the number of people it can accommodate is limited. If we go there in a pinch, I'm afraid it will be difficult to even enter the city."

As for where to stay, it's easy to say. Linxian City also has the Nichang Pavilion, but I'm afraid I won't be able to enter the city.

When He Xin and Chi Yu heard this, they both agreed, "I'll listen to you and set off on the 1st!"

This was the first time the three of them went out together. He and Xin were waiting outside early in the morning.

Qin Shu flew up in the air, looked at He Xin's empty sleeves, and frowned involuntarily.

Thinking of her persistence again, I sighed silently in my heart.

He Xin was very happy to see Qin Shu. She waved to Qin Shu, "Shu Shu! Here, here!"

Qin Shu looked at her from head to toe and found that she was now at the peak of the foundation building stage.

The speed of cultivation is not slow, even compared to her spiritual root value, it is still fast. It can be seen that He Xin has really worked hard over the years.

According to the saying in the world of immortality, if you build the foundation before the age of thirty, you can achieve the golden elixir.

"Long time no see! You seem to be controlling the fire spirit well now?" Qin Shu landed next to her and greeted her with a smile.

He Xin seemed to think of the days when white smoke was coming out of his head, and laughed, "Thanks for listening to your words, body training is really useful!"

The fire spirit energy that was originally running around in her body, uncontrollable, was now imprisoned in her body. Although that spiritual plant was overbearing, after it was completely absorbed, her fire spirit root value also increased by five points. She had never told anyone about this.

There's just one thing, she has one missing arm now, and her blood flow is always worse.

But it doesn't matter, if it's worse, she will work harder, and it will always get better in the future.

Qin Shu raised her hand and pinched her other arm. Feeling the vigorous strength under her skin, she sincerely praised: "You're practicing well."

His efforts were recognized by his friends, and He Xin's face became a little more proud, "That's natural, I'm not lazy!"

While the two were talking happily, Akabane also flew over from a distance.

A red bird turned into a human form in front of them and asked, "What are you two talking about? You are smiling so happily."

He Xin told her again, then took out the map he bought in advance and showed it to them.

"There are three routes to Linxian City. We can either go to Chijin City and take the teleportation array to Tailai City... or fly to Fuquan City, but Fuquan City is farther away... or..."

Qin Shu looked at the city pointed out by He Xin and suddenly fell silent.

Linxian City is just a small city. The teleportation arrays of many cities are not connected. If you want to go there, you must first go to a nearby big city. In this way... no matter how you plan, you will take a detour.

No wonder He Xin estimated that it would take at least eight days to arrive.

The intricate routes in Qin Shu's mind inexplicably formed a sentence, "The line segment between two points is the shortest."

After He Xin finished speaking, she looked up and saw the other two sisters looking at her.

She was stunned for a moment and asked, "What's wrong?"

Qin Shu shook her head and said, "Otherwise... I'll take you there?"

He Xin was stunned for a moment. Just when Qin Shu was struggling to figure out whether her words were not tactful enough, He Xin suddenly hugged her arms excitedly.

"Yes! You can take me there! How could I forget this! My sister is now a high-level cultivator, so why should I go back and forth?"

When she said this, Qin Shu also laughed, "Come on! I'll take you directly there. If we arrive early, we can go to the nearby area to have a look."

Qin Shu's flying speed was very fast, and it was up and down.

He Xin kept jumping between weightlessness and overweight, and was a little uncomfortable at first.

Later, after getting used to it, she felt that this feeling was unprecedentedly exciting.

Chiyu's flying speed was not slow either. She had been following Qin Shu, but later found that Qin Shu's flying leverage method seemed to be somewhat similar to their bird tribe.

So, she simply didn't fly by herself, and landed directly on Qin Shu's shoulder.

Qin Shu turned her head and looked at her in surprise, and heard Chiyu say: "It doesn't matter if you take one or two, I'm not heavy."

Qin Shu: "..."

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