I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 1050 The shortest line segment between two points

Is this a question of whether it's heavy or not?

Finally, a world with only one's own contribution is achieved!

Humble Shushu speeds up online, just fly, it’s rare for her sisters to pamper them once.

Without the worry of the other two not being able to keep up, Qin Shu let herself go even more, and arrived at Linxian City in just three days.

When they came, it was quite lively outside Linxian City, but the crowds coming in and out were almost the same as those in Tailai City.

When the three of them arrived outside the city gate, they found an alchemist registration office at the entrance to the city.

Qin Shu and He Xin looked at each other and walked over. The person on duty here was a young man wearing a scholar's hat.

He looked up at Qin Shu and the others and asked, "Are the three fellow Taoists here to register?"

Qin Shu did not answer his question, but asked first: "What's the use of registering this?"

The male cultivator smiled and said, "Three of you, you must register before you can receive the token from me. Only fellow Taoists who have received the token can participate in the alchemist conference organized by the city lord."

Qin Shu suddenly realized, "I see, then let's register."

After all, she also came here for the "Spiritual Power Maintenance Method".

The male cultivator nodded slightly and took up his pen to write down, "Please tell me your name and alchemy level, fellow Taoist."

Qin Shu touched her chin and thought for a while. She didn't know what level of elixir she could make now, but it must be that level six would not be a problem.

Therefore, she directly reported: "Qin Zheng, a fifth-level alchemist."

He Xin and Akabane looked at each other and spoke one after another.

He Xin: "Chen Xin, a third-level alchemist."

Akabane: "Chixiao, a third-level alchemist."

The male cultivator asked them again which word it was, and then took out a token and gave it to them.

"Invite you three. This time we have many senior alchemists coming to Linxian City. You three can go to the central teahouse to consult with other alchemists. It may bring you unexpected gains."

Qin Shu nodded slightly and hugged him with a fist, "Thank you very much."

After entering the city, Qin Shu saw the teahouse in the center of the city at a glance.

Because most of the buildings in the city are low, only the teahouse in the center of the city has seven floors.

The last time Qin Shu saw such a city was in the Endless Sea.

Seeing Qin Shu looking at him, He Xin asked, "Do you want to go to that teahouse now?"

Qin Shu shook her head, "Find a place to stay first."

She could find a roof to squat on, but she rarely brought her sisters out once, so she couldn't let them suffer the same fate as her.

There were so many places to choose from if you arrived early. Qin Shu chose the one closest to the central teahouse with her wealth, opened three rooms and moved in with her sisters.

He Xin lay on the soft and comfortable little bed and said to Qin Shu, "Is this what it feels like for one person to achieve enlightenment and ascend to heaven?"

Qin Shu laughed and said, "Senior sister and I are going to the central teahouse. Are you going to lie down for a while or come with us?"

He Xin stood up immediately, "Of course I'm going with you!"

Among the three of them, she was the only one with the lowest cultivation level, so there was no reason for her not to work hard.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the three of them pushed the door open, they felt a wave of heat rushing towards them.

Because the three of them all have fire spirit roots, they are not afraid of this, but it is a little strange.

"Why did the temperature suddenly rise so much?" Akabane asked with a frown.

Qin Shu shook her head, she didn't know either.

On the other hand, He Xin smiled and said: "I know! I know! I checked in the Communication Square before I came here. There are underground fires here. When night falls, the underground fires turn to roiling, and the temperature in the city drops. It has risen. It is precisely because of this that a large number of alchemists have gathered here."

Qin Shu suddenly realized that this was the case.

When you walk out of the door of the inn, you will find that the street is even busier than during the day. Many monks are walking barefoot on the floor towards the central tea house.

Just when Qin Shu was about to find someone to ask why they were barefoot, she saw that He Xin had already taken off her shoes.

"I heard someone say that if you walk barefoot in the city, the fire energy emerging from the surface will temper your body along the meridians."


Didn't expect that a small Linxian City would have such benefits? Since the body can be tempered, there should be no shortage of physical training here, but she didn't see many physical training along the way.

Qin Shu couldn't understand, but she followed the trend and took off her shoes and stepped on the floor with her bare feet.

After feeling the fire energy from the ground entering the meridians along the Yongquan point, Qin Shu immediately lost interest. No wonder the physical practitioners were not interested.

These fire auras may indeed be useful for ordinary monks in strengthening their bodies and tempering their meridians; but for Qin Shu, who can swim in magma, they are of little use.

Akabane and Hexin on the side also sighed, obviously not very satisfied with this intensity of fire aura.

The three of them all have fire spirit roots, and each has their own fate, and their bodies have been tempered to some extent.

But since everyone goes barefoot, they just do as the Romans do.

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