I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 1055: Refining the Zengyuan Pill

Outsiders watch the excitement, insiders watch the doorway.

And almost all the cultivators here are insiders.

As soon as Qin Shu made a move, everyone noticed it, and then they either showed a thoughtful look or nodded in agreement.

As the saying goes, a small mistake can lead to a big difference, and no one dared to say that Qin Shu's action was unnecessary.

After the three spiritual plants were sorted out, Qin Shu sat down on the refining table.

With a wave of her hand, a purple gold alchemy furnace appeared on the table.

Even if the people present did not have good things, they had seen other people's alchemy furnaces after being in Linxian City for a long time.

It was for this reason that everyone recognized Qin Shu's alchemy furnace as soon as it was taken out. This alchemy furnace must be extraordinary.

Qin Shu's expression looked very calm. Like the senior before, she first flicked a ball of fire spirit energy with her fingertips to preheat the alchemy furnace.

However, this ordinary action made the temperature of the entire third floor rise.

The cultivators on other floors could only watch Qin Shu's movements through the projection, and had not yet noticed the problem, while the cultivators on the entire third floor began to whisper.

The temperature of the fire spirit or earth fire used in normal alchemy is limited.

Even if it is a natural spiritual root, the temperature of the fire spirit cannot reach this level, so there is only one possibility, this person has refined the fire essence... or other flames.

Originally, everyone had no hope for her at all, because she was too unfamiliar. The real alchemists above the seventh level are more or less famous in the world of immortal cultivation.

Just when they thought that this was another newcomer who didn't know the height of the world, and would be thrown out of Linxian City today. Unexpectedly, as soon as she made a move, she gave all the onlookers a "slap".

Qin Shu was also refining Zengyuan Dan for the first time. She didn't care about other people's eyes at all, and stared at the alchemy furnace in front of her with concentration.

With a wave of her hand, she threw the first spiritual plant into the alchemy furnace.

She made pills a little differently from ordinary people. The temperature of her flame was a little too high. She had to extract the spirit liquid as soon as possible, otherwise the medicinal power would gradually be lost under the scorching of her flame.

Fortunately, her soul was still strong, and she extracted the essence of the spirit liquid from the spiritual plant at the fastest speed. When adding the crimson pearl grass, she carefully stared at the color of the two drops of spirit liquid, and when it darkened slightly, she threw the crimson pearl grass in without thinking.

The crimson pearl grass burned red when it met fire. With the control of Qin Shu's spiritual power, the two drops of green spirit liquid began to merge.

Everything seemed to be going well. The crowd who were originally watching the excitement also stopped thinking about it at this time, and honestly watched her movements and followed her to learn.

This female cultivator was actually a seventh-level alchemist? Could it be that some senior came here in a different form?

Everyone was full of doubts. The pills in Qin Shu's furnace were now ready to merge.

Qin Shu has been refining pills for many years, sometimes even refining many furnaces of pills at the same time. She knows very well that if the spiritual liquid cannot be fused, it must be that the fusion conditions have not been met.

If the spiritual liquid is forcibly fused at this time, there will be a risk of exploding the furnace.

The senior had a problem with the fusion of the spiritual liquid before, otherwise he should have succeeded the last time.

But the fusion of spiritual liquid is also the most difficult step in the whole alchemy. Even the senior who has refined hundreds of furnaces of Zengyuan Pills dare not say that his next fusion will be 100% successful.

Qin Shu is open-minded. Anyway, there are three chances. You will know whether it succeeds or not after trying.

She carefully adjusted the order of fusion and the amount of fusion.

When these spiritual liquids finally showed a trend of fusion, the medicinal spiritual liquid had already begun to turn black under the scorching of the fire spirit.

Qin Shu sighed and said in her heart that it was a pity.

If she could refine Zengyuan Pills this time, she could have taken 30% of it.

She opened the furnace, and a mixture of medicinal and burnt aromas drifted in all directions.

This time, not only she felt sorry, but other cultivators also sighed.

He Xin was so anxious that she took another sip of tea, "It's just a little bit short! What a pity!"

She had already accepted Qin Shu's strength as a seventh-level alchemist, and she was proud of her.

Such a powerful female cultivator! But she grew up with him "hanging out" since childhood, how could he not be proud?

Chi Yu looked at Qin Shu from a distance, his eyes sparkling, but his tone was still calm.

"It doesn't matter, it's just a little bit short, she will succeed this time."

When she said this, He Xin also hurriedly put down the teacup and looked with her.

"It's not bad to get 20%! Come on, Shushu!"

Qin Shu calmly cleaned the residue in the alchemy furnace and opened the lid to let it cool down.

When the temperature was about right, the preheating process was skipped and the spiritual plants were thrown in one by one.

The previous quenching process was successfully passed, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Qin Shu quickly made hand gestures with both hands and sent one after another into the furnace.

With the experience of the last failure, she quickly found the trick of fusion this time. She was satisfied watching these colorful spiritual liquids gather into a ball little by little.

At this point, the next steps are much simpler, and the pill is almost a foregone conclusion.

Her seal-making technique is not very common, and the movements are fast. In the eyes of other cultivators, they almost only see a dazzling afterimage.

However, the expression of the senior who had refined the pill before changed, and he looked at Qin Shu with a thoughtful look.

When Qin Shu stopped and the temperature in the furnace gradually dropped, she smiled and stood up. With a wave of her sleeves, the lid of the furnace was opened.

A faint fragrance of elixir floated out, as if smelling it could make one live two more years.

Qin Shu's movements were faster. She casually threw out a pill bottle and put eight pills into it.

I don't know if the other cultivators saw it clearly, but Qin Shu herself saw it clearly. Among these pills, there was one top-grade, three top-grade, and the remaining four were medium-grade.

She was quite satisfied. This was the first time she refined the Zengyuan Pill, and the result was already good.

The scene was quiet for a moment, followed by cheers one after another.

Qin Shu was also welcomed into the VIP room by the waiter amid these cheers.

This time, the steward personally received her, "Senior, I am Zhao Zhe, may I ask what your name is?"

He could naturally see that Qin Shu was not very old, but in the world of immortal cultivation, whoever is more powerful is the senior.

Qin Shu also returned a salute to him, "I am Qin Zheng."

"Fellow Daoist Qin, please come in."

Qin Shu sat down with him, and under his eager gaze, handed him the bottle of elixir she had just refined.

"The elixir is here, please check it out, Fellow Daoist Zhao."

Zhao Zhe pulled out the cork, and a scent of elixir rushed into his nose. That feeling... it's not an exaggeration to say that it's refreshing.

It really deserves to be an elixir that can increase longevity.

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