I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 1056 Can you help with introductions?

Zhao Zhe scanned it with his consciousness and discovered that there was actually a top-quality pill in the bottle!

In addition, there are three top-grade ones and four mid-grade ones!

This fellow Daoist Qin is indeed a powerful person!

He had just asked all the waiters at the central teahouse, and no one had ever seen this fellow Taoist Qin before today.

Although it is possible that she has changed her appearance, this is indeed the first time she has appeared in the central teahouse, and it is also the first time she has made an elixir.

As for the flame she just used, they will never forget it if they have taken action here before.

It seemed that he was probably the high-level alchemist attracted by the city lord's discussion.

When they first released this challenge, they thought it would be great if someone could refine a low-grade Yuan-Zeng Dan, but they didn't expect that she actually made a top-grade one.

A low-grade Zengyuan Pill can extend your life by twenty years, but a top-grade pill can extend your life by forty years! Fully twice as much!

Although the difference between the two pills is only twenty years, for ordinary monks, these twenty years may be just a period of retreat.

But for those monks who are nearing the end of their lifespan, maybe they only need these twenty years before they can make a breakthrough...

Zhao Zhe re-corked the elixir bottle with excitement, then looked at Qin Shu and said: "Fellow Daoist Qin, follow the rules of our central tea house. You succeeded in refining it the second time. We will take advantage of the lottery." Sir, I will give you another 20% of the elixir. But the quality of the elixirs is different. I don’t know if you will accept the spirit stone?"

In fact, it would be better for Qin Shu to give the spirit stones directly. If she really needs any pills, she can make them herself.

What's more, she is still young now, and these longevity-increasing elixirs are completely useless to her.

Therefore, Qin Shu thought for a moment and agreed directly, "That's fine."

Zhao Zhe was a little happy. Pills like Zengyuan Pill were originally worth more, and they were often priced out of the market.

Because the monks who could afford it all went to buy better longevity elixirs, while the monks who couldn't afford it couldn't afford it at all.

Therefore, the Zengyuan Pill is somewhat useless, and there are few high-level monks willing to refine it.

But even so, those seniors who have taken all the longevity-increasing elixirs, but the potency of the elixirs does not stack up, and it is useless to take the elixirs repeatedly, so they can only spend some spiritual stones to buy these insignificant twenty years.

Qin Shu sat on her seat and drank a cup of tea. The tea served to her this time was obviously better than the tea she ordered outside.

She could feel a chill as soon as she entered the room, and the mental energy she spent refining the elixir suddenly dissipated at this moment.

After a while, someone came back with weak water and spiritual stones.

These pills were enough to exchange for 35,000 top-quality spiritual stones for Qin Shu. She put the things into the storage bracelet with satisfaction. When she was about to stand up and leave, she was stopped by Zhao Zhe again.

"Senior, are you here for the competition at the City Lord's Mansion that will be held soon?"

Qin Shu nodded and looked at Zhao Zhe with an incomprehensible look.

Zhao Zhe smiled and said, "You must have heard that the theme of this city lord's palace competition is longevity. Since you can refine the Zengyuan Pill, it also shows your strength. I can help introduce the city lord to you. know."

Qin Shu thought for a while and finally rejected his kindness.

"Thank you, but I don't think it's necessary. We will meet each other naturally when the competition comes."

She didn't come here for the city lord, she just wanted the second-place reward - the "Spiritual Power Conservation Method".

Seeing that she refused, Zhao Zhe couldn't say anything more, so he just sent her back in person.

Qin Shu returned to her original seat and saw He Xin and Chi Yu surrounded by a group of people.

Akabane folded his arms, with a cold face, as if he should avoid strangers.

On the contrary, He Xin boasted to everyone with a smile on his face, "Of course my sister is amazing, you ask where we come from? Of course we are from the Beast Control Sect!"

When she said this, everyone didn't quite believe it, "Why don't you, the Beast Control Sect, see your spiritual pet?"

"The three of us have one big spiritual pet, one is shy, and the other is violent. There are many people here, so it would be bad if we accidentally hurt someone." He Xin rambled without blinking.

Someone asked again, "How come your Beast Control Sect can still make elixirs?"

He Xin chuckled, "What's the point of knowing how to make alchemy? My sister can also draw talismans! Just slap a piece of paper with talismans on your body, and you can't even use half of your cultivation..."

Qin Shu couldn't help but twitch her lips and moved a little faster.

If he didn't hurry over and interrupt her, who knows what more outrageous things He Xin would say, and even he wouldn't be able to listen anymore...

As soon as Qin Shu approached, Chi Yu noticed it, and He Xin reacted belatedly and looked towards Qin Shu.

"Hey! Azheng! You're back!" He Xin waved to Qin Shu enthusiastically.

Qin Shu couldn't hold back the smile in her heart when she heard her name.

She was quite clever and even helped cover her little vest.

Qin Shu sat down between He Xin and Chi Yu, and the monks who were watching started asking questions.

"Are you really a monk of the Beast Control Sect? Our sect is a vassal sect of the Beast Control Sect. I wonder if Senior can add some spiritual energy."

"Senior, don't add him, add me! I have a lot of high-level spiritual plants on hand. If you need them, you can ask me to exchange them."

"Senior! My father is getting older and he wants to spend a lot of money to buy a Yuan-Zeng Dan!"

There were all kinds of things. Qin Shu waited until her ears were a little quieter before adding the Taoist friend who had stockpiled high-level spiritual plants and introducing the cultivator who bought Zengyuan Dan for her father to Nishang Pavilion.

Seeing more and more cultivators coming to the third floor, Qin Shu gradually couldn't hold on any longer, so she gave He Xin and Chi Yu a look.

The two immediately understood and got up and left first.

When they left the door, Qin Shu moved and jumped out of the window directly.

She was so fast that these little cultivators couldn't catch up with her.

She turned a corner and found that no one was following her, so she breathed a sigh of relief.

Unexpectedly, when she looked up, there was a person standing in front of her.

This person's cultivation had reached the peak of the out-of-body state, which was higher than Qin Shu's. He looked familiar. He was the one who had just refined the elixir before Qin Shu.

Qin Shu frowned, and for a moment she couldn't tell whether he was here with bad intentions or not.

Could it be that he was unhappy because he had obtained the Weak Water?

But he should also know that he alone could not take the Weak Water from him.

Just as Qin Shu was guessing wildly in her heart, the cultivator in front of them erected a soundproof shield around them and said, "My friend, don't panic. My name is Tai'an. I saw you refining the elixir today and you looked like an old friend, so I followed you."

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