I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 1060: No matter what she looks like, I like her

Qin Shu squinted at him, snorted coldly, and asked in a deep voice: "How many pieces are there? Don't you know?"

The shopkeeper smiled bitterly, "To be honest, our blind bottle business is pretty good. I really don't know who opened these things."

Qin Shu said directly: "Where did you find these fragments? I want to see who is doing these shameful things!"

The shopkeeper was almost suffocated by Qin Shu's pressure, "I'll tell you! Daoist friend, these things are all collected by me in the fishing village in the north. They are surrounded by mountains and rivers, and occasionally there are some good things. I went there before to collect the inner pills of several sea monsters, and these fragments were given to me by them."

Qin Shu then let go of him , and asked, "How many pieces did they give you in total?"

The shopkeeper frowned and thought, "If I remember correctly, there should be only three pieces."

Qin Shu let him go, and just as she turned to leave, she suddenly stopped and said, "By the way."

The shopkeeper, who had just breathed a sigh of relief, suddenly felt his heart lift again. He smiled bitterly and bowed to Qin Shu, "Daoyou, do you have any other instructions?"

Qin Shu smiled at him friendly, "Do you recycle porcelain bottles?"

Shopkeeper: "..."

The waiter who witnessed everything: "..."

Until Qin Shu left with the porcelain bottle in his pocket in exchange for three medium-grade spirit stones, the shopkeeper and the waiter looked at each other, and both of them had expressions that the other party could not understand.

The shopkeeper asked, "Is this the sucker you mentioned? He can't even afford to buy a bottle."

The waiter said, "You should save money and spend money where you can. Spiritual stones should be used where they matter. This is the way of cultivation for today's cultivators."

The shopkeeper suddenly realized and warned, "Don't put fragments in these porcelain bottles in the future. Who would have thought that these little toys played by low-level cultivators would also be played by those powerful people... This one has a good temper today. If we run into someone with a bad temper in the future, I'm afraid our shop won't be able to operate."

"Yes, I'll remember that."

The shopkeeper waved his hand and signaled him to go about his business.

He looked at the direction where Qin Shu left outside the door and gradually tasted something.

Although the cultivator said that he didn't like the things he put in, he kept talking about the fragments.

It can be seen that... the other party must have discovered what the fragments were.

When he got these three pieces, he also tried to restore their original appearance, but these three pieces were completely unrelated and he couldn't piece anything together.

He also tried to inject spiritual energy into these pieces, but there seemed to be some strange negative power hidden in these pieces.

He tried it roughly, but was afraid that it would affect his Tao heart, so he quickly took it away to deal with it.

The best way to deal with these things is to open the blind bottle. If you lose it, it will be worthless; but if you use it to open the blind bottle, that piece can also be exchanged for a medium-grade spiritual stone.

He just felt guilty for a moment, because he was afraid that someone would discover the abnormality in the fragment.

The female cultivator came to look for it deliberately just now, so she must know something. So did she discover the power contained in it that was enough to bewitch people?

If she did, why did she look for it so actively...

Could it be... she is actually an evil cultivator?

Evil cultivators are fine, but I'm afraid she is actually a demon cultivator...

The shopkeeper thought again and again, and finally took out the communication jade slip and sent a message to the City Lord's Mansion.


Qin Shu left the shop and did not go directly to the fishing village mentioned by the shopkeeper, but went back to give the transformation pill to Sang Ze.

"When Xiaoxiao wakes up, you give her this pill." Qin Shu urged.

Sang Ze frowned and asked, "Isn't she good now? She's so cute?"

Qin Shu was also stunned by his question.

She always thought it was good for monsters to transform into human form, but now it seems that it doesn't have to be so.

Qin Shu thought again and again, and finally looked at Sang Ze and said solemnly: "You give this pill to Xiaoxiao, it's her choice. No matter what she looks like, I like her."

Sang Ze smiled at the corner of his lips, "Okay, I will tell you."

Qin Shu took the time to refine two more furnaces of high-level pills in the house. High-level pills require more mental energy, so Qin Shu can't refine multiple furnaces of pills at the same time, and the amount of pills is much less than before.

Until dusk fell, Qin Shu put away the second furnace of elixirs, stretched her waist, and got up to find Chiyu and He Xin.

"According to what I found, there are alchemy experiences left by the predecessors on the Willow Bank Corridor. But whether you can see it depends on whether you have a fate with those predecessors. It is also because of this that the Willow Bank Corridor is also the most lively place in the entire Linxian City." He Xin was in high spirits and popularized the strategy she found with her two little sisters.

Qin Shu couldn't blame the crowds there, even if she heard this, she wanted to try her luck.

Since she started to make elixirs, only the eldest and second brothers have taught her once or twice, and she has been self-taught at other times.

Although she has a master now, she is more like a wild way.

Thinking of this, Qin Shu secretly made a note of her master in her heart, and when she returns, she must let him give her some pointers!

However, this is all later, and she still has to go to the Willow Bank Corridor to take a look.

This time they went out without wearing shoes, and it was quite comfortable to walk barefoot on the warm ground.

Following the bustling crowd, the three of them also came to the rumored Willow Bank Corridor.

Along the lakeside, there is a long corridor with dark red pillars and weeping willows by the river reflected in the lake.

The wind blew gently, rippling the lake water, and the willow branches also disturbed the moon in the water.

The crowd walked up the corridor one by one, and occasionally there seemed to be a flash of light, and there would be a burst of envious eyes around.

Qin Shu and the other two also followed the crowd up. I heard that when you go up the corridor, just walk on your own, don't go with others, otherwise you may disturb your own or others' opportunities.

It is precisely because of this that the three of them are more serious than ever.

After going up the corridor, they were also dispersed by the crowd. Qin Shu looked at the poems inscribed on the pillars and the lanterns hanging on both sides.

Everything is very beautiful, but after walking around, there is no reaction.

Surprisingly... No one is destined to be with her?

Qin Shu felt a little regretful, but she also knew that chance was something that could not be forced.

She walked down from the corridor and saw Chiyu waiting on the side.

The two looked at each other, shrugged, and showed a helpless look, and they both understood.

"It doesn't matter, how can the fate in this world be occupied by us alone?" Chiyu said with his arms folded and a smile.

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