I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 1061: Sharing Opportunities

Qin Shu nodded slightly. The young senior sister was right. There are too many opportunities in this world, and it is impossible for them to always fall on her.

Therefore, you have to be calm about this kind of thing.

They waited for a while, and seeing that He Xin hadn't come back yet, they looked at each other and realized again.

It seems that He Xin should have encountered an opportunity.

"This girl is lucky." Akabane said with emotion.

Qin Shu nodded, "I would rather she always have good luck."

He Xin was the first friend she met when she entered the world of immortal cultivation. She was wary of this world at first. It was only after getting along with her and many of her fellow disciples that she began to accept the world bit by bit.

Qin Shu leaned against the big willow tree on the shore. Chiyu stood beside her with his arms folded. The two chatted about Qin Shu's cultivation.

After about half an hour, He Xin's voice came from the veranda on the opposite side of the water.

"Shu Shu! Little senior sister!"

Qin Shu and Chi Yu turned around and saw He Xin standing behind the railing opposite, waving to them.

Seeing the two people looking over, she simply climbed over the railing and flew toward the shore on tiptoe.

As soon as she landed, she heard her excitedly saying: "Guess what? I just met an opportunity! Oh my god, this is the first time I encountered such an opportunity without any danger at all."

When He Xin said this, he was really feeling emotional in his heart.

She has been practicing for many years, and her luck can be good or bad.

She would encounter some opportunities almost every time she went out, but almost all of them were opportunities that she could not get based on her strength, which was very frustrating.

This time, the opportunity for alchemy was good. When she touched a lantern under the corridor, she suddenly seemed to be pulled into some kind of illusion.

Countless things were injected into her mind at this moment. After careful study, she discovered that she had many pill recipes and specific alchemy techniques in her mind.

Akabane smiled and praised her, "Isn't this good luck? It will get better and better in the future."

He Xin chuckled and said, "What are you talking about? If I am lucky, am I lucky that you are also lucky?"

"How do you say this?" Akabane asked.

He Xin directly took out a blank jade slip and put it on his forehead. After a moment, he handed the jade slip to them.

"Now, take a look at what you just learned."

Qin Shu: "?"

Can it still be like this?

Opportunities shared?

Qin Shu touched her chin and started thinking.

In this case, they might be able to form a group for common progress.

You can also share with them the elixirs you have learned before, as well as some cultivation techniques, which can be used to make progress together.

Qin Shu thought so and did the same.

In the early morning of the next day, when the two of them opened their eyes from their trance, they saw a long message on the jade slip sent by Qin Shu.

The prescription for the elixir was handwritten by her, and the annotations were phonetic, including some techniques for tempering the meridians, etc.

If these methods were applied to the outside world, they would be enough to support a small eighteenth-tier sect.

Neither of them was polite to Qin Shu. Since she dared to teach, they naturally dared to learn.

At the bottom of this pile of information, there is a message from Qin Shu, "You guys have to watch it first. I have something to go out today. Let's see you later."

He Xin subconsciously asked, "What are we going to do? Do you need help?"

Qin Shu had already left Linxian City at this time, "Go fishing."

He Xin: "?"

I don’t know if she thought too much, but for a while she couldn’t tell whether Qin Shu was really going fishing or pretending to go fishing.

But she also knew that Qin Shu had no intention of going into details, maybe she just didn't want to tell them for the time being.

That's okay, everyone has secrets, and her sisters are made up of secrets.

Qin Shu flew in the air, leaving only a black mark in the air for a short period of time, which might not even be noticed if one was not strong enough.

Before the sun had fully risen, she had already arrived at the small fishing village that the store had mentioned before.

The fishing village was bustling in the early morning, but it was not the same as Qin Shu imagined.

The pier was crowded with people, but no boat could get out.

The noise was loud, Qin Shu's consciousness wrapped around it, and she vaguely made out the general idea.

It was the people from the City Lord's Mansion who came. They surrounded the pier and did not allow anyone to go out to sea.

It is said that someone reported to the city lord's palace that there were demons near their fishing village.

Qin Shu frowned briefly when she heard this. How could the demon clan... have penetrated even here? But she didn't feel the presence of demonic energy? What the hell is going on.

Or is it actually a demon king-level existence that comes this time? If this is really the case, the guards of the City Lord's Mansion cannot stop them.

Qin Shu was just thinking about coming back another day when she heard someone scolding: "That female cultivator! What are you doing sneakily there?!"

Qin Shu turned around, glanced at the monk who asked the question, and showed him the fishing rod she was carrying on her shoulder.

"I came to fish, and it seemed like something happened today? So I was wondering if I should go back first." Qin Shu said.

The guard looked her over from head to toe and said, "Since you're here, go and get checked!"

Qin Shu thought about it but didn't resist. She was not a demon herself, so there was no harm in checking.

She walked into the crowd and saw what their so-called inspection was about.

Qin Shu thought they had the ability to detect the demonic energy at first, but later she realized that they were checking the magic tools and storage space on their bodies.

Most of the fishermen here were low-level cultivators, and they didn't have any good things on them, but the spirit stones and sea monster inner core they had saved with great difficulty were all robbed by these guards.

Qin Shu frowned, was she encountering a real-life version of bandits?

Just as she was struggling over whether to help the injustice, a familiar female voice sounded in front of her.

"Aren't you checking for demonic energy? Why are you touching other people's spirit stones?"

Qin Shu looked in the direction of the voice and saw a slender figure wearing plain clothes, with a strand of long hair tied into a bun on top of her head, and the rest of her hair hanging loosely to her waist.

Qin Shu was startled, this... isn't this...

A Ling?

When they parted, she took Liu Cheng away, and A Ling walked alone in the world of immortal cultivation, and told her that they would meet again if they were destined.

Now, after more than 20 years, she didn't expect that this fate would finally come true.

Ah Ling could be kind once, so she could be kind again.

Qin Shu sighed. If these spirits were not contaminated by the world, they would actually practice faster.

Ah Ling, who was hurt by humans, still gave back her kindness to the human race.

The guard on the opposite side glanced at her with disdain and said casually: "There is demonic energy on these spirit stones!"

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