Qin Shu looked serious, not joking at all.

She knew that although Ah Shan had a high level of cultivation, his mind was still very simple and straightforward, and he did not beat around the bush with her.

Ah Shan nodded after hearing what Qin Shu said, she knew her own body best.

It must be said that Qin Shu said that she trusted Qin Shu two more points.

She looked up at Qin Shu, with a strange light in her eyes, "Do I have any other questions?"

Qin Shu pursed her lips and said bluntly: "The meridians are blocked."

For cultivators, blocked meridians are a big problem, no wonder she burned her boats and followed me to the shore.

Originally thought that she was relying on her superior strength and fearless; now I understand it completely.

She was actually a broken jar, and her meridians were blocked, and her high cultivation was wasted.

I thought I brought a big guy to the shore, but I didn't expect... now, apart from her strong physique, she may not even be a match for He Xin.

Seeing that Qin Shu pointed this out, Ah Shan simply asked directly: "Do you have a solution?"

Qin Shu thought for a moment, and then continued: "We have to wait until the black fragments are taken out."

Ah Shan nodded in response. She was simple-minded. Anyway, Qin Shu had a solution, so she would rely on her.

Qin Shu didn't know what Ah Shan was thinking at the moment, and was thinking about which acupuncture point to seal to ensure that there would not be too much bleeding.

After she planned everything, she looked at Ah Shan in front of her solemnly and said: "Let's get started."

Ah Shan nodded, "Then I should... lie down now?"

Qin Shu was silent, "Don't fish want to stay in the water?"

Ah Shan glanced at the only basin in the room and shrugged, "My body is a little big."

Qin Shu thought of the half fish eye she had seen in the sea before, and was silent again.

Her body... is more than a little big...

It didn't take long for the human race to learn humility.

Qin Shu thought for a moment, "If you are in human form, can you maintain it?"

Ashan nodded, "It should be no problem."

Qin Shu glanced at the sky outside, raised her hand and set up a protective shield in the room.

Looking back, she saw that Ashan was already lying on the bed.

She was quite self-conscious.

Qin Shu muttered a few words in a low voice, walked over to take out two pills and handed them to Ashan.

"You..." Before she could finish her words, Ashan raised his head and swallowed the pills.

Qin Shu: "..."

"You didn't even ask what the pills were for? Just eat them like this?"

Are all fish monsters so simple?

Ashan lay on the bed, her long hair scattered on the pillow, half hanging down by the bed.

She stared straight into Qin Shu's eyes and asked, "Will you hurt me?"

Qin Shu choked, of course she wouldn't, but where did she get such heavy trust?

Ashan grinned, and the fish scales on her face became sparkling with her emotional fluctuations.

Then she continued, "It doesn't matter. My meridians are blocked and my mind is about to collapse. Whether you harm me or not, the outcome is the same for me."

The room was silent for a moment. Qin Shu came back to her senses and nodded, "Don't talk too much, it's time to get started."

Ashan's eyes gradually narrowed, "I'm sleepy."

"If you're sleepy, go to sleep."

Qin Shu's voice was a little low, and as soon as she finished speaking, Ashan fell asleep.

Qin Shu looked at her sleeping face, raised her hand and pressed the acupoints on her body twice, and then turned her wrist, and a purple jade sword appeared in her hand.

In the dim room, if this scene fell into the eyes of an uninformed person, she would definitely think she was going to do something wrong.

Qin Shu raised her empty left hand and placed it on Ashan's abdomen. The spiritual energy seeped in little by little, and finally determined the position to start.

She gave Ashan two pills, one was an anesthetic and the other was a hemostatic.

Taking two pills together will have a better effect.

No matter how Qin Shu torments Ah Shan now, she will not wake up for a while.

Qin Shu lifted Ah Shan's clothes, pointed at the position on her abdomen with her hands, and then raised the Zixiao White Jade Sword, using a little spiritual power...

Feeling the power of the sword tip, she couldn't help but click her tongue twice.

If she didn't have the Zixiao White Jade Sword, she might not be able to break Ah Shan's defense.

Compared with the human race, the demon race really has a huge advantage in terms of physique.

Even with the effect of the hemostatic pill, plus Qin Shu's acupuncture points in advance, such a large wound will still bleed.

What Qin Shu has to do is to take out the black fragments in her abdomen as quickly as possible. The location is found in advance, but because the black fragments have been integrated with Ah Shan's flesh and blood, it will take more effort to take them out.

Qin Shu used the Zixiao White Jade Sword to dig for a long time, and did not forget to use the wood spirit to help Ah Shan recover a little.

Finally, the black fragment was completely taken out by her.

Qin Shu quickly threw two dead wood springs at her, and watched her flesh and blood heal bit by bit, then she stopped.

It would take some time for the black fragments to heal completely, but since they have been taken out, it will be much easier next time.

While Ah Shan was still asleep, Qin Shu used purple spiritual energy to help her remove some of the evil left by the black fragments.

Finally, she stopped, raised her hand and pinched a cleaning spell to restore the house to its original state.

She tidied Ah Shan's clothes, covered her with a quilt, and walked over to open the window.

At this time, the sky outside was almost bright. Qin Shu retracted her sight and looked down at the fragment in her hand.

This fragment was as big as her palm. Ah Shan must have suffered a lot over the years.

Ah Shan opened her eyes only when the sky was completely bright.

After regaining consciousness, she subconsciously looked around. Finally, her consciousness fell on Qin Shu, and she breathed a sigh of relief.

She looked inward to check her physical condition and found that the black fragment that had troubled her for a long time was gone. Her emotions fluctuated a little, and even the meridians in her body began to vibrate.


The pain made her gasp, and also attracted the attention of Qin Shu who was checking the jade slip.

She looked up at Ah Shan, "Are you awake?"

Ah Shan nodded, "Yes."

Qin Shu was relieved a little, "You should rest well in the next two days. The meridian problem will be dealt with after you are completely well."

At this point, Ah Shan still felt a little unreal.

The fragment was taken out so quickly? The problem that had troubled her for years was solved just like that?

If it could be taken out by cutting open her abdomen, she would have taken it out long ago, but the problem was that it was difficult to remove.

Qin Shu stretched lazily, "It's dawn, you rest first, I'll go open a new room."

She wanted to find a suitable pill recipe, and let Ah Shan rest on his own.

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