I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 1068 Our family wants to dig a well

She had sorted out all the recipes given to her by the housekeeper of the City Lord's Mansion. The familiar and the unfamiliar ones were all on it. It could be called a complete list of longevity pills.

Unfortunately, Qin Shu couldn't find a recipe that was not on it for a while.

After thinking it over, she finally set her sights on the jade pendant her mother gave her.

The space of the jade pendant also contained many recipes. She wondered if she could find some ancient recipes from it.

She opened a new room and immersed her consciousness in the jade pendant. She searched for a whole day and checked almost all the recipes.

In the end, she really found a recipe to increase lifespan.

Jiubao Tianyi Pill.

This pill is a seventh-grade pill, but the difficulty of refining it is as high as the eighth grade.

The required medicinal materials are also very rare. One of them, the Heart of Water Essence, made Qin Shu dumbfounded.

Could it be... it means literally?

Qin Shu thought of A Ling and then thought about the Heart of Water Essence.

Forget it, it doesn't matter if this spiritual power maintenance method is not used.

She put away the jade pendant, sent a message to He Xin and Chi Yu, and went out again.

Since she could find the recipe, others might be able to find it too, so she had to go find A Ling to remind him.

When Qin Shu arrived at the fishing village, A Ling was leading the villagers to rebuild their homes.

The compensation from the City Lord's Mansion had already been paid, and they also used the compensation to hire someone to set up a formation. The level was not high, but at least it was a guarantee.

Qin Shu called A Ling out. Seeing her coming again, A Ling quickly asked her, "Did the City Lord's Mansion make things difficult for you?"

Qin Shu shook her head, "Those guards didn't come here under the orders of the City Lord's Mansion. They have their own selfish motives."

A Ling nodded, and Qin Shu quickly said, "By the way, I came here to tell you something important."

As soon as she said this, A Ling also straightened his expression, "Shu Shu, just tell me."

"I found a pill formula two days ago that has the effect of increasing life span."

As soon as Qin Shu said this, A Ling's face became more puzzled, "Isn't this just right? Isn't the City Lord's Mansion looking for this?"

Qin Shu's next words were all transmitted to her, "Then the pill formula is Jiubao Tianyi Dan, one of the medicinal ingredients is the heart of the water spirit. "

A Ling's face gradually darkened, and Qin Shu hurriedly said: "A Ling, I don't mean to hurt you, but since I can find this recipe, others may also find it, you must... protect yourself. "

A Ling's face eased slightly, "It doesn't matter, no one knows my identity. "

Qin Shu shook her head, "When you made a move that day, you were actually exposed. A Ling, if someone pays attention, they will find it. It's not advisable to stay here for a long time..."

Qin Shu persuaded earnestly, she didn't know what kind of "genius" could come up with such a method, using the life of the water spirit to exchange for a short sixty years?

A Ling thought seriously for a moment, and finally nodded, "Shu Shu, thank you for your reminder. I will take them to rebuild the fishing village and leave here. "

Qin Shu nodded, thought about it, and gave her a thousand-mile teleportation talisman and a sound transmission talisman.

"A Ling, please accept these two talismans. If you need any help, please let me know."

A Ling declined Qin Shu's kindness. Qin Shu directly stuffed the two talismans into her hands, and then moved and left.

A Ling looked at the direction Qin Shu left, shook her head helplessly, but a smile appeared on the corner of her lips.

No wonder people often say that someone who helps you once may help you a second time.

She carefully put away the two talismans Qin Shu gave her, and then turned to enter the village.

As soon as she entered the village, a little boy ran over, "Sister, our family wants to dig a well..."

A Ling touched her head and followed her.

As soon as she walked away, a figure appeared at a corner, looked at her, and turned to leave the village.


A Ling followed the little boy to his home, and his whole family surrounded him.

"Miss A Ling, thanks to you. If it weren't for you, we would have to go far away to fetch water."

"Yes, can we really dig a well in our family?"

"Someone had seen it before and said that it was impossible to dig a well in our village."


The family was talking at once, and it was very lively.

A Ling smiled, "The water veins will change. It was impossible to dig a well before, but it is possible now."

"Then in your opinion, where is the best place for us to dig this well? The front yard or the back yard?"

A Ling thought for a moment and said, "Let's dig it in the back yard."

She raised her hand and touched the little head of the child beside her, smiling gently, "You have a child at home, so it's better to dig the well in the back yard."

Not everyone has water spirit roots, and this child doesn't. If he accidentally falls in, it will cause a disaster.

"Okay, okay, I'll listen to you!"

"You are still thoughtful."


Soon they determined the location of the well and started digging.

That night, Ah Ling just returned to the courtyard where she stayed, and she keenly sensed the unusual fluctuations of spiritual energy around her.

She subconsciously took a step back, but found that there was also a fluctuation behind her.

She turned her head and saw three people standing behind her.

Her expression changed, and when she turned her head again, she saw three more people in front of her.

She was startled and instantly thought of what Qin Shu said before.

She secretly cried out in her heart that it was not good, stared at the six people vigilantly, and asked sternly: "Who are you!"

While asking questions, a thousand-mile teleportation talisman quietly appeared in her hand.

She had just made a gesture, and before the teleportation talisman burned, she was interrupted by a spell.

Ah Ling looked very ugly. She wanted to send a message to Qin Shu, but she suppressed the thought as soon as it flashed through her mind.

It was not appropriate. There were six of them. If Qin Shu came here, she might be implicated.

The water spirit around her began to surge. With the fishy wind from the seashore, large pieces of raindrops containing water spirit power fell from the sky like bullets.

The originally lively fishing village was very quiet at this time. Everything was abnormal.

The only thing that can be confirmed is that these six people came prepared.

Ah Ling knew that she could not confront them head-on, and she had to find a way to get out.

She was a water spirit, transformed by heaven and earth. The moves she used did not require any spells at all, and she moved entirely by her mind.

After the storm, another cloud of water mist rose.

The mist had a deceptive effect, and she originally wanted to use it to escape, but she didn't expect that just as she retreated to the edge of the mist, a sword would stab her in the face.

Ah Ling's expression changed, and she quickly dodged to the side, and a sword formation lit up where she landed.

Her expression became even uglier, and just as her fingertips touched her heart, she found that there was another sword wind coming from behind.

However, this time the sword wind was not coming towards her.

The huge sword blade slashed towards the sword formation in front of her, and Ah Ling was shocked and hurriedly looked back.

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