I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 1070 A redundant memory

Ah Ling raised her head and looked at Qin Shu, and heard Qin Shu continue to say: "Ashan said, she picked up that bone and carried it with her all her life. Maybe you are the one who owns that bone." The true master.”

Ah Ling looked at Ashan and saw Ashan nodded, "Perhaps, I just want to give this bone to you. It is really useless to keep this bone here with me."

Ah Ling's lips gradually pursed into a straight line, "But... what is this bone?"

Qin Shu curled her lips and shrugged, "What the hell? You can't hide it forever. Maybe you'll know it after a while?"

Ah Ling seemed to be convinced by her, and her frown relaxed a little.

Qin Shu glanced at the sunshine outside the window and stretched.

"Calculating the time, there are only a few days left for the alchemy competition. I have to figure out what kind of elixir to make, so I won't accompany you."

Ah Ling looked at her, "But you don't need..."

Qin Shu raised her hand to stop her next words, "A Ling, there will be more than one way to achieve what you want. Just keep your heart in mind. You don't need to worry about this."

Ah Ling gradually calmed down as she looked at Qin Shu's vow.

Qin Shu looked away from them and left. She didn't say this to fool A Ling, but she really had a way.

Seven days passed by in a flash, during which time Ashan's abdominal wound had almost recovered.

However, her meridians were severely damaged, so Qin Shu helped her repair them for several days.

Now that one meridian has just been repaired, the smile on Ashan's face has become richer.

"If you want to completely repair your meridians, I'm afraid it will take a long time..." Qin Shu sighed.

Ashan was a little indifferent, "Hasn't this been repaired successfully? Our demon race has a long lifespan, and I can afford to wait for this time."

Qin Shu laughed when she heard this. Her mentality was really not a good one.

"That's fine. It's just that after I finish our discussion, I'm about to leave here. Do you want to leave with me?" Qin Shu asked.

Ashan thought for a while and asked, "Why not?"

She cannot leave the water for a long time, as long as she finds a place to replenish the water vapor in her body in time when it is exhausted.

When Qin Shu heard what she said, she knew what her next plan was and she felt a little calmer.

"You and A-Ling stay at the inn. Don't go out. I'll go to the city lord's mansion to sign up." Qin Shu was still telling them before leaving.

Ah Ling's family knew about her family affairs. She knew that there were people outside waiting to arrest her, and she needed time to digest the sudden extra memories in her mind, so she honestly agreed.

Ashan didn't like to go out even more. She was just a fish. Just looking at the scorching sun outside made her skin feel tight all over her body.

After Qin Shu left, Ashan looked at A Ling beside him and asked, "Can I borrow some water?"

Ah Ling was originally a kind-hearted person, and she always felt that she owed Ashan. As soon as Ashan took a bite, he was wrapped in rich water vapor.

Ah Shan was extremely satisfied. If Ah Ling followed Qin Shu, she wouldn't even have to look for water.

At this time, Qin Shu had arrived outside the city lord's palace, and there was a long queue outside, all of them were alchemists.

Qin Shu actually saw a few familiar faces here, all of whom were disciples of their Xuantianmen Alchemy Sect.

Qin Shu was now using a different form, but these fellow disciples did not recognize her.

She walked over and filled in her information and directly signed up for elixirs of grade seven or above. Even the attitude of the registered monks was much more respectful than at the beginning.

Qin Shu held the token of successful registration with a determined smile on her face.

She couldn't make elixirs to increase longevity, but she could make elixirs to increase cultivation.

As long as he can make a breakthrough, his longevity will naturally increase.

But it’s just the same approach but the same result.

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