I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 1071: Hidden God Sect

After being attacked by the guards before, the city lord's mansion owed Qin Shu a favor.

Qin Shu took advantage of this favor and asked the housekeeper about the city lord's cultivation level.

The cultivation level of the city lord of Linxian City should be at the peak of the out-of-body stage, one step away from the god-transformation stage.

Linxian City is mostly populated by alchemists. There are very few spiritual veins here and the spiritual energy is not strong. Therefore, no high-level monks above the god transformation stage are interested in this place. After so many years, it is still relatively stable.

Qin Shu glanced at the token in her hand, put it away, and walked towards the waiting crowd not far away.

Most of the cultivators in the world of immortality are monks who only care about themselves, but there are still a few who come over to greet Qin Shu familiarly.

"Fellow Taoist, are you here to compete too?"

The person who spoke was a little Taoist priest with a round face. He had a smile on his face when he spoke, and he looked very lovable.

Qin Shu had nothing to do, so she started chatting with him.

"Yes, I just signed up, you too?"

"Hehe, that must be the case. They have collected all the elixirs they made and bought them at a price that is 10% higher than the market price. I will try my luck. I should be out of luck with those winnings, but let's take a look. How others refine elixirs is also progress."

After he said this, he smiled, looked at Qin Shu and asked, "Fellow Taoist, what about you? What level of alchemist are you?"

Qin Shu said with a humble face: "There are people outside the world here, and there is a sky outside the sky. No matter how many grades there are, I'm afraid they won't be enough to see."

As soon as her words came out, it caused a resonance.

"Yes! I have met quite a few high-level alchemists at the central teahouse these days, and now I don't even dare to talk nonsense when I come here. It was only now that I saw how kind my Taoist friend was, that I dared to come and chat with you."

After saying that, he suddenly realized something. He looked at Qin Shu in surprise and asked, "Fellow Taoist, are you also a high-level senior?"

Qin Shu smiled and shook her head, "No way, I'm here to learn too."

The man then breathed a sigh of relief, and the two of them said a few more words. They learned that the monk's name was Zhou Su, and he came from a small sect called Shenyin Sect. Their entire sect totaled only more than thirty people. Monk.

Looking at Qin Shu's expression, Zhou Su also smiled, "Our sect is very small, right? I think so too, but to me, our sect is like a family. According to Master, It snowed heavily that year, and I was abandoned by my parents in the woods. It was my senior brother who went out to collect medicines who found me and picked me up..."

Qin Shu felt very warm when she heard him talking about their sect.

Zhou Su talked for a long time, then suddenly stopped and smiled, "I just talk a lot, which makes you laugh."

Qin Shu found it very interesting. She had been immersed in practice for so many years, and her whole body was like a tight bow. Listening to his pleasant daily life, she felt a bit popular.

She could also suddenly understand why monks like to enter the world during the bottleneck period. Experiencing the fireworks of the world is also a part of refining the mind.

"It doesn't matter, it sounds interesting to me." Qin Shu smiled.

Seeing that Qin Shu was not impatient, Zhou Su started chatting with her again.

"My master is an alchemist, but I have never seen him make alchemy. However, he taught me how to make alchemy. Unfortunately, I am not good at it, and he has discredited me."

Qin Shu shrugged and said, "I have never seen my master making elixirs."

When she reaches the level of her master, she rarely starts refining elixirs anymore, and the refining of high-level elixirs is the most taboo for anyone to disturb them, so they usually have no chance to watch.

After hearing what Qin Shu said, Zhou Su raised his eyebrows and said, "You haven't seen it either?"

Qin Shu nodded, "It's normal. If someone is watching, it will definitely distract you. It would be a huge waste to refine even one of those high-grade elixirs."

Zhou Su was startled, then smiled after a moment, "So that's it. I was the one who got into trouble in the past. Thank you fellow Taoist for your comfort."

Qin Shu waved her hand, "These are all trivial matters. Our sect, let alone alchemy, even has no one to teach us how to practice kung fu. We all learn it by ourselves."

Zhou Su looked at her and suddenly realized something.

Qin Shu thought she had lost her horse at this moment, but she didn't expect to hear Zhou Su's excited voice right after, "I know! I know which sect you are from! You are a disciple of Xuantian Clan! Only You Xuantianmen only pay attention to self-enlightenment."

Qin Shu quietly breathed a sigh of relief and nodded, "Yes, I come from Xuantianmen."

Zhou Su glanced across the crowd and said with a smile: "You have quite a few disciples of Xuantian Clan this time!"

Speaking of this, he suddenly sighed again, "Your sect is still very lively. This time there are more than a dozen people who came anonymously, which is more than half of our sect."

Qin Shu laughed, "Your sect should have the advantage of not having too many talents, but having too few people."

Zhou Su nodded slightly, "That's right, my master is still very powerful."

He didn't elaborate on what he said next, and Qin Shu didn't ask any more questions.

At this time, Qin Shu didn't know that there would be a chance for the two of them to meet again.

In this world, some fate is not as simple as passing by.

Qin Shu leaned against a pillar and chatted with Zhou Su for a long time, when suddenly there was a sound of drums in the distance.

The two of them looked back at the same time and saw that it was the steward of the City Lord's Mansion who had divided everyone into groups.

Qin Shu looked at Zhou Su and said, "We had a great time talking today. Let's talk some other time."

Zhou Su nodded, "It's rare that someone doesn't find me annoying. Fellow Taoist, can we add spiritual energy?"

Qin Shu responded, "Okay!"

She took out the jade slip and the two happily left each other's contact information before walking towards the group.

Qin Shu glanced at the sign in front, raised her feet and walked in the direction of the seventh-level monk.

Zhou Su paused, looked at the token in his hand, then looked at the direction Qin Shu was leaving, and almost stared out of his eyes.

"Fellow Taoist, are you really a high-level alchemist?"

Qin Shu turned around and winked at him, "Don't dare to take it seriously. After all...there are people outside the world, and there is a sky outside the world."

Watching Qin Shu leave, Zhou Su raised his hand and pulled out a necklace from his clothes.

If Qin Shu were here, she would definitely recognize that the thing hanging on the necklace was another piece of transparent bone.

"Strange, why are there waves coming from this bone today?"

Zhou Su thought for a moment, raised his hand and scratched the back of his head, "Master said at the beginning that if there is any fluctuation in this bone, it means that this person has a connection with our sect? What connection could it be? Master is really true , I only said half of everything..."

Recalling the conversation with Qin Shu just now, Zhou Su was surprised to find that she actually didn't say anything, she was the one who did all the talking. From the beginning to the end, he only knew that the fellow Taoist was a disciple of the Xuantian Clan. Other than that, he didn't even know her last name.

He took his hand back, that's it, if there is really a connection, then they will definitely see each other again.

Qin Shu followed the servants of the city lord's palace to the alchemy room, only to find that each of them, high-level monks, had their own alchemy room.

Moreover, these alchemy rooms are not newly built at first glance, and there are still certain traces of use.

It can be seen from this that the city lord here also raised a group of alchemists in the past.

The boy invited them into the alchemy room, and another person gave them a jade slip explaining the situation, and then left respectfully.

Qin Shu's spiritual consciousness was injected into the jade slip, and she saw that it said that they must hand over a batch of elixirs within a month, and the longevity of the elixirs would determine the ranking in this competition.

Qin Shu couldn't help but click her tongue twice. She asked herself that she was well-informed, but she really couldn't find any other pills that could increase longevity. It would be really difficult to win this competition.

She can figure out how to increase longevity by improving her cultivation, and I'm afraid others can think of it too.

Then the next step is most likely to be a competition to see who has improved his cultivation level and the quality of his pills.

She first raised her hand to arrange a protective shield for the alchemy room, and then raised her hand to take out her alchemy furnace and spiritual plant.

After doing all this, she was not in a hurry to take action first, but took out the jade slip of communication and paid attention to the developments in the communication square.

Sure enough, wherever there are people, there is gossip.

There was already an additional voting list on the summons jade slip, and looking at the number of people participating, there were actually eight thousand people.

Qin Shu curiously went in to take a look and found that the person with the loudest voice was a Taoist priest named Julingxianshi.

This Taoist priest is a seventh-grade alchemy master. He has dozens of disciples and countless elixir recipes. He has refined many high-quality seventh-grade elixirs.

In addition, there are many gossips below.

It is said that this Taoist priest will retaliate for his anger and has a rich family. He once got into a dispute with someone over a pot of pills, so he hired someone to kill someone.

Qin Shu's brows frowned for a moment, thinking of the people who attacked A Ling in the fishing village.

Could it be this giant spirit immortal master?

She wrote down the name and then looked down.

There are a few people with louder voices below, all of whom used to refine high-grade elixirs in the central tea house.

Until she saw the sixth person, Qin Shu's expression became strange.

[Female Zengyuan Dan cultivator in black. 】

This...why does it seem like she is talking about herself?

With this code name, Meng Buding looks really strange.

I looked down again, and after the eighth place, the ones below were no longer competitive.

Qin Shu also saw that most of the people who came to participate in the competition this time were alchemists below the seventh grade.

As for the eighth-grade alchemy masters, they are all beings who stand at the pinnacle of the entire world of immortality. They should not look down on these good fortunes.

Qin Shu put away the jade slip and sent a message to the two junior sisters to explain the situation. Then she crossed her legs and calmed down and began to prepare for the alchemy.

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