Xie Shiyuan looked at the direction in which the snake was leaving, but did not catch up with it. Instead, he turned back to check on the piece of devil-conquering grass that his wife and son had worked so hard to grow.

When he saw that one-third of the Demon-Conquering Grass had been destroyed, Xie Shiyuan's brows furrowed again.

Suddenly, I felt that I had acted lightly just now.

However, the remaining two-thirds of the Demon-Conquering Grass had also absorbed a large amount of demonic energy at this time. Xie Shiyuan could clearly detect that the intensity of the demonic energy in this area had decreased a lot.

His expression brightened slightly, and with a movement of his body, a clone that looked exactly like him appeared next to her.

He raised his hand and opened the space barrier in front of him, and left this place, leaving only his clone sitting cross-legged here, waiting for the next unsightly visitor.

Qin Shu settled Xishan and the others in a new space barrier, and then walked out with Ji Duo.

Xishan looked at Qin Shu's mother and son leaving with a look of hesitation.

Why, madam, she... doesn’t want to discuss with me anymore?

He also wanted to go with his wife, but he was a subordinate after all, and he still had to obey the orders of his wife and the Lord.

Qin Shu took Ji Duo out and came to the jungle outside.

Jiduo looked at everything around her curiously, and she did not forget to stretch out her branches and leaves to help Qin Shu block the surrounding demonic plants that smelled of human scent and came towards her.

"Mom, what are we going to do next?" Ji Duo asked curiously.

Qin Shu inserted a piece of magic-reducing grass into the soil and injected a little wood spirit energy into it.

"Let's plant the magic-killing grass spread out more. This time it will be difficult for them to clear it up."

Ji Duo is an easily satisfied child. As long as he stays with his mother, he will be happy no matter what he does.

"Okay! Mom, you are responsible for planting, and Duoduo will help you clean up these evil plants that are in the way!"

Qin Shu looked at his energetic appearance and responded with a smile.

"Okay, then I'll leave it to Duoduo."

One person and one flower walked through the jungle for an unknown amount of time, and a large amount of magic grass was spread all over the jungle like dandelions.

Just when they were about to go to the next jungle, suddenly a bloody mist floated in the forest.

The strong smell of blood made Qin Shu change her expression immediately. She turned her head and looked in the direction of the blood mist.

With such a thick blood mist, someone must be on a killing spree.

But she had no way of knowing who had done it.

This is the demon world, and anyone who is corrupted by the demonic energy may become murderous.

There is so much blood mist, either because of the dispute between the two forces, or... there is a unilateral killing by a powerful person.

She only took Jiduo with her when she went out. Logically speaking, the two of them should avoid it first.

Qin Shu hugged Ji Duo back and said, "Duo Duo, let's leave here first."

Ji Duo shook the leaves on his body and shook off the blood beads adhering to his body, and then said to Qin Shu: "Mom, this is the blood of the human race."

After hearing this, Qin Shu's face suddenly turned even uglier.

Which sect monk fell into the hands of the demons?

"Let's go back first!"

At this time, the less likely we are to make any rash advances.

She took Ji Duo back to the space barrier enclosed by Xie Shiyuan. At this time, Xishan was running around anxiously, arranging his monks to prepare to go out to find Qin Shu's mother and son.

As soon as he turned around and saw Qin Shu coming back, the smile on Xishan's face suddenly rose.

"Madam! Young Master! You are finally back!"

As soon as Qin Shu saw his nervous look, she knew that they knew something about each other, so she asked, "What happened?"

When Xishan heard her question, his expression became solemn again.

"Madam, both the Luoyun Sect and the Hehuan Sect were attacked by demons. I don't know how many of the Luoyun Sect survived, but a total of thirty people from the Hehuan Sect came, and only four have escaped now."

This death rate was too high, and Qin Shu's face was also very solemn, which meant that the strength of the demons they encountered must be far greater than theirs, making it impossible for them to even escape.

"Do you know who took action?" Qin Shu asked again.

Xishan shook his head, "Luoyun Sect cannot be contacted, but according to the surviving monks of Hehuan Sect, they didn't see clearly who made the move. They only knew that they were wrapped in a mass of blood mist... They could survive Those who come down are those with high cultivation and are right on the edge of the blood mist.”

Qin Shu fell into deep thought again. Almost all the monks who came out this time were the top ones from each sect.

Twenty-six people were suddenly sacrificed, which was also a huge loss for the Hehuan Sect.

I'm just afraid that if we go back this time, our sect will fall out of the eight major sects.

But being able to kill so many high-level monks at once left them with no power to fight back...

Such an opponent must be at least level fifteen, or... is it Tan She himself who takes action?

Qin Shu exchanged the information she got with the sect's senior brothers and sisters and asked them to be careful when going out.

Just after they finished all this, there was a spatial fluctuation around them.

Qin Shu and others looked up and found that the person coming was none other than Xie Shiyuan.

Xishan quickly stepped forward and reported to him what had just happened. Xie Shiyuan looked ugly, "Where were the Hehuan Sect and Luoyun Sect attacked?"

Xishan took out the half-finished map they had drawn, pointed to the direction on it, and said to Xie Shiyuan: "Here and here."

Xie Shiyuan looked at the two directions on the map. They were not very far apart. Maybe the two sects had negotiated and could take care of each other if they encountered danger.

But no one expected that their two sects would be killed together.

Xie Shiyuan's expression was very serious. Others might not know, but Xie Shiyuan knew that these two places were not far from Tengshe's cave.

It was very likely that Tengshe took action, and Tengshe was now focused on the sacrifice flow. These people basically had no chance of survival if they met him.

Xie Shiyuan thought about it and told Xishan to order other disciples of Chongtian Palace to return to the space barrier first.

Xishan quickly accepted the order, "I will lead everyone to plant the demon-subduing grass well!"

If there is nothing to do for the time being, it is also a good idea for everyone to plant the demon-subduing grass together. Xie Shiyuan also nodded and agreed.

Then he said: "Send a message to other sects and ask them to send back all the disciples below the Fusion Stage, so that there won't be any more casualties."

If a Fusion Stage disciple encounters a demon above the 13th level, he can still fight. Even if he faces the Teng Snake, he can at least hold out for three or five rounds and wait for rescue.

But if he is below the Fusion Stage... maybe he will really become the nutrients for the Teng Snake's growth.

After Xie Shiyuan said this, Qin Shu's brows became more serious.

Above the Fusion Stage, no matter which sect he belongs to, he is the top existence. There are not many such great powers even if the eight major sects are gathered together.

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