Xishan was also surprised, but since the Lord had given the order, he just had to do it.

After Xie Shiyuan did all this, he left a clone to protect Qin Shu and her son and Xishan, and his real body left again.

Qin Shu looked at the clone in front of her and always felt a little strange.

"Big Snake, what are you doing?"

The clone who had closed his eyes to rest opened his eyes when he heard her voice, "Go beat him up."

Although he didn't say who it was, Qin Shu knew that he was going for the Teng Snake.

Qin Shu sat cross-legged, what could she do? The gap in strength between the two sides was too big. Now she was like a "Tang Monk" who was protected and couldn't get out of this circle at all.

Could it be that she really could only grow the demon-subduing grass here?

The purple spiritual energy in her body began to circulate, and her mind was full of the half-finished sacrificial formation and the blood mist that had just appeared beside her.

Just now, she was only thinking about who had taken action, but now she began to find that the blood mist seemed a little familiar?

Qin Shu opened her eyes. In order to avoid excessive speculation, she turned her head to look at Ji Duo, who was rooted obediently beside her, and asked, "Duo Duo, feel your mother's domain."

Ji Duo was stunned and could not understand her intention for a while.

But at this time, the domain on Qin Shu had already been propped up, and Ji Duo quickly stretched out a branch to feel it.

After a while, he opened his eyes and looked at Qin Shu in shock.

Then Qin Shu asked, "What? Did you find anything?"

Ji Duo was shocked and found his voice after a long time, "Mother! Mother, your domain... How is it different from just now..."

He hesitated a little, and Qin Shu knew that her guess was correct.

But she still encouraged Ji Duo to speak out, "It doesn't matter, you speak boldly, so that mother can know whether her guess is right or not."

After hearing this, Ji Duo raised the leaves and grabbed her petals, and said to Qin Shu, "Mother, the energy in the red blood mist is very similar to your domain!"

He didn't dare to say it was exactly the same, but the energy in it was indeed very similar.

Qin Shu took out the communication jade slip, found Yan Ming, and sent him a message to verify, "Xiao Ming, can you trouble me to ask your mother? Is there any legend about your Kunpeng clan's domain?"

Yan Ming did not reply immediately. Although Qin Shu was a little disappointed, she still called on everyone to plant the demon-subduing grass.

When people are busy, the wait does not seem so long.

After waiting until dark and dawn, Qin Shu sorted out the chaotic power on her body.

At this time, the chaotic power on her body and her purple spiritual energy have reached a balance state, and she can sort out these chaotic forces well with her own purple energy.

At this time, suddenly her communication jade slip sent a wave, Qin Shu hurriedly took it out and found that it was indeed sent by Yan Ming.

Qin Shu hurriedly clicked it and saw this sentence.

[Yes, the domain of the Kunpeng clan was indeed the secret method of our Kunpeng clan a long time ago, but later...in order to survive, the elders of the clan exchanged the domain of Kunpeng with them. 】

Exchanged with them?

A question mark appeared in Qin Shu's mind, and she continued to ask: [Who are they? ]

"The Protoss."

Qin Shu frowned, Tengshe was not a Protoss.

[Anything else? ]

Yan Ming paused for a moment before replying: [Maybe there is, but my mother doesn't know who it was given to. ]

Qin Shu thought for a long time, and she had a crazy guess in her mind.

[Xiao Ming, the Protoss has finally come to this point, and your Kunpeng clan has really been used thoroughly. ]

And other races may have ended up like this because of the Kunpeng clan.

The so-called sacrifice is essentially the swallowing of energy, and the Kunpeng clan is invincible among countless beasts by swallowing secrets.

If things are really as she guessed, then the Protoss really has a good plan.

Yan Ming replied very quickly, [The Gods are calculating intentionally, but the Kunpengs made mistakes step by step, and they paid the price for it. My mother asked me to tell you that if you really want to find a way to go to the upper world, you might as well think from the perspective of the Gods, and maybe you will get a glimpse of the mystery. ]

Qin Shu was stunned and asked quickly: [Auntie, do you know something? ]

Yan Ming: [If you knew, there wouldn’t be no one in the Xiuxian world who ascended for ten thousand years. Mother said that she had been thinking about it for a lifetime, but she still couldn’t figure it out. You are smart, and what she can’t do, maybe you can...]

Qin Shu was silent for a moment and replied, [Please tell Auntie, I will try my best. ]

[That would be the best. ]

Qin Shu thought about it and then asked: [I wonder if there is any way to crack that domain? ]

We can’t just let the Teng Snake swallow us all the time. If the Gods also use this domain, then knowing the cracking method in advance can also make plans in advance.

Yan Ming didn't hide this from her, mainly because it was useless to hide it from her. Kunpeng's domain... He didn't know how to do it, but Qin Shu herself inherited this aspect.

[There are only two ways, one is to break ten fasts with one force, as long as it is strong enough, both swordsmanship and magic can break that domain. ]

Qin Shu: [...]

Very good, this method can be ruled out.

Da She might be able to try, but she has no chance for the time being.

Let's see what he said about the second method first.

After a moment, there was another burst of light on the communication jade slip.

Qin Shu clicked it and saw that it was written on it:

[Second, let it absorb things it shouldn't absorb, and it might be backfired. ]


Putting away the communication jade slip, Qin Shu fell into deep thought again.

From the perspective of the gods, where would the eye be hidden?

She was puzzled, but at least she could be sure that the sacrificial blood mist used by the Teng Snake was 70% likely to be the domain of the Kunpeng clan.

As for what Yan Ming said, let it absorb things it shouldn't absorb...

What are those things it shouldn't absorb?

Perhaps... can the power of chaos be tried?

And her purple qi, and...the poison of the big snake.

Qin Shu raised her eyes and stood up, looking at the clone of Xie Shiyuan in front of her. Xishan, Jiduo and Xie Shiyuan, who were paying close attention to her, opened their eyes and looked over.

Qin Shu looked at Xie Shiyuan solemnly and said, "Maybe I have a way."

Xie Shiyuan looked at her and asked, "What way?"

Qin Shu told him the conclusion she had just found out, "If he absorbs something he shouldn't absorb, he might get backlashed."

Xie Shiyuan agreed with Qin Shu's statement, but he rejected two of the three things Qin Shu proposed that she thought would backlash on the Teng Snake.

"I'll try, don't get involved."

It's not a competition of the same level at all. Qin Shu might cause some trouble to the Teng Snake, but she would definitely pay a heavy price.

Qin Shu saw that the big snake looked serious, so she didn't act rashly and sat back.

"Try it first. If it still doesn't work, maybe we can think of another way."

When the time comes, she can make a move with the help of the big snake's space barrier, and it's not impossible to make some plans.

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