I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 1169 Fortunately, it’s not too late

Her Duoduo is good in every way, except that she is too enthusiastic about the dialogue book.

She even began to suspect that Duoduo's worldview was established by the dialogue book.

It seems that... this kid has to go out into the world in the future. How can he live in the world of dialogue books all the time?

Oh, and there are Xiaoxiao and Sangze.

These three children have been deeply poisoned by the dialogue book.

After hearing what Jiduo said, Ayang glanced at him strangely, and finally looked at Qin Shu.

Then, Qin Shu said: "I left the Kunpeng small world and practiced alone for thousands of years. In a secret realm, I met you Xuantian Taoist."

Qin Shu: "..."

How did the story develop in a direction that she couldn't understand?

Jiduo also lifted the leaves to hold the big flower plate, with a thoughtful look on his face.

"How come the Grandmaster is the one who interfered?"

As soon as these words came out, Qin Shu hurried forward and covered Ji Duo's mouth, "Children's words are not taboos, children's words are not taboos."

After that, she lifted Ji Duo's petals and reminded him twice, "Duoduo, don't talk nonsense."

Ji Duo nodded obediently, and after Qin Shu let go of her hand, she covered her mouth with two leaves.

He stopped talking nonsense, he was his mother's good boy.

Qin Shu looked at his reaction and smiled.

"You have been out of Kunpeng Small World for so many years, have you never thought of going back to find A Zhang?"

Qin Shu was not complaining for anyone, and she didn't know what relationship this person had with the Grandmaster. She just simply thought that if he was, he might really be a scumbag.

But when she mentioned A Zhang, his reaction didn't seem to be indifferent?

Is there any secret in this?

At this point, not only Ji Duo was curious, but Qin Shu also became curious.

A Yang smiled bitterly, "Why don't I want to go back? A Zhang died, she died!"

Qin Shu was stunned. At this moment, she suddenly couldn't figure out the timeline.

"It was obviously you who died, and A Zhang went crazy. How come you survived and she died?"

For so many years, these things have been hidden in A Yang's heart. He has no one to tell, like a thorn in his throat.

Now that he met Qin Shu, the old things of the past were turned up again, and those dusty memories were also found again.

"I knew the Gods had been looking for me, so I discussed with A Zhang and faked my death to get away. In the end, I succeeded in escaping, but A Zhang was trapped by the Gods with a secret method on the day of my death. She witnessed my death countless times with her own eyes. She was convinced at first that I was escaping, but later, as I died more times, even she couldn't tell the difference..."

"She couldn't tell whether it was me who died or the one who escaped, nor could she tell what day it was. This is exactly what the Gods wanted. A Zhang has always been very powerful, and her talent is one in a million. My fake death finally drove her crazy... You know everything that happened later."

Qin Shu was silent. A Kui was right. The Gods were calculating intentionally, so who could escape?

Even if A Zhang was as powerful as he was, trapped in the quagmire of time and living the same day over and over again, he would eventually be unable to distinguish between reality and illusion.

As powerful as the dragon clan was, they eventually became her oil lamp.

The originally indestructible connection between the divine beasts was forcibly torn into a gap by them, and finally let the gods achieve their wish.

Qin Shu sighed, feeling a little regretful.

Qin Shu was about to say something when she heard the sound of washing her nose.

She turned her head and saw Ji Duo with tears in her eyes.

Qin Shu: "..."

Ji Duo sniffed and looked at Qin Shu and said, "Mother, who are the gods? They are so bad."

Qin Shu was silent again. She really didn't know how to explain to Ji Duo.

After thinking for a long time, she uttered, "They are very bad people."

Ji Duo nodded heavily, "Yes, very bad!"

Qin Shu raised her eyes and looked at A Yang in front of her, and asked, "Do you know our master?"

A Yang smiled bitterly, "More than knowing, Xuantianmen was built by him and me back then."

Qin Shu: "..."

If she really wanted to be serious, she would have to call the person in front of her master.

Earlier, she felt that her master was not capable of managing the sect, and she always felt that someone was helping him behind the scenes.

But she never expected that the legendary wise wife was actually Ayang...

Seeing the strange look on Qin Shu's face, Ayang asked again: "Is Taoist Xuantian okay?"

Qin Shu thought of the master who was now free and easy in the ghost world, frowned slightly, thought for a while, and then said: "Very good, but not particularly good."

Ayang: "?"

"What do you mean? Why don't I understand it very well?"

When Xie Shiyuan's original body came back, he saw that his clone was fighting with two fifteenth-level demon kings, and his wife was chatting well with a fourteenth-level demon, and his son was listening carefully to a thirteenth-level demon next to him. This situation seemed a little strange.

With his spiritual sense, he just happened to hear Qin Shu explaining to A Yang, "In order to seek a way to ascend to heaven, the old master abandoned his physical body and turned into a ghost cultivator."

A Yang's expression changed slightly, and he asked back, "You mean... Taoist Xuantian is now in the ghost world?"

Qin Shu nodded slightly, and A Yang's expression became a little subtle, but in a moment his expression returned to normal, and Xie Shiyuan's body also returned at this time.

Now that he is back, these demon kings' desire to kill his wife and children will only be empty talk.

Ayang looked up at Xie Shiyuan, then turned to the 13th level dream demon behind him and said, "Let's go."

As the two of them left, Xie Shiyuan looked at Qin Shu, and seeing that she didn't look unusual, he didn't try to stop them.

The remaining four demon kings were not so lucky. Just as they were about to leave, they found a space barrier rising in front of them.

Before they could be surprised, they saw a crack in the space barrier for no reason, and the four of them were all sucked into the space turbulence.

These four demon kings were at least 13th level dream demons, and they could hold on for a while in the space turbulence, but... it hurts more when a blunt knife cuts the flesh, doesn't it?

When only their own people were left around, Xie Shiyuan asked Qin Shu softly, "Why are you chatting with the demons?"

Qin Shu looked up at Xie Shiyuan, "He is Ayang."

Qin Shu told Xie Shiyuan about the phantom she saw in the Kunpeng world, and Xie Shiyuan had also heard of Ayang's existence.

But after learning that Ayang had fallen into the devil, Xie Shiyuan was still a little confused.

"Then how did he fall into the devil?" Xie Shiyuan asked.

Qin Shu was stunned and shook her head, "Before I could ask, he left."

Xie Shiyuan took her hand, thought about it, and finally reminded her, "Shu'er, you must be on guard against others."

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