I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 1170 Someone from Fengdu City is looking for you

Xie Shiyuan reminded Qin Shu again that she had no connection with A Yang himself and had only seen him in the phantom left by A Zhang.

He seemed to have some connection with his master, but that happened many years ago. Why he finally parted ways with his master and went to the devil world is still unknown.

So...she seemed to be taking it a little bit lightly.

She looked at Xie Shiyuan seriously, "I was careless."

Xie Shiyuan looked at Ji Duo who seemed to have squeezed in between the two of them, and smiled, "It doesn't matter, Duo Duo is still on guard."

Ji Duo: "?"

He lifted up Ye Zi and rubbed his eyes, feeling puzzled.

Did dad praise him? What was he wary of?

do not care! Both his father and mother praised him. He was indeed the happiest child in the world!

Looking at Ji Duo who looked dumbfounded, Qin Shu also fell silent.

Her silly son...is he really wary? It's not that she doesn't have confidence in her beautiful son, it's just that she can't trust him.

Xie Shiyuan looked at the way the mother and son looked at each other, smiled, took one of them by the hand, and said: "Go back first, Tang She has your attention, you are not safe here."

Although she was targeted and was not safe in the world of immortality, at least Tanshe could not go to the world of immortality at this time.

Qin Shu also knew that there was something wrong with her staying here any longer. This time, six demon kings came to deal with her, and they barely managed to survive.

The other party will definitely come with more people next time, and Orochi's clone may not be able to cope with it for a while.

Qin Shu's face was very solemn. Xie Shiyuan seemed to have seen what she was thinking, and suddenly said: "I have five clones."

Qin Shu: "..."

One clone can't handle it, so five?

He does understand that there is strength in numbers.

After thinking about it, she still said: "Go back first."

Seeing this, Xie Shiyuan was relieved in his heart. Although he respected her choice more, he still didn't want her to be put in danger.

Today's Tang Snake has gone completely crazy, and it is extremely dangerous to stay here.

Qin Shu and the others had just left the demon world when A Yang took the initiative to find Feng Cheng.

"Sir." In the palace, which was as empty as a ghost town and filled with countless blood mist, A Yang, who was wearing Blade Demon armor, knelt at the foot of the steps with a very respectful attitude.

Above is a dark throne. If you look closely, you will find that the black on the throne is large patches of dried blood.

Following A Yang's call, blood mist gradually condensed on the throne, and a figure appeared on the throne.

It was Feng Cheng.

He raised his eyes to look at A Yang who was kneeling underneath, and slowly spoke, "You are the only demon king who has taken the initiative to come to me this month, so you are quite brave."

Ah Yang knelt straight, his head lowered, his expression completely hidden in the shadows.

Just listen to what he said: "When I dedicated the secret skills of the Kunpeng clan to you, I have already regarded you as my master, and I am willing to do your best for you."

A trace of ridicule flashed across Feng Cheng's face, "So it's you, a bastard from the Kunpeng clan? Haha, you Blade Demons all look the same, but I didn't recognize you."

Even with his harsh words, A Yang's expression did not waver at all, and he just said in a deep voice: "Sir, there is a way to the ghost world."

Feng Cheng was really interested this time, "Oh? What kind of connections?"

After saying that, he narrowed his eyes and looked more carefully, "Someone used this to deceive me earlier, and his end... haha... is like this bloody mist all over the sky."

A Yang has lived for countless years and has seen everything. Hearing his threat again seems to be nothing.

For him, death is the least thing in the world worth fearing.

"A close friend that I met many years ago is now working as a ghost cultivator in the ghost world. He has outstanding talent. Even if he goes to the ghost world, he is definitely not an ordinary person."

A Yang is really confident in Taoist Xuantian, but Taoist Xuantian is indeed very powerful.

Feng Cheng was silent for a long time and then said: "Can it be used?"

A Yang shook his head, "I'm not sure, but I think I can at least give it a try."

Compared with the outright deceit of other demons, A Yang's words are at least somewhat credible.

In addition, although he is a bastard, he does have half of Kunpeng's blood in his body, which is different from other demon-fallen monks.

A Yang responded, "I still need to go to the ghost world in person. Please help me."

A Yang said and gave another big salute.

Feng Cheng hesitated for a moment, but finally nodded and agreed, "That's all, I just trust you once. Not many of you demons are capable."

Seeing that he agreed, Ah Yang bowed to him again.

"My subordinates will serve you with all their heart!"

Feng Cheng raised his hand to form a seal, spit out an inner elixir, and relied on the remaining divine power in the inner elixir to stabilize his remaining two souls and six souls.

After a long time, he opened his mouth and swallowed the inner elixir again.

Looking down at A Yang, he said: "Go ahead and do your job. Your soul can only last ten days in the ghost world. If there is no progress in the ten days, you will die in the ghost world."

A Yang pursed his lips, cupped his hands into fists, and responded, "Yes!"

Watching his leaving figure, Feng Cheng's eyes flashed with interest again.

Thousands of years ago, the mythical beasts had suffered a loss from the Kunpeng clan, and this time they would fall on this half-Kunpeng again.

Haha, it's really interesting.

A Yang left Tangshe's palace and never looked back.

He knew what he wanted to do. Tengshe could help him, and he was not stupid.

The ghost world was so big, how easy would it be for him to find Xuantian within ten days?

Once the ten days were up... couldn't he just leave the ghost world?

Why did he have to die there?

He had fallen into the devil, but he was not stupid.

There was no direct rift between the demon world and the ghost world. Ayang went to the human world first, and then went to the ghost world through the human world.

The human world and the ghost world had become a reincarnation, and it was most convenient to go to the ghost world from the human world.

Everything in the ghost world was very different from what he had imagined. There was no need for demonic energy or spiritual energy here. The air was filled with ghost energy, but the ghost messenger beside Wangchuan was not using ghost energy.

Is this the power of will?

He was confused, but still got on the ferry of Wangchuan.

As soon as he got on the boat, the ghost who was rowing the boat looked at him and was stunned for a moment, then asked carefully: "Are you going to Fengdu?"

Ayang had inquired before coming here, Fengdu City is the largest city in the ghost world, and he wanted to find Xuantian Taoist, so it was actually the most convenient place to start.

Therefore, after hearing the ghost's question, he nodded, "Yes."

The ghost was obviously relieved, "It seems that I didn't recognize the wrong person, it was you!"

When Ayang heard this, he immediately raised his eyebrows and asked: "Do you know me?"

The ghost laughed, but his voice sounded like crying.

"How can it be, it's just because someone is looking for you."

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