Xie Shiyuan pulled Qin Shu and asked her, "Why did you go to see Shi Ju? Did you find anything?"

Qin Shu nodded, and there was a bit of excitement in her words, "This time it was not in vain, there was a discovery, a big discovery!"

Qin Shu has seen the world now, and it is rare to be so excited and call it a big discovery.

"Oh?" Xie Shiyuan asked back, "What discovery?"

"I just learned from Shi Ju that when the gods destroyed the ascension channel, he hid in the sea and saw everything, and also memorized the sacrificial formation. Later, perhaps because of the formation, the Teng Snake found him and taught him the secret method of swallowing, and he also offered the sacrificial formation to the Teng Snake."

Xie Shiyuan nodded slightly. He was not very surprised about this. Although Shi Ju didn't say it directly, he guessed most of it.

But what Qin Shu said next shocked him completely, "He said that there is a pair of golden eyes staring at him in the desert under the sea."

Xie Shiyuan stopped and met Qin Shu's gaze. Qin Shu pursed her lips and smiled softly, "Does it look familiar? I also saw a pair of golden eyes last time. When I was crossing the thunder tribulation this time, the thunder dragon also had a pair of golden eyes."

Xie Shiyuan stared at Qin Shu's eyes, "You mean..."

Qin Shu nodded slightly, "Yes, the window is hidden in the desert under the sea."

"Desert under the sea?" Xie Shiyuan frowned, "Where is the desert under the sea? In which sea area?"

The seabed is too big. If they were asked to look for it, they would not know when they could find it.

Qin Shu shook her head, "The stone dweller offered his loyalty to the Teng Snake, so he probably won't say anything. We have to ask others."

Xie Shiyuan agreed, "I'll ask someone to find out."

Qin Shu smiled and said, "I know someone, maybe I can ask her."

Xie Shiyuan asked in surprise, "Who to ask?"

Qin Shu looked at him and said two words, "Ashan."


I saw Ashan again the next day. Ashan was planting demon-subduing grass nearby. When she heard that Qin Shu was looking for her, she came overnight.

But at that time, Qin Shu was immersing herself on the rooftop to absorb the power of chaos, so she didn't disturb her and waited outside the yard all night.

It wasn't until the next day when Qin Shu opened her eyes that Ashan waved at her, "Qin Shu, long time no see."

Qin Shu had just finished a big cycle of spiritual energy, and her eyes had just regained focus.

Seeing Ashan's figure, she was overjoyed and jumped off the roof.

Qin Shu didn't deliberately restrain herself, and Ashan easily sensed her improvement in cultivation.

"Breakthrough?" Ah Shan asked.

Qin Shu nodded, "Yes, I just broke through not long ago."

Ah Shan sighed, "I couldn't beat you originally, and now I can't beat you even more."

Qin Shu was interested when she heard this, "Let's spar?"

Ah Shan shook her head and refused her, "Come on, I won't fight with you. I heard that you have thick skin and flesh, and it won't hurt."

Qin Shu looked helpless. She was covered with fish scales. She said she had thick skin and flesh? Don't be so hypocritical.

But she could also feel that Ah Shan really had no intention of fighting. She was very peaceful. The scales on her face that appeared at any time did not appear once this time.

Emotional stability is really rare for a demon cultivator.

"You called me over and said there was something important? What was it?" Ah Shan asked.

Qin Shu invited her to the side hall, poured her a cup of spiritual tea, and then said: "You have been in the sea for countless years. I wonder if you have ever heard of the underwater desert?"

"Underwater desert?" Ah Shan frowned slightly.

Qin Shu nodded, "Well, do you have any impression?"

Ashan did not answer her directly, but seemed to be lost in thought.

"It's been too long, let me think about it carefully."

Qin Shu did not disturb her thinking. If she knew, it would be great. If she didn't know, it didn't matter. She could find it slowly.

After about a cup of tea, Ashan raised his head and looked at Qin Shu, "The underwater desert, that is a poisonous abyss!"

Qin Shu heard her decisive voice and knew that she had asked the right person again this time.

"Why is it called the underwater desert? It's because there is no grass growing on the underwater beach. Whether it is seaweed or coral, it will turn into ashes wherever it is. No one knows what is there. No one of the sea creatures who approach there can come back alive..." Ashan told Qin Shu about the underwater desert in his memory.

Qin Shu exhaled a breath of turbid air. It was normal that no one could approach it. If there were really creatures approaching, I'm afraid the secrets of the gods would have been exposed to everyone.

"Where is the underwater desert? Can you take us there?"

Ashan shook his head, "We can't go now. Today is the first day of the month. We have to wait for the tide on the fifteenth."

The fifteenth again...

Perhaps the doubt on Qin Shu's face was too obvious, Ashan explained: "The tide on the fifteenth of every month will cause underwater turbulence, and if you jump into the abyss at this time, you will be taken to the underwater desert by the turbulence."

After saying this, Ashan grinned, revealing a row of fangs, "Where are you going to do it? It's much more dangerous than the Poseidon's secret hideout."

Qin Shu looked serious, "To seek revenge."

After hearing this, Ashan said: "If your enemy really went there, he would definitely not be alive."

Qin Shu shook her head, "When the time comes, you will take me to the abyss, and I will go by myself. Don't take risks easily."

Seeing that she was unwilling to say more, Ashan didn't ask any more questions.

Everyone in this world has secrets, and the most important thing for people to get along well with each other is not to pry into other people's secrets easily.

This is what her father told her, and she has survived by not being curious and staying away from disputes.

"Okay, I'll come to find you again on the morning of the 12th."

Qin Shu saw her turning around to leave, and asked again, "Do you need to make any preparations?"

Ashan shook his head, thought for a while, and said, "If you don't have a good sense of direction underwater, it's best to bring a compass."

Qin Shu agreed. She felt that her sense of direction was okay, but just in case, she still prepared a compass.

After Ashan left, she told Xie Shiyuan everything Ashan said.

Xie Shiyuan said directly: "I'll go with you."

Qin Shu did not refuse him, "We are just going to explore the way, we must be careful and don't alert the enemy."

Xie Shiyuan looked at her serious face, raised his hand to rub her head, and said with a smile: "I'll remember it."

Qin Shu thought for a while, and then said: "Do you think Tengshe knows this place? Since Shi Ju is his believer, he has offered all his loyalty and is unwilling to tell us these secrets even if he dies. He will definitely tell him, right?"

Xie Shiyuan nodded slightly, his expression became solemn, "He should know."

Since Tengshe knows that the window is here and there are believers under the sea, will this place also be on his chessboard?

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