I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 1181: More haste, less speed

Seeing Qin Shu frowning in thought, Xie Shiyuan said from the side: "Don't worry about him for the time being. It doesn't matter even if he knows where it is. He hates the gods no less than we do."

Qin Shu felt that Xie Shiyuan's words were put more tactfully. If that lunatic Tangshe could open the window, he would definitely turn the upper world upside down.

"If he really knows that this is a window to the upper world, he has no reason not to go. And the window is still not open to this day, so there are only two possibilities. One is that he can't find a way to open the window, and the other is that he can't find a way to open the window. It’s because he’s not sure how to deal with those guarding gods.”

Xie Shiyuan nodded, and then commented objectively: "In my opinion, it may be both possibilities."

Qin Shu laughed. After laughing, her expression became more solemn and she said to Xie Shiyuan: "The location of the window is just my guess. Whether it is true or not requires further verification. Now I only know that the underwater desert is very dangerous. I heard Ashan say it’s best to prepare a Sinan.”

Xie Shiyuan nodded and wrote down, "I'll have someone prepare it."

While waiting for the tide, Qin Shu consolidated her cultivation.

She originally wanted to test whether these chaotic powers could be integrated with the purple energy, but after trying for a while, she discovered that her purple energy was almost dispersed by this chaotic power.

Qin Shu quickly stopped and spent a lot of effort to separate the two powers.

It wasn't until her cultivation was completely stabilized that she breathed a sigh of relief.

You have to be careful when trying in the future. The power of chaos is a double-edged sword. It can hurt others as well as yourself.

The attempt just now almost caused her to fall off the level.

Thinking of this, Qin Shu used her spiritual energy to force the power of chaos to a corner of her dantian, far away from Xie Shiyuan's inner elixir.

Now that the inner elixir with cracks has been restored to its integrity, Qin Shu doesn't know whether this inner elixir is still important to the big snake's body, but she has a hunch that if the power of chaos is allowed to entangle the inner elixir of the serpent, it will be very harmful to this inner elixir. It's definitely not a good thing.

After doing all this, there was a knock on the door in her room.

Qin Shu opened her eyes and saw Xie Shiyuan waiting outside.

Qin Shu's expression softened, and she walked over and opened the door.

Xie Shiyuan felt the stability of her spiritual energy and knew that her state had been stabilized, so he reminded: "Shu'er, the time has come."

In the early morning of the 12th, this was the time she had made an appointment with Ashan.

Qin Shu nodded slightly and asked him, "Is Ashan here?"

Xie Shiyuan shook his head, "Not yet."

"It doesn't matter, let's wait for her a little longer."

Qin Shu originally planned to go to the door to greet Ashan, but she didn't expect that as soon as she walked out of the door, she ran into Bai Shuang, who was leaning against the wall with his arms folded.

With her look on her face, you didn't need to think too much about it, you could tell at a glance that she was waiting for you.

"Master." Bai Shuang called her.

Qin Shu stood still and turned to look at her, "Huh?"

Bai Shuang came over and said, "I'll go with you."

Qin Shu: "?"

She asked doubtfully: "Do you know what I am going to do?"

Bai Shuang nodded, "The tide will be high in three days, and you must go to the sea."

Qin Shu: "..."

This method of speculation sounds a bit outrageous, but the conclusion is correct.

She was going to the sea.

Just when Qin Shu was about to find a way to persuade Bai Shuang to retreat, she heard Bai Shuang say: "Do you still remember my dream? I have seen the sacrifice formation back then, and I have a certain understanding of the God Clan. Come on, how can I help you?"

Qin Shu was moved. Bai Shuang had always been extremely mysterious. She might... really be able to help.

Qin Shu and Xie Shiyuan discussed it and finally decided to take Bai Shuang with them. Bai Shuang was obviously relieved and smiled.

Today, her strength has recovered to 30%, but her emotions and desires have obviously recovered well, and she is more like a person than before.

The three of them arrived outside Chongtian Palace. The moment the sun rose, a figure appeared at the end of the street on time.

When Ashan saw that there were two other people following Qin Shu, he didn't bother.

She is just a guide, and Qin Shu can lead as many people as she likes.

What's more, the cultivation of the two people she brought was obviously not weak.

She looked at Qin Shu in front of her and asked, "Have you prepared everything I asked you to prepare?"

Qin Shu nodded, "I brought Simon with me."

Ashan was about to take them away when Qin Shu's jade slip suddenly lit up again.

Qin Shu took it out and looked at it, and saw that it was from Lu Jin.

I don’t know what instructions this young lady has.

When I clicked on it, I found that Lu Jin only posted one line.

[Qin Shu, your hospitality is really unique. 】

Qin Shu: "..."

Damn it, Lu Jin is still waiting for her in the sect! She first went to the ghost world with her third senior brother, and then went to the demon world with Xie Shiyuan... She really didn't have time to see Lu Jin.

"Sorry, I'm a little busy these days. Wait until I come back."

Qin Shu had just finished her sentence when she saw the words from Lu Jin.

"I heard someone said that you have made a breakthrough and should be in retreat now. That's all, I won't disturb you anymore. I'm going back to the sect first! You can come back to Tianji Pavilion to find me next time."

Qin Shu responded and apologized to her again.

Lu Jin seemed to have remembered something and sent her another message, "By the way, Elder Xingchen asked me to pass a message to you."

As soon as she mentioned Master Xingchen, Qin Shu immediately became serious.

Master Xingchen, the best stickman in Tianji Pavilion, you still have to listen to his words.

"Elder Stardust asked me to tell you, haste makes waste."

Haste makes waste?

Qin Shu frowned, what did Elder Xingchen mean? Do you want to tell her that she is not suitable to go to the underwater desert now?

She thought for a while, and was about to raise her hand to make a fortune for herself, but then her eyes fell on Bai Shuang in front of her.

The calculation of her own may not be accurate, but she may be able to calculate the calculation of Bai Shuang's.

After Qin Shu figured out this hexagram, her face suddenly turned pale.

Big bad.

Bai Shuang saw the change in Qin Shu's face with her own eyes and asked, "Master, what's wrong with you?"

Qin Shu shook her head and said solemnly: "Bai Shuang, don't go this time."

Bai Shuang's brows furrowed. She didn't understand that the master had already promised her, so why was he going back on his word?

"I told you a divination. The divination is not very good. There might be something unexpected if you go there." Qin Shu explained.

Bai Shuang didn't take it seriously, "Master, Bai Shuang should have died thousands of years ago."

Qin Shu glared at her, her face more serious than ever before, "Shut up, I rescued you, who allowed you to die? Just stay in Chongtian Palace and wait for my return."

Her look and tone made Bai Shuang's eyes well up with tears.

"Master..." She called her master sincerely.

She could feel that her master seemed to be coming back soon.

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