I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 1182 Undercurrent of the Abyss

Qin Shu gave Xie Shiyuan another hexagram, but nothing came out.

I gave Ah Shan another hexagram, but there were no surprises.

Qin Shu breathed a sigh of relief. If Ashan was implicated, she would be entirely responsible for his death.

When Bai Shuang's words came out from the jade slip, Xie Shiyuan also heard it. At this moment, he saw that Qin Shu's face was not good. He picked up one hexagram after another and said to her: "Shu'er, this time you Don’t go either, I’ll go explore the road alone first.”

Qin Shu shook her head, "I want to go together, or don't go at all."

She had a premonition and wanted to find the window. This time she had to go and see for herself.

After all, she was the only one who could see those eyes with her shielding secrets and purple energy, and everyone else's efforts would be in vain.

Ashan said nothing, just waiting quietly for them to make a decision.

Qin Shu thought for a while and said, "Let's go and find the way first. At least we know where the undersea desert is. We'll discuss the rest later."

With the big snake with her, at least escaping wouldn't be a problem.

When approaching the sea, Qin Shu could clearly feel the joy in Ashan's body.

She glanced at Ashan and asked, "So happy?"

Ashan squinted her eyes and looked at the blue water in the distance. The transformation on her face gradually faded away, revealing her original appearance. The scales on her cheeks sparkled in the sun.

She smiled and replied: "Of course I am happy. No matter where I go, the sea is my home."

As she spoke, she stepped on the waves and walked step by step towards the depths of the sea. Finally, she turned over and turned into a big fish and dived into the sea.

Seeing this, Qin Shu and Xie Shiyuan looked at each other and got into the sea water.

The moment he entered the water, Xie Shiyuan transformed into his original form, rolled up Qin Shu's waist with his tail and put her on his back.

His original form was extremely fast in the water, even Ashan couldn't compare to him.

"Which direction is the undersea desert?" Xie Shiyuan asked.

Ashan sensed it, turned around and chose a direction, "Here."

As soon as they finished speaking, they saw a space crack appearing in front of them. Xie Shiyuan led Qin Shu into it and sent a message to Ashan.

"Follow up."

This was the first time Ashan passed through a space rift, but when she passed through this passage and found that the distance between them and the undersea desert had become much closer, she was shocked.

Qin Shu, this Taoist companion... is really amazing!

Qin Shu didn't know the shock in her heart yet, so she just spread her consciousness to the maximum, trying to find the abyss mentioned by Ashan as soon as possible.

"How far is it?" Xie Shiyuan asked.

Ashan shook his head, "I can't tell clearly, but it's at least three times the distance we just came here."

As soon as he finished speaking, another space crack appeared in front of him.

This time, Ashan got in without waiting for Xie Shiyuan to speak.

After they came out, they felt the huge underwater abyss within the scope of their spiritual consciousness.

Ashan stopped and looked at Qin Shu and Xie Shiyuan with eyes shining.

"If I had known you had this ability, why would we have set off so early." Ashan said.

Qin Shu slid off Xie Shiyuan's back and looked around while answering Ashan's words.

"It's okay to come here early so that you can familiarize yourself with the environment in advance."

The huge snake shape slowly dissipated, and another handsome man in black appeared in front of them.

He raised his hand, and a space barrier enveloped the three of them, preventing them from being seen by those eyes.

Qin Shu stood on the edge of the abyss, looking down at the abyss under her feet. There was water flowing in the abyss, which was as blue as the sky.

The water flows slowly, like a blue ribbon floating in the sea, and it doesn't seem threatening.

"Is this the undercurrent of the abyss you mentioned?" Qin Shu asked.

Ashan nodded slightly, "Exactly, this undercurrent looks calm on the surface, but only those who fall into it know its power."

The truth is, the calmer you are, the more dangerous you are.

"The undersea desert is under here?" Qin Shu asked.

Ashan nodded, "Exactly, turbulent currents will take the creatures involved in them to the undersea desert."

Qin Shu silently wrote it down, then turned to Ashan and said, "We can just go by ourselves. You can go back."

Ashan struggled for a moment, then looked up at Qin Shu and said to her, "I'll take you there, I'm afraid you won't find the place."

Qin Shu shook her head and said with a very firm attitude, "Ashan, you are kind-hearted in helping us, but we can't let you get involved. You go back."

Ashan glanced at Xie Shiyuan who was standing next to Qin Shu again. When Xie Shiyuan saw this, he also said: "I will protect her."

Ah Shan compromised. Yes, Qin Shu had outstanding strength and was protected by her Taoist companion's space talent, so she really didn't need to follow her.

"That's it, if that's the case, then I'm leaving."

Qin Shu turned around and glanced at Xie Shiyuan behind her, "Send her off."

Others will guide them, so she should also be given a gift.

Xie Shiyuan raised his hand, and a space crack appeared in front of them, and the surrounding sea water rushed into the crack.

Ashan didn't dare to delay, hugged the two of them with fists, turned around and got in.

As she left, the space crack also disappeared from the bottom of the sea.

Qin Shu and Xie Shiyuan looked at each other, sat down cross-legged, and quietly waited for the arrival of the tide on the 15th.

Three days passed by in a flash.

The originally calm sea water suddenly became turbulent, and the aquatic plants and rocks on the seabed were lifted up by their roots. The originally clear sea water suddenly became turbid.

Qin Shu and Xie Shiyuan sat on the bottom of the sea like needles that stabilize the sea. No matter how the sea water tossed them, they remained unmoved.

Qin Shu opened her eyes and looked at Xie Shiyuan.

She didn't speak, but Xie Shiyuan understood.

The two of them walked to the edge of the abyss one after another. The water in the abyss was still a clear sky blue, which was incompatible with the turbid seawater around them.

The two looked at each other, stretched out their hands to hold each other, and then jumped in at the same time.

The moment she entered the abyss, Qin Shu had only one thought in her mind.

Undercurrent is indeed an undercurrent.

There is no need to doubt the strength of this undercurrent. If there is a Dharma practitioner who has not tempered his body, these turbulent currents will definitely tear him apart.

Her body, which had been tempered by lightning, gravity, wind arrays and the fire from the center of the earth, felt like her skin was being pinched and painful under the undercurrent of this intensity.

She just doesn’t know how Xie Shiyuan next to her feels now?

As soon as this idea came up, Qin Shu asked him through induction.

"are you OK?"

Xie Shiyuan: "It's like scratching an itch."

Qin Shu: "..."

Humans, oh no, snakes, are indeed different.

She prides herself on being thick-skinned and thick-skinned, but now it seems that she is nothing more than that.

But this undercurrent gave her a new idea of ​​​​tempering the body...

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