I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 1183: Dead Bones on the Seafloor

Originally, Qin Shu thought that the turbulence would soon take them to their destination, and then she and Xie Shiyuan were torn apart by the turbulence in the sea for thirteen days...

This also strengthened Qin Shu's belief. Where can you find such a good thing as buying a ticket to temper for half a month at a time...

When they came out of the turbulence, their hands were still tightly clasped together.

Xie Shiyuan hugged Qin Shu to stabilize her body, then looked at her in his arms and asked, "Are you okay?"

Qin Shu shook her head, and her long hair floated in the water with her movements.

Qin Shu took out a hairpin and tied up all her hair, which made her feel much neater.

"It's okay, this turbulence is quite strong, you can come here often in the future."

As soon as she said this, Xie Shiyuan knew what she meant. After a moment of silence, he felt that it was actually... a good idea.

She needed to temper her body after all, and there were fewer and fewer places in the world suitable for her to temper her body.

After Qin Shu finished speaking, she started to inquire around again.

Because she was afraid of alerting the enemy, she did not dare to use her spiritual sense, but only relied on her naked eyes to search on the seabed.

"Where is the underwater desert? Isn't it said that we can find it by following the turbulent flow?" Qin Shu quietly asked Xie Shiyuan.

Xie Shiyuan looked around and finally locked a direction, "Let's go over there and have a look."

The two swam in the direction he said. Halfway through, Xie Shiyuan fell down first, and Qin Shu followed closely.

When she fell down, she saw a piece of white in front of Xie Shiyuan.

It was a leg bone. Judging from the length and shape, it should be a middle-aged human male.

Xie Shiyuan turned around and looked at Qin Shu, and said, "It's about here."

Qin Shu nodded. According to what Ah Shan said, no one who was swept into the turbulent flow could survive, so there must be a lot of corpses under here.

Finding the corpses means they are close to the place they are looking for. Of course, this also means... danger is approaching.

The two continued to move forward and saw more and more corpses.

Finally, the two stood in the middle of the pile of corpses, looking at the same scene around them. They couldn't even tell the way they came.

Qin Shu finally understood why Ah Shan asked her to bring a Si Nan. She looked at Xie Shiyuan and urged, "Take out the Si Nan quickly and find the direction."

Xie Shiyuan agreed and took out the Si Nan. He saw Qin Shu had taken out the tortoise shell to make a divination.

The divination was very vague, and she couldn't see where the way out was.

Xie Shiyuan saw her quietly put away the tortoise shell and asked, "How is it?"

Qin Shu shook her head and pointed in a direction.

Xie Shiyuan asked again, "What's wrong? Should we go there?"

Qin Shu then shook her head, "First rule out that side, it's a dead end."

As soon as these words came out, the two were stunned at the same time, and then they looked at each other at the same time as if they realized something.

Xie Shiyuan looked at Qin Shu like this and laughed, "Let's go."

Yes, a dead end.

Isn't that the dead end they came here to find?

Only a dead end is the way to the underwater desert.

Xie Shiyuan used Si Nan to determine the direction, and then pulled Qin Shu forward firmly.

There were countless corpses under their feet, with different lusters on them. It can be seen that some of them had strong cultivation, but some gradually broke as they walked.

They didn't know how long they stayed here, nor what they experienced here.

All their cultivation was eventually buried in this uninhabited seabed.

The visitors who discovered them would be buried with them.

As the two walked deeper and deeper, a kind of fluctuation gradually came from the sea water.

Qin Shu's footsteps paused first. Xie Shiyuan noticed her abnormality, so he turned his head to look at Qin Shu, and met her eyes that flickered.

Before Xie Shiyuan had time to ask questions, he heard Qin Shu say: "Something is wrong here."

As Qin Shu's voice fell, her purple spiritual energy circulated a big circle, suppressing the abnormality in her body.

Another purple aura was separated to wrap up the big snake.

After doing all this, she said to the big snake: "It's a bit familiar. Let me think about it, let me think about it."

Skeleton, fluctuations in the water, surging blood, consciousness being interfered with...

Extracting keywords, the most matching one is the sacrificial formation of Shiju that he encountered in the secret collection of the Sea God last time.

There are countless corpses of big monsters there, but it's just because of his deliberate attraction.

And here, those gods wish it would be forgotten by the whole world.

"Shiju." Qin Shu looked up at Xie Shiyuan and uttered two words.

Xie Shiyuan's face changed slightly, and then he used his consciousness to explore through the sea of ​​consciousness here, and his expression became obviously solemn.

The runes buried deep underground were restored in his sea of ​​consciousness bit by bit, and it was the sacrificial formation.

Qin Shu and he were in tune with each other, and she realized the seriousness of the matter without him speaking at this time.

"I will protect you with my spiritual energy, so you won't be interfered with by the formation. Let's try to move forward again?" Qin Shu asked.

Xie Shiyuan nodded, he thought so too.

"Since we are here, we have to take a look."

At least to confirm whether the underwater desert is the place they are looking for, so that we can know whether it is worthwhile to worry about it in the future.

The two of them held hands and walked through the seabed full of corpses.

The further they walked, the fewer corpses there were.

It can be clearly seen that the cultivators who came here have higher cultivation levels, and there are some magic tools and magic treasures they left behind, but they have all become scrap metal under the effect of this formation.

A large golden desert appeared in their field of vision in the distance, and Qin Shu squeezed Xie Shiyuan's hand unconsciously.

Xie Shiyuan knew that she was emotionally fluctuating, and gave her a soothing look.

There is really a desert on the seabed, but where are those eyes? Are they really hidden here?

The two walked forward for about half a mile, and Xie Shiyuan stopped, bent down and brushed away the sand under his feet, and a stone tablet appeared in front of them.

There was no word on the stone tablet, but only complicated patterns were drawn.

Qin Shu glanced at it and felt very familiar. Where did she seem to have seen it?

She looked at Xie Shiyuan, and Xie Shiyuan pulled her around and walked back the way they came.

Qin Shu also said nothing. She could feel that a space barrier had been formed around the two of them. The big snake probably wanted to be safe and didn't want anyone to discover their existence.

After walking out of the corpse gathering area, Xie Shiyuan stopped and said to Qin Shu: "We can't go forward just now. I feel that if we go one step forward, we will definitely be noticed."

Qin Shu nodded, and seemed to have thought of something. She raised her hand and touched the storage ring, and a huge stone appeared in front of her.

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