I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 1199 The Resurrected Demons

Looking back at the demon at the bottom of the deep pool, it had already pulled its feet out of the mud, looked up at the group of them, and slowly revealed a sinister smile.

It's a blood demon.

Could this pool of blood be used to raise such a blood demon?

This blood demon was very strong. Qin Shu knew that she was no match, so she subconsciously retreated towards the rear.

She may not be able to help, but she can try not to hold her back.

As soon as this thought came to my mind, I saw Qinglong transform into its original form and hit him head-on with lightning speed.

The Blood Demon, who had just stood up, fell into the mud again, and was even deeper than before.

Ao Yong transformed into a human again, smiled at them, and said, "I just said my brain is quite useful."

Qin Shu: "..."

Bi Huai looked up at him speechlessly, "Let's solve it soon. Let's go to the next place."

He seemed a little uninterested, but it was understandable. He originally thought that what was hidden underneath was a tango snake, but when a big blood demon emerged, everyone was inevitably a little disappointed.

Ao Yong responded and transformed into the dragon form again.

"I haven't moved my muscles and bones in ten thousand years, let's see how many moves this thing can handle!"

There was no suspense about the ensuing battle. This blood demon, which made Qin Shu look a little numb, had almost reached the limit that could be reached here - the Mahayana stage.

A sixteenth-level demon warrior who could crush her to death with one finger.

But such a strong man was now unilaterally crushed by Ao Yong. His originally tyrannical fighting power was not worth mentioning at this time, and his hard defense was as brittle as a piece of paper under the sharp claws of Qinglong.

Qin Shu stood more and more obediently. No wonder the ancestors were displeased with them when they taught her how to practice. Compared with them, wasn't she just a flaw?

Soon, the huge blood demon was torn into pieces by Qinglong. He used a cleaning technique on himself before falling back to them.

"Let's go, I thought that boy Feng Cheng was hiding underneath, but I didn't expect that he was tripped by a demon." As Qinglong spoke, he took a handkerchief and wiped his fingers carefully.

No one else said a word, and everyone flew in the same direction as they started.

What they didn't notice was that blood emerged from the bottom of the deep pool again, and the beheaded blood demon's head opened its eyes again.

Qin Shu and others didn't know this. Not long after they flew forward, they discovered another pool of blood.

Qin Shu was silent. Why are there so many blood pools?

Looking at the obviously different scene around them, it was obvious that they had not turned back.

Qin Shu was worried about whether it was a deception at first, but she used the shielding machine to take a look and found that there was no illusion here.

Ao Yong was still the same as before, sucking up all the blood at the bottom of the pool. There was still a blood demon underneath. This time it was Suzaku's turn to take action.

His movements were fast and dazzling, not something Qin Shu could appreciate at his level.

This time, Qin Shu had another thought in her mind. Could it be that...these blood demons were specially arranged here?

Who could be the person to arrange this? A name was on her lips, ready to come out.

Qin Shu turned her head and looked at Xie Shiyuan beside her. Xie Shiyuan also saw Qin Shu's hesitation and asked, "What's wrong?"

Qin Shu frowned and said, "Orochi, do you think Feng Cheng is up to something?"

She paused briefly and then continued: "There are two blood demons. These deep pools are very close to each other, so it is unlikely that they are naturally formed."

The lowest level demon beasts still have territorial awareness, not to mention the sixteenth level demons. They should be separated by hundreds of thousands of miles, and the king cannot see the king.

How could they both be lying alone in this dirty pool of blood?

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