I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 1200 Spiritual Mechanical Arm

Qin Shu took out a handy shovel from a pile of shovels, weighed it in her hand, then looked at the others aside and asked, "Do you want to pick one?"

Facing Qin Shu's serious look, Xie Shiyuan walked over calmly and took one in his hand.

Bai Shuang and Zuyin were stunned, pursed their lips as if they wanted to say something.

In the end, Meng Liang couldn't stand it anymore. He glanced at Xie Shiyuan, who had lost all principles, and said, "Zuyin is from the soil element. It is relatively easy to dig up the soil. We don't need to dig down."

Qin Shu looked at Zuyin as if asking for confirmation, and saw Zuyin nodded.

Qin Shu lowered her head to look at the shovel in her hand, and then put it away.

Suddenly he thought of something and said, "I also have earth spirit roots."

However, earth spiritual energy can only rely on the power of the earth, and these soils still cannot be transported away.

Zuyin smiled and looked at Qin Shu, "Master, there is no need for you to take action. Just look at me."

Qin Shu said nothing and looked at it seriously.

In the eyes of others, your ability belongs to others, but if you learn it in your heart, it becomes your own.

Zuyin saw a burst of light. The next moment, she slowly raised her hand, and a huge earth-based flying disc flew out, chipping away a piece of the mud at the bottom of the deep pool.

When Qin Shu saw this, she suddenly realized.

She didn't mean that she had to learn Zuyin's technique, but she could draw inferences from one example.

For example, Zuyin used a flying disc to cut off a piece of it to physically reduce the mud in the deep pool area.

Then maybe she could...

Qin Shu raised her hand to make the secret while thinking.

As her fingertips flew, a huge aura hand appeared in the air.

Several people present were attracted by the movement, and saw Qin Shu controlling her big hands to grab a handful of mud and throw it to the side.

Zuyin turned around with a face of joy, "You are truly worthy of being the master!"

Qin Shu was not satisfied with her praise, but other thoughts came to her mind at that time.

Although the Hand of the Earth can remove some mud at the bottom, it is not cost-effective in terms of efficiency.

Controlling the Hand of the Earth consumes a lot of spiritual energy. It is not cost-effective to consume so much spiritual energy to only dig out a little bit of soil.

Can you control the spiritual energy to take on other forms?

Theoretically, aura is an element, and existing techniques only combine elements to attack or defend.

So if she tries to arrange the elements in a different way, maybe... there will be a more convenient use.

Qin Shu thought for a while and tried making secrets on the side.

Zu Yin and the others didn't know what Qin Shu was doing, so they just went to work on their own.

Xie Shiyuan also used magic to stir up the mud at the bottom. Under their influence, the bottom of the deep pool became deeper and deeper.

About a quarter of an hour later, they suddenly heard a sound coming from behind them.

"Everyone get out of the way."

When Xie Shiyuan and others heard this, they stopped what they were doing and looked back, and saw a huge, somewhat strange arm appearing behind them.

If a random person from later generations could take a look at it, they would recognize it.

Qin Shu built a robotic arm. It turned out that she was thinking of building an excavator, but then she thought that maintaining a large excavator size would not be of any practical use. It would be better to just build a robotic arm with a bucket. .

Xie Shiyuan took a few steps back to make way for Qin Shu. Although he didn't know what Qin Shu was doing, he trusted Qin Shu unconditionally.

She has always been confident in doing things, and this time she may have come up with another idea.

Sure enough, Qin Shu was seen controlling the huge mechanical arm and the bucket to dig out the mud in the deep pool.

With this bucket, she even dug out the blood from the bottom of the pond.

However, as there was more and more blood at the bottom of the pool, it also brought a lot of trouble to their construction.

Qin Shu reached out and pinched out another flame with her fingertips, and dropped it on the bottom of the pool.

As the flame burned, the blood at the bottom began to evaporate, the soil gradually became dry, and the fishy smell at the tip of the nose became stronger.

Qin Shu seemed to have gotten used to it. She blocked her nasal cavity with two balls of spiritual energy, and then controlled the mechanical arm to work.

Zuyin was also shocked when he saw Qin Shu's actions.

The master is truly a master, and his work efficiency is much faster than theirs.

How did you get this weird big arm?

Zuyin thought about it for a long time, but had no clue. In the end, he could only use his own method to dig out.

Meng Liang and Xie Shiyuan stood aside and gave him a thumbs up, "Your wife is really powerful."

Xie Shiyuan raised his chin slightly, with a proud look on his face, "I just said digging holes, she is a professional."

Meng Liang laughed and said, "You are more pleasing to the eye when you look like this. It is better not to have the bad temper you used to have."

Xie Shiyuan didn't answer his words and went to work aside.

He has whatever temper his wife likes, and no one else can tell.

About half an hour later, Suzaku and Qinglong also came back one after another.

They looked at the mechanical arm that Qin Shu had built with a look of novelty on their faces.

Seeing this, Xie Shiyuan asked from the side: "How is it? What did you find during this trip?"

Together, Bi Huai and Ao Yong found twenty-six similar water pools during their trip.

In other words, there may be twenty-six sixteenth-level demon kings hidden underneath?

Qin Shu frowned slightly, "Twenty-eight constellations?"

She raised her eyes and looked at Bi Huai and Ao Yong, and said, "Do you still remember the locations of those pools?"

Qin Shu said as she took out the map of the demon world they had drawn before.

Suzaku looked at the map, reviewed the direction he had just walked, and raised his hand to click on it.

As Qinglong also pointed out the deep pool he discovered, the problem became more and more clear.

Qin Shu looked at them solemnly and said, "It's really the twenty-eight constellations."

The twenty-eight constellations include: the seven constellations of Canglong in the east, the seven constellations of Xuanwu in the north, the seven constellations of white tiger in the west, and the seven constellations of Suzaku in the south.

"These should be arranged for you guys..." Qin Shu said.

Bi Huai and the others also fell into deep thought after hearing this.

"These blood demons are nothing to worry about. Not to mention there are only twenty-eight of them. Even if they are multiplied several times, they are still no match for us." Meng Liang said.

Qin Shu raised her eyes to look at him and asked: "What if these demons are just not fully grown?"

Meng Liang frowned and fell silent.

Bi Huai made a decision immediately, "It doesn't matter if we didn't notice it. Now that we have discovered it, let's just destroy these blood pools!"

After hearing this, Ao Yong also looked at Qin Shu and the others and asked, "Did you dig out anything?"

Zu Yin spread out his hands and said, "We have dug three feet into the ground and haven't found anything yet."

Bi Huai and Ao Yong had just frowned when they heard Qin Shu standing next to them suddenly say: "It's not like I didn't notice it at all."

Everyone present looked at her. Qin Shu raised her finger and pointed in one direction at the bottom of the pool and said, "There is more blood seeping out there."

After speaking, she looked at everyone's expressions, and then continued: "I suggest that we stop digging here and dig in that direction?"

She paused briefly and then asked, "How?"

Bi Huai nodded in agreement, and suddenly thought of something. He turned to look at Zu Yin and Bai Shuang and said, "Go dig in another place and work separately."

After he finished speaking, his eyes fell on Xie Shiyuan on the side. He seemed to have thought of something. He turned his eyes on Qinglong and Baihu on the side and said, "You two follow me to the other side."

After they left, only Xie Shiyuan and Qin Shu were left here.

It was rare for Xie Shiyuan to look at Bi Huai with admiration.

I really didn't expect that he would be so cool and call all those troublesome guys away.

Okay this time, it's just him and his wife here.

Just when Xie Shiyuan was secretly happy, Qin Shu raised her hand again, summoned a huge mechanical arm, and dug a shovel into the place where she had found something strange.

Xie Shiyuan looked at the energetic Qin Shu and became even more silent.

Even if only he and his wife were left, the wife would only focus on work and would not fall on him.

Forget it, she likes to work, so he will do it for her.

As more and more places were excavated, Qin Shu gradually discovered that the blood here seemed to be drawn from elsewhere.

She took out the jade slip and reported the progress to several others.

After three days in a row, they dug seven blood pools.

The most important thing is that all the blood pools point in the same direction.

At this point, the other blood pools can be put aside for now, and priority should be given to looking in the direction pointed.

Qin Shu was about to continue digging when she was stopped by Xie Shiyuan and heard him say, "Please rest for a while and let me do it."

Just when Qin Shu wanted to say that she was not tired, she saw that Xie Shiyuan had already used his spiritual power.

A ray of space spiritual power formed a huge shovel in the air and shoveled it in the direction of the blood seeping out.

Qin Shu's eyes widened, this... isn't this just an optimized bulldozer?

Although the space spiritual energy is not as easy as the earth spiritual energy, it is more powerful, and no grass will grow wherever it passes.

Qin Shu stood aside and watched, then crossed her legs to restore her spiritual energy.

She can absorb the demonic energy, and she can also convert the demonic energy into purple energy, but before, she did not dare to absorb more due to the negative effects of the demonic energy.

But now that she has the Demonic Clearing Pill that she exchanged from the sect, she is no longer afraid of this.

After fully recovering his spiritual energy, Xie Shiyuan in front had already shoveled out a long way.

Qin Shu raised her hand to seal the secret, and started to operate the shielding secret again. Her eyes were once again covered with a layer of purple.

This time, a faint line appeared in her field of vision. The color was a little bluish, but there was a hint of dark gold in it.


Qin Shu was a little surprised. It was rare that she found something strange this time.

She stood up and flew into the air, then looked at the ground, and found that seven stripes gradually appeared in her field of vision.

Either long or short.

There must be something hidden in the center, maybe it's the source of the blood, or maybe it's some formation arranged by Feng Cheng.

But now that things have come to this, no matter what is hidden in it, it needs to be opened and looked at.

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