According to the rules of the immortal cultivation world, only when breaking through the golden elixir stage will one encounter the thunder tribulation for the first time. With her cultivation level, if she were to use other people's thunder tribulation to refine her body, she would probably disappear in a flash of lightning.

But the power of thunder to refine the body is indeed a shortcut to refine the body, it is nothing more than a little more painful.

What should she do?

Qin Shu was stroking her chin and thinking, and a white light flashed on the communication jade slip again. Qin Shu came back to her senses and looked down, and saw a line of words appearing on it, [May I ask fellow Taoist, are you also a mutant thunder spirit root? ]

The word "also" is used very subtly. Being able to ask such a question means that this person is probably also a thunder spirit root.

Qin Shu thought for a moment and did not directly reply whether he was or not. Now it was time to see the profoundness of the language of my flower-growing family.

[Fellow Taoist is also? ] Qin Shu asked back.

[To be honest, when I saw you asking about this, I thought of when I was young, I also thought about absorbing the thunder power in the thunder tribulation to practice. But although we, the disciples with thunder spirit roots, have a certain resistance to thunder power, the thunder tribulation is too strong. Even the weakest Jindan stage thunder tribulation is not something we can handle. ]

This person wrote a long string of words and sent it over. The handwriting is very pleasing to the eye and looks very elegant.

His statement coincided with Qin Shu's concerns, but the next sentence he sent opened up a new idea for Qin Shu.

[However, the thunder power of the thunder tribulation cannot be used. Daoist friends can also consider the Thunder Heaven Pond. The thunder power there increases from the edge to the middle. It is indeed a holy place for our thunder spirit roots to practice. Daoist friends can try it if they have the opportunity. ]

Qin Shu's eyes lit up, [May I ask Daoist friends, where is the Thunder Heaven Pond? ]

[Wuya Mountain. 】

Qin Shu silently memorized it, but she is still a little fragile now, and going there would be a death sentence. It is better to wait until she reaches the third level of body refining before trying to go to Thunder Heaven Lake.

However, as mentioned in the previous jade slip, going to a place with rich fire spirit to refine the body can be put on the agenda first.

[Thank you for your guidance, I will remember it. 】

On the other side of the jade slip, an old man looked at the line of words on the jade slip, touched his gray beard with satisfaction and smiled.

On the seventh day of learning to use the jade slip, I helped another friend. The world of cultivation is really changing with each passing day, especially this communication jade slip, which is much more convenient than what they used to do.

Just when he was feeling complacent, a little boy called out from outside the cave: "Ancestor, the head of the sect wants to see you."

Ancestor Lei Yun put away the jade slip and sent a message to the outside: "Please let him in."

Tian Gang Palace head Jiang Qi walked in from outside and bowed to him, "Meetings, Ancestor."

Ancestor Lei Yun hummed, "What do you want to see me for?"

Jiang Qi frowned and said: "Ancestor, in the past three months, our sect has lost 17 disciples below the Jindan level. Now the low-level disciples are very panicked."

Ancestor Lei Yun also felt something was wrong when he heard this. There is no war in the world of immortal cultivation now, and disciples below the Jindan level will not go to too dangerous places. How could there be such a high loss?

"Have you found out what the reason is?" Ancestor Lei Yun asked.

Jiang Qi looked a little hesitant, but finally shook his head, "I checked several times, but there is no definite evidence."

Their Tiangang Palace ranks third among the eight major sects in Dongzhou. The eight major sects agree to hold a sect competition every five years and re-rank according to the results of the disciples' competition.

And the final ranking of their eight major sects is not just for fun, it also affects the number of people that can enter the several major secret realms. The higher the ranking, the more people can be sent to the secret realm.

This kind of major secret realm is not the small secret realm of the trial. Some inheritance secret realms have not found the inheritor until now. The more disciples of the sect enter, the greater the chance of obtaining the inheritance!

As a result, the several major sects behind them are trying their best to deal with them.

Patriarch Lei Yun glanced at Jiang Qi and asked, "There is no definite evidence, but it means that there are some clues. No problem, tell me about it."

Jiang Qi sighed, "It was found that Luoyun Sect secretly killed them, but the evidence is not conclusive."

Patriarch Lei Yun thought of the message he saw when he played with the jade slip on the first day, and he showed a look of sudden enlightenment and said, "Have you heard about the rumor that the Beastmaster Sect attacked the Moon-shaking Sect a while ago?"

Jiang Qi nodded, "I heard about it, but the Beastmaster Sect spread the word that their disciples were invaded by the demons."

Patriarch Lei Yun sneered and said nothing, but Jiang Qi already understood.

He clasped his fists and explained his purpose, "Ancestor, I want to open the trial land again and let these young disciples go in to practice. It is too dangerous to go out for training, so let them go to the trial land to practice for the time being."

The trial land had already been opened when this batch of new disciples entered the sect. If they wanted to open it again, Jiang Qi, as the head of the sect, would not have the permission. According to the sect rules, at least one of the sect's ancestors must give the nod, and at this time most of the ancestors were in seclusion, only the most hot-tempered ancestor Lei Yun had just woken up.

Lei Yun thought about it and agreed, "Let's do as you say."

Jiang Qi was delighted and bowed again, "Disciple thanks the ancestor for his mercy on behalf of my little disciple!"


The casualties of Tiangang Palace were not small, and the second-ranked Xuantian Sect disciple was also miserable.

Unlike other sects, most of the sword cultivators in Xuantian Sect who went out for training were sword cultivators. Last month, almost all the sword cultivators in the sect took the mission and went out.

Some who did not take the mission even went to form a team with the disciples of the Dan Sect, Qi Sect, and Fu Sect next door.

As we all know, where sword cultivators go, no grass grows. They kill beasts and pull out grasses. They do everything they can to earn some spirit stones.

But even these sword cultivators can't resist the ambush of someone in secret.

Sword cultivators are not only powerful in their skills, but also in their sword skills. Compared with ordinary cultivators, they do have the strength to fight against higher-level warriors.

Most people came back with scars and wounds. There were also two lucky ones who were saved by Master Bu Kun who was passing by on a mission. But after counting, there were also six disciples who were defeated in the past three months.

Master Wang Jian was furious when he learned about this. Each of these young disciples was cultivated by him with great difficulty. How could they kill them just like that?

"Can't stand losing? How dare you go after our new disciple!" Master Wang Jian was so angry that he walked back and forth in Master Qi Nan's cave.

Qi Nan's expression was not much better than his, but he was also worried that Master Wang Jian would make some irreversible move, so he quickly comforted him, "These are just some shameful means, we will defeat them openly in the ring!"

Master Wang Jian stopped in his tracks after hearing what he said, turned around and asked, "Master, do you know who did it?"

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