I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 124 It’s time to tell your fortune

Qi Nan frowned but did not speak, then heard Master Wan Jian continue to say: "Yes, senior brother, you have a time-traveling mirror in your hand, you will definitely be able to find out who did it."

Qi Nan sighed, shook his head slowly, and said in a heavy tone, "It is already known to everyone that our Xuantian Sect sometimes has a time-reflection mirror. Naturally, those people will not let us see it easily."

The Time Recall Mirror is controlled by every head of the Xuantian Sect, and is known to all the sects in the world of immortality. Occasionally, people would come to him to borrow this treasure, which also earned Xuantianmen a lot of spiritual stones.

Immortal Wan Jian just frowned, and Qi Nan continued: "Those who do this are all dressed in black, and most of them use swords. Swords are the most common spiritual swords. There are many kinds of sword techniques, and they are indistinguishable. I look carefully. After looking again and again, I finally found some clues from the fight between one of the monks and Ying Zhen. When he avoided it, he subconsciously used his body skills, and it seemed that he was like Yao Yue from the Luo Yun Sect..."

Master Wanjian nodded slightly, and in the next moment he raised his feet and walked towards the outside of the cave.

Master Qi Nan called him, "Junior brother! What are you doing?"

"Go to Luoyun Sect and compete with them in swordsmanship!" As soon as he finished speaking, Master Wanjian had already walked outside the cave door.

Qi Nan hurriedly stood up and chased out, "Wang Jian! We don't have enough evidence, don't make it end badly!"

"Don't worry, senior brother, I know it well." As he spoke, Master Wanjian summoned his sword and stepped on it, and disappeared into the sky in the next moment.

After Qi Nan heard this, he seemed to be really relieved, with a dark face, but he didn't pursue him anymore.

Shu You, the eldest disciple under Qi Nan, saw this and asked with some worry: "Master, Master Wanjian has a violent personality. If he goes like this...if he causes trouble..."

Qi Nan sat upright on the bamboo chair, a cold light flashing across his eyes.

"He knew it well. If he didn't let this bad breath out, wouldn't our disciples' deaths be in vain?"

Shu You's face gradually turned ugly when he thought of those junior brothers who died tragically.

Master Wan Jian stepped on Zhan Lu Jian and fought all the way to the gate of Luoyun Sect.

The Luoyun Sect is the largest sect in the world of immortality. The Xuantian Sect has gained momentum in recent years. They were worried that they would be overtaken by the Xuantian Sect during the sect competition and thus lose some of their resources, so they secretly killed the Xuantian Sect disciples.

Master Wu Jian stood in the sky and shouted to the Luoyun Sect Immortal Mountain in front of him, "Xuan Tianmen Wu Jian has come to compete with fellow Taoists from your sect on swordsmanship. Please feel free to give me some advice!"

His voice was filled with spiritual power, like rolling thunder, exploding throughout the Luoyun Sect.

The disciples of Luoyun Sect immediately went to report the matter to their leader Qiu Fei.

Qiu Fu also heard the commotion outside. He frowned with a sad look on his face, "Is Wang Jian sick, but even after six young disciples died, he came to the door in person? Seventeen died in the Tiangang Sect next door in three days. , everyone has endured it!”

He also didn't expect that with so many people they sent out, most of them escaped, leaving only six disciples in the end.

If we really wait until the big competition, those outstanding ones who have escaped will be the number one opponents of their disciples.

The disciples under him were also very anxious, "Master, what should we do?"

Qiu Fu put his hands behind his back and walked around the room a few times before stopping and saying, "He can't do anything with the sect-protecting formation. If he wants to stay, let him be!"

Master Wan Jian is well-known in the world of immortal cultivation. He is currently in the late stage of becoming a god, but he is so powerful that he can dance with the cloud-piercing and rain-piercing sword, even against the mighty ones in the early stage of integration.

Everyone called him a madman, and when they started fighting with him, his attitude of not fearing death, and even a good sparring match made him feel like he was killing his father.

Who would want to face such a person?

Master Wanjian waited for an hour but no one came out to challenge him, and the anger in his heart suddenly became even more intense.

"Luoyun Sect must be busy with something important, so I will guard it for you. No one is allowed to leave the sect unless someone accepts the challenge!"

He still didn't believe it. How long could this shrunken turtle shrink?

Qiu Fu was so angry that he slapped the table, "This is unreasonable! This reckless sword is really arrogant!"

A group of elders from Luoyun Sect filled the whole room. At this time, a real person came out and said: "Master, I'm going!"

Qiu Fu raised his head and looked at the person who spoke, frowned, and then sighed for a long time and said, "As my junior brother, I'll help you."

Master Mu Wei clasped his fists and flew towards the outside of the sect without saying a word, "Wang Jian! I'll meet you later!"

Qin Shu meditated cross-legged all night, and Liu Cheng also stayed with her all night.

It wasn't until Qin Shu stood up and stretched that Liu Cheng asked her, "Shu Shu, do you practice like this every day?"

Qin Shu heard her voice, turned back to look at her, and grinned at her, "Yes! The road to seeking immortality is difficult, and you have to work harder."

Liu Cheng, who practices Buddhism every day and how much rain, dew and spiritual energy he can absorb depends on fate, was suddenly too ashamed to look at her directly.

"What Shushu said is absolutely true. If I had practiced well in the past, I wouldn't have been unable to help Ah Ling. I will have to work harder in the future."

Qin Shu nodded, looking like a child who could be taught, "I'm going to run around twice, you practice first, and we'll be together when I come back at night."

Qin Shu faced Liu Cheng's eager gaze and used her spiritual energy to sort out a few seedlings in the experimental field before running down the mountain.

Nowadays, running three rounds on the mountain is nothing for her. Not only can she walk briskly, but the soreness of her leg muscles has gradually disappeared.

Qin Shu swung her sword two thousand times, took a body-refining pill, pinched a cleansing spell to get rid of her mess, looked up at the sun, and then walked towards the alchemy room.

Since she promised her master to share the alchemy with other fellow disciples, she couldn't break her promise.

When she arrived at the alchemy room, although the time had not yet arrived, a large number of disciples came.

They were in groups of three or five, talking about gossip.

"It is said that Master Wang Jian went directly to Luoyun Sect with a sword."

"I know this! I saw the disciples of Luoyun Sect in the communication square saying that our Master Wang Jian would not let them go out."


Qin Shu was immediately refreshed after hearing this!

Gossip is good, but the protagonist of this gossip is her other master!

She quickly quickened her pace, approached, and asked, "Why did Master Wang Jian go to Luoyun Sect to cause trouble?"

What did she miss while she was out on a mission?

When everyone saw her, they were stunned at first, and then saluted respectfully, "Meet Senior Sister Qin Shu."

When Qin Shu first entered the sect, everyone called her Junior Sister. Now her strength is also outstanding among the disciples who entered the sect together, and everyone is convinced by calling her Senior Sister.

Qin Shu responded, "You haven't finished talking yet, my master went to Luoyun Sect to cause trouble? Why?"

Everyone had heard the news that Senior Sister Qin Shu joined the Sword Sect, and they were not surprised to hear her say this, so someone explained to her, "Six young disciples died in our sect a few days ago, and it was Luoyun Sect who did it. But our sect has no solid evidence to ask Luoyun Sect to settle accounts, and Master Wang Jian was so angry that he went to Luoyun Sect alone."

Luoyun Sect is the largest sect in Dongzhou. Master went to Luoyun Sect alone to cause trouble, and the head of the sect didn't care? !

Qin Shu looked anxious, and no one responded to her message to Master Wang Jian.

She pursed her lips and took out a stack of ordinary papers in front of everyone.

It was time to tell a fortune.

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