I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 125: The Clouds Are Cleared and the Sun Shines

The other disciples of the Alchemy Sect watched Qin Shu spread a stack of ordinary paper on the bluestone steps at the door of the alchemy room, then took out a pen and dipped it in some ink, and started doing calculations in front of everyone.

Others craned their necks and gathered around. Qin Shu was not afraid of others seeing it. She could write these Arabic numerals, and she was probably the only one in the entire world of immortality who could recognize them.

Qin Shu was writing and drawing without any distractions. Although the junior brothers and sisters who were watching could not understand, they still did not dare to say anything for fear of disturbing her.

After Qin Shu finished the calculation, she touched the storage ring again, took out a calculation and explanation book that Lu Li had given her before, and turned to the corresponding page.

I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw the note above.

According to the hexagrams, Master Wanjian should have nothing to do during his trip, but Luo Yun Sect... may have to suffer a little this time.

After calming down for a while, she came back to her senses, tidied up the messy paper, and stood up.

When the other disciples saw Qin Shu's actions, someone asked: "Junior sister Qin Shu, what did you just write? Could it be that you also made achievements in runes?"

When Qin Shu heard this, she immediately became happy, "The runes are profound and profound. How can I be so powerful that I even understand this?"

Just when the other disciples had just breathed a sigh of relief, they heard Qin Shu continue to say: "I just made a fortune for Master Wanjian."

After listening to her, the disciples who were still a little agitated suddenly fell silent collectively.

Runes are broad and profound, but divination isn't broad and profound?

But looking at Qin Shufeng's calm expression, they also fell into deep thought. Could it be that divination is really not that difficult?

However, when thinking about Tianji Pavilion's extremely difficult and perverted disciple recruitment questions, everyone quickly shook their heads and shook the unrealistic idea out of their minds.

Looking at Qin Shu again, everyone's expressions became more respectful. This was the first time they had seen someone who could perform divination without using a magic plate or an oracle bone, just writing and drawing on a stack of ordinary paper.

After hearing what Qin Shu said, there was a good person who stood in the crowd and raised his voice and asked: "Senior sister, what is the result of your calculation? Can Master Wang Jian return safely?"

Qin Shu nodded, "I'm not very good at it, I can only make a rough calculation, but at least I can see that this time it's a matter of clearing the air, so you don't have to worry too much."

After saying that, she playfully winked at everyone and said, "We don't need to worry about this. If there is really any danger, wouldn't there be a leader?"

After Qin Shu mentioned this, everyone reacted, "Senior Sister is right, everything is supported by the master!"

"I hope Master Wanjian can deal with them all and avenge the dead brothers and sisters!"


Qin Shu looked at everyone's excited expressions and quickly took advantage of the situation and said: "Master Wang Jian ignored his personal safety and came to help us young disciples this time. It can be seen that the elders of the sect also value everyone. Although we are powerful It’s small, but if we can do our best, we can be of great help to the sect.”

Her eyes swept over the excited faces of the surrounding young disciples, and then continued: "Take our alchemy as an example, we can't refine high-level elixirs, but we can still give the Spirit-Building Pill and the Fengxing Pill a try. When the other senior brothers and sisters of our sect go out for a walk, bring hundreds of bottles of elixirs to each of them, and they will be able to kill the enemy even if they are used up, right?"

After she said this, everyone can imagine such a battle scene. The disciples of their sect are crazy about pills and can throw away spells as if they are free. This undoubtedly increases the possibility of surviving when they go out to practice.

In this way, they, the low-level alchemists, seem less useless? !

"Junior sister Qin Shu is right!"

"We need to make alchemy well!"

"Senior Sister Qin Shu, how do you make an elixir? I have reached the third level of Qi training now, but I have never been able to successfully form an elixir."

One person asked, and the others just nodded frantically, "Yes! Senior sister, I am the same, I always fail at the last step of forming the elixir."

"I heard that senior sister has perfected the alchemy, can you tell us about it?"

"Where is anyone talking at the door? Let's talk after we go in."

"Yes, yes, go in first!"

Just like that, before Qin Shu said a word, she was surrounded by the disciples of the Alchemy Sect and entered the alchemy room.

These disciples were in their eighties if not a hundred. The alchemy room was packed with people. Some of them even entered the sect many years earlier than Qin Shu, but when they heard that she was going to share her experience today, they all came to listen.

A young disciple who has only been practicing for a year can perfectly form elixirs. She must have her own secrets. If they can learn a thing or two, it will be good for their alchemy skills.

Facing so many disciples, it was naturally impossible for Qin Shu to help them solve their problems one by one like Chi Yu did.

Then... we can only teach them to use the elimination method to choose the alchemy method that suits them.

"Has anyone failed to extract the activity of spiritual plants? Please raise your hand." Qin Shu asked first.

Qin Shu took a quick look and found that there were quite a few people there. About one-third of the people raised their hands.

Qin Shu nodded slightly and asked again: "Everyone, please put your hands down and ask again, has anyone failed in balancing the properties of the medicine?"

Many people raised their hands again, Qin Shu silently noted it in her mind, and asked: "Has anyone failed in the fusion of medicinal properties?"

"Has anyone failed to form the elixir?"

"How many of you have fire spirit roots?"

"How many people have three spiritual roots?"


Qin Shu asked many questions, and finally summarized with everyone: "Generally speaking, it is easiest to refine pills for disciples with fire and wood spiritual roots. Most of our disciples in Danzong also have fire and wood spiritual roots. If you don't have fire spiritual roots, you can use the ground fire in the alchemy room to refine pills, so don't be discouraged. As for those without wood spiritual roots..."

Qin Shu kept everyone in suspense, then chuckled and said: "The method I'm going to talk about next is basically applicable to all spiritual roots. Do you still remember Senior Sister Chiyu? She doesn't have wood spiritual roots, but she can still refine pills, and the quality of the pills is not bad."

Seeing that everyone was looking at her with bright eyes, she said with a serious face: "Don't look at me now, take out paper and pen or jade slips! Write it down! A good memory is not as good as a bad pen! Don't you know?!"

These proud sons of heaven in the world of immortal cultivation really don't know the joke of the bad pen, but Senior Sister Qin Shu told them to write it down, and they would be right to be honest and obedient.

Facing these eager faces, Qin Shu suddenly felt like she had won the first place in the grade and was giving a speech under the national flag.

This scene was so touching that she gradually relaxed. Without hiding anything, she told these fellow Danzong disciples how to summarize and improve.

"If you want to improve, you must be good at summarizing. After each time you fail in alchemy, do you think about why you failed?"

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