I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 126: Runes that look like ghostly drawings

Looking around, although there were only a few people raising their hands, there were at least twenty people, and Qin Shu felt a little relieved.

Then, she asked: "When you succeeded in refining alchemy, have you ever thought about why you succeeded?"

When she said this, all the monks, regardless of whether they had records of elixir success or not, fell into deep thought.

Do you still need to reflect after success?

They always thought that the rate of elixir formation was purely based on luck. In many cases, even some great elders in the sect did not dare to guarantee their elixir formation rate.

Listening to what Senior Sister Qin Shu said, could there be some trace to improve the rate of elixir formation?

Just when everyone was deep in thought, Qin Shu said again, "There are many factors that affect the formation of the elixir, such as the intensity of the fire spirit, the burning time, the order of integrating spiritual plants, and the techniques and duration of various seal formations..."

At first, Qin Shu asked everyone to write it down, but some people were dismissive. But when Qin Shu gradually spewed out weird ideas and vocabulary that they had never heard before, everyone was stunned at the same time. When they came to their senses, everyone hurriedly found something to write down.

Some people used paper and pen, some used blank jade slips, some simply wrote it down on their Taoist robes, and the smart one took out the jade slip and randomly clicked on the name of a fellow disciple to send him a message...

After Qin Shu shared all the factors she summarized on the paper with everyone, she pursed her lips and smiled shyly, "I have only thought about these now, but I think there must be other factors that I have ignored. You can Let’s brainstorm and discuss together.”

After her words fell, there was silence in the alchemy room. Everyone is still immersed in the impact of this new knowledge. Let alone brainstorming, they may not even fully understand what Qin Shu just said.

At this time, smiles gradually appeared on the lips of the disciples who had been obedient and took notes from the beginning. Fortunately, they listened to Senior Sister Qin Shu’s words and were ready to take notes from the beginning. They wrote down every word that Senior Sister Qin Shu said. .

Although it is still a bit unclear now, when they go back and slowly understand, they will eventually understand.

Most of them didn't write it down completely. Everyone asked each other, "Did you write it down? Copy it for me."

"I've memorized two, and you've noted three. Let's see if there are any that we haven't repeated."

Qin Shu looked at this scene and just wanted to sigh.

History is always surprisingly similar, and opportunities always come to those who are prepared!

Listen to people's advice and eat enough! She told them to write it down from the beginning.

Seeing this, Qin Shu felt that that was enough for today's sharing.

It is better to teach people to fish than to teach them to fish. Today she taught them how to change the variables to increase the rate of elixir formation. If they work harder in the future, their elixir refining technology will naturally reach a higher level.

"After everyone goes back, think carefully about what I said. That's it for today. Goodbye."

Under the attention of all the disciples, Qin Shu took out the little turtle and stood up. Her waist was straight as never before, trying hard to create the appearance of a worldly expert.

It's a pity that in the next moment, she couldn't stand still and the turtle rolled over. Her feet were still adsorbed on the turtle shell by the spiritual energy, but her whole body fell headfirst and flew forward like a green onion.

The bulky clothes were all stuck on her face, and it only took Qin Shu a mere breath of time to go from being panicked at the beginning to being thrown into pieces at the end.

Dushe is dead like this, what else can be done? I won’t go out for the next few months.

The disciples who were standing in front of the alchemy room to see her off were a little puzzled when they saw her like this.

"Senior sister, this is..."

"She must be refining her body, right? I heard from a fellow disciple of the Sword Sect that senior sister is still an individual practitioner."

"It's possible! Hanging the golden hook upside down can add blood to the head, and it should also be a way to train the body."

"That's amazing. Senior sister is worthy of being a senior sister."

Qin Shu didn't know about her embarrassment. Her lovely fellow junior brothers and sisters had already reconciled her.

At this time, she only knew that before another eye-catching news broke out in the entire sect and even the world of immortality, she said she should not go out!

What about the image of the master that Yushu Linfeng promised? All destroyed!

Qin Shu sneaked back to her hilltop and received a message from He Xin, "Shu Shu! So awesome! I was enlightened after hearing what you said!"

Qin Shu laughed. There were so many people today, and it was hard for her to do something special for her little sister. The two of them didn't even say hello.

She held the jade slip and went back, "It's enlightening! Your fire and wood spiritual roots are already far ahead of everyone else in terms of talent. You are scheduled to be a master of alchemy in the future! If you have any doubts, just ask me at any time. ,one to one tutoring!"

He Xin's voice with a smile came from the jade slip, "I have nothing to ask now. I'll think about it first according to what you said."


Qin Shu collected the jade slips and took out the old wooden barrel she had picked up in Jingkou Village from the storage ring.

The runes on the barrel were painted by Kong Shen with blood, and there are still brown traces. Qin Shu used a blank jade slip to cut out the runes on the barrel, and she sat on the futon next to the experimental field and twisted them. He frowned carefully.

While thinking about it, she casually left a branch and drew a few runes on the ground.

If Kong Shen can definitely recognize it here, the runes are the ones he originally drew on the well mouth.

He drew it casually, and it was actually written down by Qin Shu?

Qin Shu drew many runes on the ground. Although they looked similar to Kong Shen's, she could feel that they were definitely missing something. The runes on the ground were light and had no power of rules. Wanting to use them to perform the trick of "Li Dai Tao Jiang"? It was undoubtedly a fantasy.

She tried to make some changes, but it didn't work.

The art of spiritual runes was indeed profound and could not be learned by copying others.

After studying for three days and drawing thousands of runes, Qin Shu finally recognized the current situation.

Some things were not something she could figure out by herself behind closed doors. She should go and see what the predecessors said.

Early in the morning, the moon had just set and Qin Shu had just finished her work. While it was still dark and no one could recognize her, she hurried to the library.

Go check the relevant books to see if she could find something.

If she still can't find out, then she can only shamelessly make a deal with Master Kong Shen!

Qin Shu entered the library unimpeded, chose a rune direction, and plunged in.

There are relatively few people reading books here, and few rune practitioners can rely on reading books to comprehend. The runes in the book look like ghosts' drawings, and they are completely incomprehensible.

Therefore, most rune practitioners have to rely on the guidance of their masters to draw spiritual runes.

Qin Shu took advantage of this opportunity, and she didn't disturb them here quietly. She sat on the ground and took out a book "The Starting Style of the Beginner's Talisman" and started reading.

[Note: Because wealth is not exposed, the heroine uses a storage bag when she goes out and a storage ring when she returns to the sect. Also, the heroine is not a rune practitioner, she is just more interested in using a substitute. ]

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