I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 127 Only points are real

According to the book, the starting posture of each rune is different, because different starting postures condense spiritual energy in different ways.

Qin Shu opened the directory and directly found the name of the talisman that broke the formation.

In a sense, Li Daitao's attack can be regarded as breaking the formation, but it did not destroy the formation itself.

I quickly turned to the chapter about breaking formation talisman and seal script. It talked about several starting moves for drawing talisman and seal script.

How can it be done just by looking at it? It's one thing to see something, but it's another thing to get started with it yourself.

She took out the pen and paper she carried with her, and was extremely glad that she had developed the habit of carrying a small notebook with her to write and draw on the paper.

Qin Shu followed the instructions in the book and drew the rune that she knew well by using various starting movements, but there was still no movement.

Qin Shu didn't think that she could solve the problem by coming up. She drew it a few more times with a calm face, remembering the various starting gestures in her heart, then put down this book of starting gestures and picked up another book "On Talismans" again. Laws of Drawing Texts"...

Those simple runes were drawn hundreds or thousands of times by Qin Shu in various ways, and finally... she felt a trace of spiritual power fluctuations.

A pleased smile appeared on Qin Shu's face. It seemed that her research was in the right direction.

She took out a new piece of paper and summarized her methods for successful drawing.

Looking at the fruits of her labor, she was extremely satisfied. Even the handwriting that she had always been displeased with looked much more pleasing to the eye.

But when her eyes fell on the runes painted on the barrel, Qin Shu's brows wrinkled again.

What else has she not studied? This rune is too difficult.

Just as she was frowning and thinking, her eyes suddenly fell on the clearly visible blood vessels on the back of her hand.

A flash of inspiration seemed to flash through her mind, and she seemed to be suddenly enlightened.


How could she forget such an important point? !

When Kongshen painted this pattern that day, he used his own blood to paint it. Blood must be a very important medium.

Qin Shu's eyes fell on her white and tender fingers again, and finally her heart was filled with regret. She couldn't bear to let her child catch the wolf, so she had to fight!

She pinched a blood-drawing technique that Senior Brother Wenchi had taught her before. She looked at the blood beads on her fingertips, and then she pressed her fingers on the paper and began to draw.

Soon, however, another problem arose.

The blood-taking technique can only take out one drop of blood, and it is obviously not enough for her to draw a rune and one drop of blood.

But the most important point in drawing runes is that the strokes cannot be interrupted. She must complete it in one go.

She pursed her lips and sighed, "It seems I have to take this stab!"

She took out her sword and cut her finger. Seeing blood gushing out from her fingertips, she quickly picked up the paper and started drawing.

After drawing one, it didn't work, so she didn't give up and used another arrangement and combination of starting moves.

Finally, after the thirty-ninth experiment, I finally noticed a trace of spiritual power fluctuations on the mortal paper.

However, this fluctuation of spiritual power only passed by for a moment, and the next moment, the mortal paper spontaneously ignited without any warning.

Qin Shu was startled. This was the library. If it caught on fire, how could it be remedied?

She quickly made a secret and used earth spiritual energy to wrap up the fire and extinguish it.

Looking at the messy corridor, she was worried that her senior sister would take the spirit stone if she found out, so she quickly performed a cleaning technique to restore the place to its original state.

After sitting through all this, she stood up, stretched out, and sighed in a low voice, "Fortunately, it worked. If it continues, she will definitely be anemic."

She raised her head and returned the books in her hands to the bookshelf. Now she had some insights in her heart.

What she had just used to draw was just the most ordinary mortal paper, which could not bear the infusion of her own blood and aura.

The broken wooden barrel that Kong Shen used to draw talismans in Jingkou Village, although it looks inconspicuous, is at least made of thousand-year-old peach wood.

Now that we have figured out the principles of drawing these runes, all that is left is to try. The Library Pavilion is really not suitable, so we should go back to the cave to figure it out.

Qin Shu left the library and returned to her mountaintop.

Just as she was about to raise her hand to release the restraint, she heard someone calling her name from behind, "Junior Sister Qin Shu!"

Qin Shu stopped moving her hands, turned around, and saw a figure running up from the bottom of the mountain.

Qin Shu was a little strange. No outsider had come to visit her since she came to Lingxiao Peak. Why did someone suddenly come today?

She stopped, raised a smile, and shouted behind her: "Senior Sister Shu Ying? Why are you here?"

Shu Ying had a low-level speed talisman affixed to her body and her feet were fast. She arrived at Qin Shu's side in a few steps.

Qin Shu saluted her, and Shu Ying returned the salute with clasped fists.

Finally, he said with a smile: "Junior sister Qin Shu, originally I could just send you a message about this, but I don't have your spiritual energy, so after thinking about it, I came to you personally."

When Qin Shu heard what she said, she immediately became more curious. What could it be?

Shu Ying didn't delay and said directly: "Junior sister, the alchemy experience you shared in the alchemy room half a month ago was recorded by the disciples and spread widely. It not only inspired many disciples of our Dan Sect, but also influenced other disciples of the Qi Sect, Fu Sect, and Zhen Sect. After the head of the sect learned about this, he summoned 18 elders except Zhenren Wangjian and Zhenren Lingxu. After everyone discussed, they unanimously decided to compile your experience into a book, put it in the library, and grant you the privilege of borrowing two books at the same time in the future."

Qin Shu's eyes widened and her face was incredible.

Ah this? Just sharing experience can have such benefits? Didn't she just tell everyone to be good at changing variables and summarizing results?

Shu Ying thought she was too excited, smiled, and then said crisply: "In addition, in view of your outstanding contribution to the sect, the sect also rewards you with 30,000 sect points, which can be used to exchange for cultivation resources."

"Hiss——" Qin Shu took a breath.

The sect is generous!

No matter how good other reputations are, they are all false, only points are real.

Thirty thousand points! For Qin Shu, who only gets 20 points for a primary task, it is undoubtedly a huge sum of money.

She sincerely bowed to Shu Ying and said, "Thank you, Senior Sister!"

Shu Ying smiled softly with her hands covering her lips, "Why thank me? You earned this yourself."

Qin Shu raised her hand to unlock the ban and invited Shu Ying, "Senior Sister, do you want to come in and sit down?"

People are at the door, so they can't be stopped from coming in and sitting down, right? Even if the cave is occupied by the big snake, it's okay for her to take people to sit by the pond in the backyard.

And according to the alertness of the big snake, it will not be discovered by a low-level cultivator like Senior Sister.

Qin Shu had already made all kinds of mental preparations, but she didn't expect Shu Ying to reject her kindness outright. "Junior sister, I appreciate your kindness. But I just used a speed talisman, so I have to go back quickly. The speed talisman has a limited duration, and it will be wasted if I don't leave now."

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