I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 131 Coercion and Inducement (Overhaul)

Is this coercion and inducement?

But this is what she really wants. Who can tell her that her little arms can’t twist someone’s thick thighs?

But before going in next time, she had to change a lighting instrument. It took a lot of spiritual energy to keep the fireball going.

After coming out of the cave, the sun was still high in the sky outside, and the dazzling sunlight made me feel uncomfortable for a moment.

Qin Shu raised her hand to cover her forehead, narrowed her eyes slightly, and the discomfort in her eyes gradually receded. Then she raised her feet and walked towards the big willow tree on the side.

Liu Cheng and Xiaoxiao sat side by side on a tree branch and waved to her. Qin Shu looked at their little paws with a smile on her lips.

When she reached the foot of the tree, the two also jumped down from the tree.

"Shu Shu, have you figured it out? He didn't bully you, right?" Liu Cheng asked with concern.

Xiaoxiao also opened his big wet eyes and nodded crazily.

Qin Shu straightened her back, raised her chin, and said with force, "Who can bully me? This is my territory!"

After saying this, seeing that Liu Cheng seemed to want to ask more questions, she hurriedly asked, "By the way, how long have I been in there?"

Xiaoxiao didn't know how to describe the time, so he turned his head and looked at Liu Cheng.

Liu Cheng tilted his head and thought for a moment, then said, "It should be about a quarter of an hour."

Qin Shu was stunned. She went in to dig out herbs for two nights and bargained with Xie Shiyuan. Only a quarter of an hour had passed outside?

It seems that that space and the outside are indeed two worlds, and they are two worlds with different time flow rates!

She was a little happy in her heart, as digging for spiritual plants would not delay her evening practice!

I don’t know the origin of this stone sculpture frog. How can it hide such a magical little world?

She looked at the stone frog in her hand, and this time she was not willing to throw it into the pond as a landscaping stone. Wouldn't she be heartbroken if such a good thing was lost?

He put the little frog back into the storage ring and took it back, then turned around and went down the mountain to the mission hall.

She used her newly acquired points to exchange for an illuminated night light, and injected a burst of spiritual energy into it. The night light flapped its small wings and floated in the air.

"Junior sister, this night light only costs 100 points. The lighting range at night is about three feet. It can be restored after being exposed to the sun for an hour. It depends on what you use it for."

Although three feet is not big, it is almost enough.

This was also the first time Qin Shu knew that spiritual weapons were so expensive. It was just the most common and useless lighting magic weapon, but it actually cost 100 points? !

If she hadn't suddenly received a fortune of 30,000 points from the sky, it wouldn't be enough even if she spent all her money.

"That's it!" Qin Shu made a quick decision.

Even when you have money, you have to be mindful of the difficulties you will face when you have no money, and don’t spend too much money.

Brother Chu Xing packed the night photos for her, and Qin Shu exchanged them for several jade boxes that could preserve the medicinal properties of the spiritual plant for a long time.

Compared to spiritual weapons, these jade boxes don't cost many points.

Qin Shu changed ten jade boxes and one night photo, spending a total of 200 points.

After coming out of the mission hall, Qin Shu did not go back to her cave, but went straight to Jianzong.

You still have to go to the Sword Sect to practice swordsmanship. The double gravity of the Sword Testing Stone Formation will make swordsmanship practice twice the result with half the effort.

Qin Shu's body training these days has begun to bear fruit, and her height has also grown a bit taller, almost 1.5 meters tall.

When she was walking along the bluestone path, she happened to run into Senior Brother Xiong Jun. His eyes lit up and he greeted him warmly from afar.

"Junior sister Qin Shu!"

With such an angry voice, all the sword-practicing brothers and sisters around him stopped and looked up in the direction where Qin Shu came from.

The air was silent for a moment, and everyone gathered around, "Junior sister! Are you back from training?"

"Long time no see, junior sister, are you injured?"

"Junior sister has grown a lot taller than before."

"Many of our fellow apprentices who went out for training a while ago were attacked. Did our fellow apprentices encounter any?"

Concerned voices filled her ears, and Qin Shu felt warm in her heart.

"I haven't encountered them. I heard that our senior brothers and sisters were attacked? Was it the Luoyun Sect?" Qin Shu asked.

"There is no conclusive evidence, but Master Wanjian went to Luoyun Sect to set up the arena, and it is likely that it will be them." Kong Qi said.

Qin Shu's face darkened slightly, "It seems that what I heard in Dan Sect is correct. I heard that our sect lost a total of six disciples?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the other brothers and sisters fell silent.

Xiong Jun's face was also stained with sadness, "Junior sister, senior sister Yingzhen and Yu Tu are all..."

Senior Sister Yingzhen?

That senior sister who stays by his side and persists silently every time he practices swordplay? She also taught me how to use swordsmanship several times.

And Senior Brother Yutu, she still remembers that time he sprained his waist while practicing swordplay for too long, and she healed his injury herself...

The scene was quiet for a while, and anger appeared on everyone's face. The dead ones were their fellow disciples, ordinary disciples like them, and the senior brothers and sisters who had been with them day and night and behind the friendship.

With Luoyun Sect doing this, who could know that they wouldn't be the next ones to die? !

We are all ordinary people, and it is inevitable that things will harm others. Qin Shu's heart was heavy. Her cultivation level was still low and she couldn't do anything for her fellow disciples.

Her hand holding the wooden sword tightened, "What did the sect say?"

Senior Brother Xiong Jun shook his head, "We haven't said anything yet. We just ask everyone to go out less."

Qin Shu looked a little self-blaming, "I shouldn't have encouraged everyone to go out and train."

Xiong Jun raised his hand and patted her on the shoulder, sighing, "Alas... This matter is not your fault, it's the beasts of Luoyun Sect who are not human."


No one in the entire Jianzong blamed Qin Shu for this, but she felt bad.

This time, under the ambush of Luoyun Sect, a total of six disciples died, and 67 people were injured.

The spiritual energy in Xuantian Sect is rich, and their recovery speed is faster than that of the outside world, but it is estimated that they will still have to lie down for a month.

Some of the serious injuries may not be able to use the sword for half a year.

Qin Shu gave away all the Peiyuan Pills she refined. Although they were just ordinary primary pills, they could make them suffer less, and she felt much better.

On the second day after Qin Shu gave away the pills, Danzong also issued a notice that every injured disciple could get a fourth-grade rejuvenation pill.

Qin Shu heaved a sigh of relief after hearing this, and then spent a few days in seclusion in the alchemy room, refining a lot of Peiyuan Pills, all of which she gave to the injured brothers and sisters.

When Kong Qi sent her out again, he looked as if he wanted to say something but stopped.

Qin Shu noticed it carefully, so she asked, "Brother, is there anything else?"

Kong Qi finally sighed deeply, "Junior sister, Senior sister Tongyin was seriously injured and broke a leg. The fourth-grade rejuvenation pill alleviated her injury, but she can't even walk now, so how can she practice swordsmanship... I happened to meet you today, so I wanted to ask you. Have you heard of any pill that can regenerate a broken leg?"

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