I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 132 Qianyuan Rejuvenating Pill (Overhaul)

Rebirth of a broken leg?

There are naturally such heaven-defying elixirs, but... at her current level, she still can't reach them.

Although she didn't know it, she still had senior brothers and teachers.

"Senior Brother, don't be anxious. I'll ask Senior Brother Wenchi later."

Senior Brother Wenchi has a great family and a great business, and he is well-informed, so he may be aware of it.

Kong Qi smiled bitterly when he heard the words, "Don't worry, we also know in our hearts that pills with such effects are naturally valuable, and I'm afraid the points required are not a small amount. Even if we all work together, it will be enough for us to save a good amount." It’s been a while…”

Qin Shu immediately clasped her fists and said, "We are all brothers and sisters from the same sect. When we collect points in the future, please also ask the senior brother to let me know, and the junior sister will definitely contribute."

After leaving Jianzong, Qin Shu still felt very heavy.

In the world of immortality, people die every day. If she had lived for hundreds of years, she might have become numb to it.

But she only lived for about twenty years in her two lifetimes. When people around her suddenly suffered such a disaster, she felt really unspeakable.

Qin Shu walked halfway when she suddenly changed direction and went directly to Senior Brother Wenchi's cave.

She raised her feet and shrunk to the outside of Wenchi's cave, touching the restrictions outside the cave.

After waiting for another moment, the barrier slowly opened a gap as wide as one person. When Qin Shu walked in, the gap quickly closed again.

Once again, Qin Shu saw the scenery of Wenchi Cave again. Although it was still pleasing to the eye, it did not have the same impact as the first time.

She stepped on the neon lights and reached a waterside pavilion, where she saw Senior Brother Wenchi sitting on a futon making tea.

The misty smoke and water vapor linger together, which really feels like a fairyland on earth.

He raised his hand and poured the tea into an empty tea cup, and motioned for Qin Shu to sit down opposite.

Seeing Qin Shu sit down, he put down the teapot again and asked directly: "You have always been a person who goes to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing. Why do you suddenly want to come to my place today?"

Qin Shu shook her head, looking a little depressed.

Wen Chi also saw it, "What's wrong with you?"

Qin Shu put one hand on the table and supported her chin, sighed, and asked: "Brother, is there any elixir that can regenerate a broken leg?"

Wen Chi replied calmly: "Of course there is. It's a good thing you didn't ask Master, otherwise Master would have punished you to copy the "Records of Alchemy Cultivation" several times more."

After hearing this, Qin Shu sat up straight and asked, "What pill?"

Wen Chi glanced at her and uttered five words, "Qianyuan Reconstruction Pill."

Qianyuan Zaozhuo Dan, a seventh-grade elixir, can grow even a broken arm or leg.

The most important thing is that generally high-level elixirs have cultivation requirements, and low-level monks cannot take them, otherwise they will explode and die.

But Qianyuan Reconstruction Pill can.

The seriously injured senior brothers and sisters of the sect can probably be alive and kicking immediately if they take a Qianyuan Rebuilding Pill.

It is estimated that even monks at the stage of becoming gods must keep such an elixir carefully. How long will it take for them to collect enough points to exchange for such an elixir?

Qin Shu told senior brother Kongqi the news she got from senior brother Wenchi.

This news is also bad news for them.

The redemption of seventh-grade elixirs undoubtedly requires a large amount of points, and sword cultivators are notoriously poor. Even if everyone is willing to chip in, Senior Sister Tongyin does not agree with everyone paying such a price for her.

After final discussion, they came up with other ideas, perhaps going to Qizong to order a prosthetic leg.

However, on the next day, news came out from the sect that Senior Brother Wenchi of the Dan Sect had donated three Qian Yuan Recreation Pills, which could be exchanged for 10% off the original points.

Once such news came out, it caused a sensation throughout the sect.

It originally required 30,000 points to redeem a Qianyuan Recreation Pill, but now it's at a 10% discount, that's 3,000 points.

Wouldn't it be enough if we just all join together? !

Kong Qi and Xiong Jun hurriedly started to organize themselves. You and I were 100 and 80. After all, we were still short of 800.

After Qin Shu got the news, she directly transferred 800 points.

In the past, she really didn't have 800 points, but didn't she just get a reward from the sect? It’s a time when money is abundant.

When Senior Sister Tongyin learned about this, she dragged her broken leg to the door in person, holding Qin Shu's hand with moisture in her eyes.

"Junior sister, when my injury recovers, I will come to serve as your attendant."

It is very common for people to cultivate their servants through elixirs, but Qin Shu has no such idea. Wouldn't it be asking for repayment for a favor?

She waved her hands repeatedly, "Senior sister, if you really want to thank you, you should also thank senior brother Wenchi. I didn't contribute much."

Tong Yin's expression became even more complicated when she heard this, "Junior sister, you started late. Maybe you don't know that you are the only female cultivator in our sect who can get close to Senior Brother Wen Chi..."

Qin Shu: "..."

Although the second senior brother was so cold, she still knew that the second senior brother was a good person.

Yesterday she just came to inquire, but today the second senior brother donated three Qianyuan Reconstruction Pills.

"Senior Sister is joking. Senior Brother Wenchi is afraid of trouble. I'd better ask Master to take care of me before retreating."

Tong Yin sat on the round stool, propped up her chin, stared at Qin Shu's eyes for a long time, and suddenly said, "Why do you look so similar to senior brother Wen Chi in your facial features?"

Qin Shu: "?"

She waved her hands repeatedly, "How can I dare to compare with my senior brother for his immortal talents? If they are even remotely similar, I would laugh out loud in my dreams."

Tong Yin looked at her like this and thought she was very cute. She raised her hand and rubbed her head.

"Whether it looks like it or not, you will know it when you see it yourself next time."

Qin Shu did not avoid it, but raised her eyes and looked at her, "Sister, my wood spirit has the effect of healing. Do you want me to comb your legs for you?"

Sister Tong Yin took the Qianyuan Rejuvenation Pill, and her broken leg has grown back, but her body has not yet adapted to the new leg, and the circulation of spirit is not smooth.

If she wants to recover completely, she may have to suffer more.

Tong Yin did not have any expectations for her proposal, but she could not bear to reject her kindness, so she nodded and agreed.

And Qin Shu thought that since her spirit could heal the snake, it would be feasible to comb the meridians for Sister Tong Yin.

Under Sister Tong Yin's gentle gaze, Qin Shu raised her hand and fell three inches below her knee.

The gentle wood spirit slowly flowed along her palm into Tong Yin's leg meridians. This feeling was not pleasant. She felt that her entire right leg was swollen.

But as the wood spirit circulated, one of the meridians was opened up, and the originally blocked spirit seemed to have found a gap for release in an instant, and it was unblocked instantly.

When she came, she was still leaning on a cane, and when she went back, she walked back by herself.

Even Tong Yin herself was a little bit incredible.

It turned out that... the alchemist not only knew how to make pills, but also had such superb medical skills.

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