Qin Shu gritted her teeth and stared at Xie Shiyuan for a long time. Thinking of the disparity in power between the two sides, she finally loosened her fist helplessly and hinted to him, "I'm a little tired."

Unexpectedly, Xie Shiyuan actually raised his eyebrows and looked very surprised, "Oh? You are still tired?"

Qin Shu pursed her lips and remained silent. After a long time, she said resentfully: "Isn't this drained by you? I have never seen anyone so crazy as to let people refine so many levels of pills. In order to refine this furnace of pills, I knocked a whole bottle of Buling Pills!"

Xie Shiyuan rarely looked at her with some appreciation, "It seems that people still have to force it, otherwise you can try the fourth-grade pill tomorrow?"

Qin Shu rolled her eyes, not wanting to talk to such a person who didn't mind the pain in his waist when talking while standing.

She turned around and was about to go out. It was late, and the moon was above the willow branches. It was a good time to practice.

However, she had just taken a step when she heard Xie Shiyuan's voice behind her again, "When will you open the furnace to refine the elixir next time?"

She looked very tired, but what did this have to do with him? He must get the Qingyuan Pill.

Qin Shu paused and was about to say next month, but suddenly an idea came to her mind, the corners of her lips slightly raised, and she left a sentence, "Let me talk about it when I'm happy."

The next moment, she pushed the door open and walked out. Let me talk about it when she's happy, this condition is very broad.

She can be in a bad mood because it's hot today or he didn't smile today, who cares?

Xie Shiyuan looked at the stone door of the cave being closed, and fell into deep thought for the rare time.

Happy? Then how can she be happy?

Xie Shiyuan couldn't figure it out, he took out the communication jade slip that Qin Shu gave him at the beginning, and posted the first anonymous message in his snake life on it.

[How can the little boy be happy? ]

Before he sent it out, he actually didn't have any expectations at all. In his opinion, who in the world of cultivating immortals would care about other people's affairs?

However, there seemed to be quite a lot of nosy people. After he sent out this message, it quickly resonated with many cultivators.

[Do you have a child at home? How old is he? Children are much harder to deal with than monsters. ]

[Not only are they hard to deal with, but they are also expensive. Just cleaning her tendons and marrow has almost used up half of my wealth. But she is not willing to soak. The immortal master prescribed four sets of spiritual plants, and now there are only three sets left. I feel that this money has been wasted. ]

[What the Taoist friend said above is so right. My child is the same. I always coax him to soak for a long time and reward him with a small toy. ]

Xie Shiyuan read it carefully from the beginning, and a thought came to his mind. Compared with these children, the child outside is much less troublesome.

It was not until the tenth reply that someone finally started to seriously answer his question.

[Children usually lose their temper quickly, so fellow Taoists, you might as well prepare some spiritual fruits that she likes to eat, or go to the Young Immortal Shop to buy some small things that children like, and they will be happy soon. ]

[I have experience in this. Whenever my child gets angry, I take her out to play and let her tumble in the sea of ​​clouds for a while. ]

Xie Shiyuan wrote down the ideas given by these people one by one, and the easiest one to do was undoubtedly the spiritual fruit.

Xie Shiyuan held the spiritual fruit in his hand, thinking about something, and his figure gradually disappeared from the cave. No one noticed the one person and two monsters outside the cave.

Qin Shu sat cross-legged on the futon, closed her eyes and felt the increasingly dense spiritual energy in the air. Suddenly, a thought came to her mind: Did her spiritual root value increase again?

At first, she thought that the thing that measured the spiritual root was wrong, but after three consecutive measurements, her spiritual root value increased three times.

Moreover, the speed of cultivation is always impossible to deceive people...

A slight difference in the spiritual root value will make a big difference, not to mention that her spiritual root value should have increased by more than five points compared to when she first came.

Qin Shu thought about it and felt that she still had to go to the master to re-test her spiritual root.

She slowly opened her eyes from the time she entered into meditation to the moonset.

However, the snake tail suddenly appeared in her field of vision. She was stunned for a moment, and looked up along the smooth snake tail. It was the ink-colored hem, and...

A large bag of spiritual fruits held by the hem.

Most of them were things that the little country bumpkin Qin Shu had never seen, but Xie Shiyuan grew up in the jungle, and he knew which fruits were edible and which were not.

Before Qin Shu could figure out his intention, he saw his hand loosen, and a bag of fruits fell into Qin Shu's arms with a crackling sound.

"Are you happy?" Xie Shiyuan's cold voice formed a clear contrast with his actions.

Qin Shu: "?"

Happy? Why should she be happy?

Xie Shiyuan saw that she frowned and seemed unhappy. He silently crossed out the item of sending spiritual fruit in his heart, and thought about going to the Young Immortal Square another day.

Qin Shu looked at Xie Shiyuan disappearing from the spot with a puzzled look on her face, and then looked at the fruit in her arms, picked up a big and red one and took a bite, and the sweet taste immediately bloomed in her mouth.

Qin Shu's eyes lit up, put the fruit into the storage ring, took a few more, and shared them with Liu Cheng and Xiao Xiao.

Xie Shiyuan in the cave witnessed this scene and couldn't help wrinkling his nose.

She was really unhappy, even the fruit he picked by himself was given to others to eat.

Qin Shu didn't have time to think about Xie Shiyuan's abnormality. She went to Jianzong to practice swordsmanship for a whole morning and even used Jianzong's bathhouse.

Now her physical strength is much stronger than when she first came here, and the body-refining method that Dashe gave her can also come in handy.

Qin Shu didn't start practicing directly, but read the whole book of the method first.

You can't practice the method blindly, but you have to select it yourself. No matter how good the method is, it will be useless if it is not suitable.

Before practicing the method, you must at least recognize the method from your heart, right?

What Qin Shu didn't expect was that this book actually started with breathing.

The author believes that the most vulnerable part of the human body is the five internal organs. Breathing absorbs the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to temper the five internal organs. After the five internal organs are tempered, the tendons and bones are tempered, and finally the skin surface.

At the same time, the author also proposed the possibility of relying on external objects to refine the body.

For example, relying on the power of fire or lightning will increase the body's resistance...

It was because of the power of fire mentioned in the book that Qin Shu moved her practice directly to the alchemy room.

Others learned that Qin Shu went to the alchemy room, and they couldn't stand the pressure from the King of Rolls, so they also opened a room to make pills.

However, this time, they would never guess that Qin Shu was not here to make pills, but to practice body.

Opening the restriction of the earth fire to the maximum, she did not use any spiritual power protection on her body. Under such high temperature, the pores of her body seemed to stretch.

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