I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 139 Is this your first time being a father?

It must be said that practicing in a place with rich fire spirit is indeed a matter of getting twice the result with half the effort for cultivators with fire spirit roots.

And most of the disciples in the entire Dan Sect have fire spirit roots. It is precisely because of this that the alchemy room is also the most popular place for disciples in the Dan Sect.

Qin Shu sat cross-legged as usual, closed her eyes, and felt the stars of spirit energy in the air.

However, due to her magical physique, the spirit energy she felt during the day was limited by her spirit root value, and it was only a drop in the bucket at night.

Fortunately, she has only reached the initial stage of body training now. If she absorbs enough fire spirit energy at the beginning, her body will not be able to bear it.

The spirit energy absorbed by Qin Shu this time did not flow into the Dantian along the tendons and veins, but was slowly absorbed into her lungs.

In just a moment, Qin Shu's face flushed red, and even the smoke exhaled from her nostrils was steaming white.

She had only one thought in her mind, hot!

When all the fire spirit energy she absorbed was absorbed, Qin Shu opened her eyes and breathed a sigh of relief.

The temperature of her body gradually dropped, and she adjusted her breathing before daring to try a second time.

She tried five times before stopping. Her lungs were slightly sore due to the effect of the fire spirit.

Too much is as bad as too little. No one can become a master in one go. Today's body refining came to an end.

At this time, the time for the rented alchemy room had not yet expired. Qin Shu calculated that there was enough time for her to refine another furnace of pills, just enough to earn back the points for opening the room.

She raised her hand to take out the alchemy furnace, but accidentally glanced at the back of her hand.

This? Why does it seem to be much whiter and more delicate?

Suddenly I thought of the relevant knowledge I had seen when I was studying alchemy science. The lungs govern the skin and fur. Although it is uncomfortable to practice the lungs with fire spirit, the benefits to the body are visible.

Qin Shu guessed that these female cultivators in the world of immortal cultivation must not know the benefits of practicing the lungs, otherwise this alone would be enough for those disciples to continue.

Qin Shu didn't care about this, and it wasn't that she didn't love beauty. The main reason was that her original body was less than twelve years old, and her skin was in the best condition...

She collected her mind, and after refining a furnace of elixirs, she just found that the time for the alchemy room she borrowed had expired.

Qin Shu pinched a cleaning spell to clean up everything, and then returned the token of the alchemy room.

Just after walking out of the alchemy room, she suddenly felt something in her heart, took out the communication jade slip, and saw the message sent by He Xin.

"Shu Shu! I'm out of retreat!"

"I've broken through!"

Two messages in a row, even if she was not by Qin Shu's side at this time, just listening to the voice, Qin Shu could imagine how happy she was at this time.

This time she really retreated for five months, and she was playful by nature, and she basically didn't touch the communication jade slip for five months.

Fortunately, hard work pays off, and she finally broke through.

Both spiritual roots did not have the attribute of breaking eighty, but she broke through the realm of the third level of Qi training in two years, which was enough to show her hard work.

"Let's go to Chijin City to celebrate for you?" Qin Shu suggested.

Cultivation should be done with tension and relaxation. He Xin has been in seclusion for so long, it's time to go out and relax.


The two agreed on a time. Qin Shu finished her practice the next morning. For the first time, she did not practice sword or body training, nor did she go to make pills. Instead, she changed her clothes and sat on the green leaves to leave Lingxiao Peak.

He Xin saw her familiar figure flying over from a distance, and waved at her excitedly, "Shu Shu! Here!"

Qin Shu stopped the green leaves and moved to the side, and He Xin jumped on it.

"Shu Shu, I should be able to make pills after breaking through the third level of Qi training! You told me before that I should save the spiritual plants I brought first, and I saved them!"

Speaking of this, she couldn't help but sigh that her sister was really too foresighted.

She also knew a few fellow disciples in the outer sect, who couldn't wait to make pills as soon as they broke through the second level of Qi training. Ten spiritual plants in a month, all wasted, what a pity.

Qin Shu also smiled and said, "Wait two days and go to the alchemy room for a few days of retreat, I guess you will soon understand."

He Xin nodded, "It won't take two days, I'll go tomorrow! By the way, I'll finish reading the experience you taught everyone in the alchemy room tonight, and it will come in handy tomorrow."

Qin Shu was very pleased to see her working so hard.

"If you don't understand anything, ask me again, I will tell you everything I know!"

"Then let's make a deal!"

The two happily went to Chijin City to eat something good to celebrate, but when passing by the Young Immortal Square, Qin Shu seemed to see a familiar figure vaguely.

She didn't remember who it was for a while, and felt that she seemed to have seen it wrong, so she didn't take it seriously.

And it was the first time for Xie Shiyuan to visit a place like the Young Immortal Square, where there were countless small things.

The duck that sprays water depicts a water formation; the rice mouse jungle depicts a wind formation, which can train children's eyesight and actions...

Xie Shiyuan touched a hanging tiger with his hand, and the tiger opened its eyes and roared.

He looked uninterested and neither sad nor happy from beginning to end.

The waiter followed the cold-faced guest with his eyebrows lowered, ready to be dispatched at any time.

Although Xie Shiyuan made some adjustments to his appearance before coming out, the aura of a strong man on him made these waiters dare not act rashly.

Seeing that he had been wandering around for a long time and seemed to have a more confused look on his face, the waiter put a smile on his face and asked: "Master, are you a father for the first time?"

Xie Shiyuan: "?"

Be a father? He is young and has no spouse, so what kind of father can he be?

The change in expression on his face was so hard to notice that the waiter thought he had guessed correctly and recommended to him: "The best selling goldfish bubbles over there are water-based formations that can generate bubbles. The bubble existed for more than a quarter of an hour..."

"Take one."

When the waiter saw how happy he was, his face lit up, and he continued: "There is also the psychedelic ghost array, which specializes in treating disobedient children. It is also a very popular thing. Of course, it doesn't mean that your child is disobedient, it's just... …Adults can also play with it after buying it...Haha...adults and children can play together to promote parent-child relationship.”

Xie Shiyuan thought of the little boy and seemed a little naughty, "Take one."

"There is also this guy who dances after hearing the chicken and urges the child to practice. If she doesn't practice, the chicken will peck her butt..."

This is good!

"one comes."

Xie Shiyuan had already bought a lot of things without knowing it. It wasn't until the waiter in the store really had nothing to recommend that he said calmly, "Let's just take these first and pay the bill."

The waiter was very happy. It was not easy for us mortals to survive in the fairy world. Today's order was enough for him to live comfortably for two years.

Thinking of this, the smile on his face became even brighter, "Master Immortal, a total of forty-five high-grade spiritual stones."

Xie Shiyuan waved his sleeves and all the gadgets on the table disappeared. The waiter was startled and quickly looked at the man in front of him, only to see him throw a shiny spiritual stone casually, and the whole figure disappeared, leaving only a cold voice in the room, "No need to look for it." ”

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