I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 143: Piercing the Clouds

Aren't these large areas of medicinal fields on the ground chessboards? What would it look like if the stars in the sky were filled into the chessboard?

Qin Shu's mind suddenly opened up. She took out the green leaf that Wen Chi had given her before and stood on it, wanting to see the whole picture of this medicinal field.

However, the illumination range of the night light was too small. She couldn't see where the edge of the medicinal field was at all. Everything in the distance was hidden in the endless darkness.

Qin Shu could only land again. It seemed that it was not dark under the lamp, but all the range was dark. If she wanted to see the whole picture clearly, she could only wait until the moment before being teleported out at dawn.

Qin Shu continued to dig medicinal materials honestly, and didn't want to waste any time. She was also very particular about digging medicine. It was not that there was no grass growing in the place where she went, but she took one out of three plants.

When the sky began to dawn, Qin Shu immediately stopped her actions.

The dawn in this small world was too fast, and she would leave here once the dawn came. Therefore, she had to take a look in the air before the sky was completely bright.

Qin Shu took out the green leaf and rose into the air.

Her vision became wider and wider, and everything around her appeared in her eyes.

There were medicinal fields everywhere, but not every medicinal field had plants, and this small world was not as boundless as she thought, but had boundaries, like a square box.

She just took a look, and she didn't even have time to study it carefully, and the whole person was bounced out again.

Seeing her appear out of thin air, Xie Shiyuan was not surprised at all, and asked casually, "Do you want to go in again?"

However, Qin Shu seemed to be lost in thought. She didn't answer Xie Shiyuan's words, but took out a pen and paper and started writing and drawing in front of him.

Xie Shiyuan frowned, and his golden vertical pupils narrowed into a slit, but when his eyes swept over what she drew, his expression became a little strange again.

What is she drawing?

Before he could see clearly, Qin Shu stopped moving. She held the paper and looked at the grid she had drawn carefully, frowned and thought for a moment, and hesitated for a long time before picking up the pen.

Finally, she simply looked up at Xie Shiyuan and said to him: "Let me go in again."

Seeing her serious look, Xie Shiyuan knew that she must have made some discoveries, and this discovery was probably related to her so-called treasure land.

With a raise of his hand, the frog stone sculpture that had fallen to the ground returned to his hand. He threw it towards Qin Shu casually, and then Qin Shu disappeared again.

Xie Shiyuan's fingers tapped three times on the stone bed boredly and stopped, looking quietly at the empty space in front of him, and Qin Shu's figure appeared.

She still held the piece of paper in her hand, and the painting on it had been filled in by her.

It looked like a chess game, but... could a little kid like her play chess?

Xie Shiyuan thought of the ten bottles of elixirs she had given him, so he asked, "Do you need help?"

Qin Shu shook her head, "No, you probably can't understand this."

Xie Shiyuan: "?"

Who is she looking down on? His face darkened again.

But Qin Shu didn't know that she just had her own thoughts. How could a snake like him play chess? What's more, this frog stone sculpture was picked up in a secret place in Xizhou, and the chessboard here must not be Go.

As for what kind of chess it is, she still needs to study it.

Qin Shu held a piece of paper and thought seriously. She pushed open the stone door and left the cave, but noticed that Xie Shiyuan's face behind her had already become extremely ugly.

Sure enough, I can't give this kid a good look!

The stone door of the cave had just closed, and Xie Shiyuan's figure disappeared from the cave.

"Yingchun, Yingliu."

Two slender and gorgeous figures walked out of the night, wearing moonlight, and the strong wind blew their clothes, even the gorgeous color on their bodies faded a little, "My lord, I am here."

Xie Shiyuan raised his hand, and eleven bottles of elixirs appeared in front of them, "Take it back to Li Niang and let her arrange it."



Qin Shu practiced all night, and now she has planned her time very well, practicing sword in the morning, refining elixirs or body in the afternoon, and practicing in the evening. Relax and work in a proper way.

She has practiced the sword technique of Piercing Clouds and Breaking Rain very skillfully, but in terms of power, she feels that it is still a little short. Piercing Clouds and Breaking Rain is the signature sword technique of Master Wang Jian, and it is impossible to have only this little power. She must not have practiced it well.

When she came to the sword test stone formation, there were already disciples practicing swords. I don't know if they came early in the morning or didn't come back all night.

She silently took out the wooden sword and found an empty corner to set up her posture. The weather was nice and it started to rain.

The disciples around her all lit up their spiritual shields, but Qin Shu didn't, letting the raindrops fall on her.

The rain was getting heavier, and her eyes slowly closed. She could hear the sound of wind and rain around her, as well as the sound of her fellow disciples practicing swords... more clearly.

With the sound of rain, a blurry world appeared in her mind. She didn't have a spiritual consciousness yet, and these were just images of her perception in the rain.

A drop of rain in the sky fell straight down from the cloud. Qin Shu turned her wrist, and the sword in her hand was instantly raised, with the tip of the sword facing the drop of rain.


The sword technique that had been practiced thousands of times was now more fluent, and her movements became faster and faster, and the raindrops falling on her became fewer and fewer.

The disciples around her noticed her movements, and they all stopped and looked at her.

She did not use spiritual power, but only used sword techniques, but no one doubted the lethality of this sword technique.

It was not until the dense sword shadows formed a protective shield around her body and all the falling raindrops were stopped that Qin Shu suddenly stabbed the air with a sword.

Piercing the clouds!

It seemed that the sun was pouring down from the clouds in the sky, and the raindrops disappeared for a short moment, but the hole did not last long, and it returned to its original state again.

Qin Shu exhaled a long breath of turbid air, her heart was surging at this time, and she just wanted to shout out a happy feeling.

When the other disciples saw her put away her sword, they gathered around her, "Junior sister is amazing!"

"Uncle Wang Jian has only taught you this sword technique not long ago, and you have already reached such a level. I really admire you!"

"Can you give us some pointers?"


Qin Shu was happy to hear their compliments, but she still had some self-awareness.

This time, she was just taking advantage of the power of the clouds and rain. Taking advantage of the power of the clouds and rain to comprehend the sword technique of the clouds and rain was just a trick.

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