I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 144 Three fate cards revealed

Qin Shu was surrounded by a group of fellow apprentices who said they wanted to learn from her.

There is no swordsman who doesn't like to fight, and Qin Shu herself is a little eager to try it. Practicing swordsmanship alone will never improve as fast as fighting with others.

It is precisely because of this that her master Wang Jian is always out competing with others, either in fights or on the way to fights.

However, just when she was about to respond, a fellow disciple suddenly ran over from a distance wearing a golden spiritual shield, shouting as he ran, "Brothers and sisters! Hurry! Go to the square and take a look, Master!" I’m going to collect the souls of our six fellow students who died in vain!”

When Qin Shu heard this, she immediately became energetic. She could compete at any time, but Juhun missed this time... I don't know when the next time will be.

The other disciples probably all had the same idea as her. Some of them took out their magical weapons, and some of them directly took out their swords... Each showed their magical powers and rushed down the mountain.

The Jian Sect was further away from the square than other sects. When they arrived, the best viewing positions were occupied by other peaks.

Qin Shu stepped on the green leaves and reached out to pull up He Xin who was overwhelmed by the crowd. He Xin looked at the various aircraft in front of her and couldn't help but sigh, "Isn't this still blocked? "

Qin Shu was still optimistic. She pointed at the gap between the two flying spiritual weapons in front and said to her: "Let's just take a look. Who made our sect have more people?"

In addition, sect disciples were attacked when they went out before, and now many people do not dare to go out to practice, so they stay inside the sect.

While the two of them were talking, a red bird flew over.

Then a fiery red figure appeared in front of them. There was a feather under her feet, it was Akabane.

"There are so many people in our sect. The colorful spiritual weapons almost blinded me. You two were hiding here and almost didn't find them." Akabane said.

He Xin looked up at her and said, "At least half of the people haven't come yet. Some are in retreat, and some are not interested."

Chiyu clicked his tongue twice and looked at Qin Shu again, "I have just come out of seclusion. I heard that there are many injured in our Sword Sect?"

Qin Shu nodded, "Yes, there are only seven or eight serious injuries."

The red feather on Akabane's head has now grown back. She frowned slightly, her expression still had her unique cold expression, but the words she spoke were all concerned, "How are you recovering? Let's go together later. Look at senior brothers and sisters?”

Qin Shu nodded in agreement, not forgetting to reassure her, "Don't worry, the sect is here, and all the senior brothers and sisters are recovering well."

As soon as he finished speaking, the leader Qi Nan not far away took out a treasure, and then a huge blue water curtain rose into the sky.

Many young disciples had never seen this posture before, and they all exclaimed in admiration.

Qin Shu, who had seen the Dolby giant screen in the 21st century, accepted it well. The water curtain in front of her was just a more exaggerated giant screen.

As the water curtain rose, the scenes in front of them that they could not see clearly were enlarged and appeared in front of everyone.

Master Qi Nan stood with his hands down. Standing beside him were his eldest disciple Shu You, Master Wan Jian and Master Bu Kun of Jian Sect, and Master Cheng Qi of Fu Sect.

In front of them was a table with these accidental fate cards placed on it. Without exception, they were all broken.

Master Qi Nan's spiritual consciousness gradually relaxed, and his voice carried spiritual power and spread to the ears of every disciple, "A while ago, the disciples of our sect who went out for training suffered an unprecedented blow, and these six disciples died as a result. The other disciples who came back alive also paid a lot of price. Today, I will gather the souls of these six disciples in front of all the disciples. If they can wake up, they may be able to restore the original injustice for us. If you have a leader, you have a debtor. If you dare to attack our Xuantian Sect disciples, you are an enemy of our Xuantian Sect! I will never let them go!"

These words made everyone's blood boil, as if the leader waved his hand and they rushed together to wipe out the bullies who attacked them.

On the light blue water curtain, every move of the leader was clearly displayed.

He glanced at Shu You beside him, and Shu You took out the soul-gathering lamp he had prepared in advance.

The soul-gathering lantern was not as gorgeous as they imagined. It was only about the height of a palm. It was dark and very simple, somewhat similar to the ever-burning lanterns in the human world.

The whispers around Qin Shu started again, and they heard everyone saying that the head of the lamp had exchanged the time-traveling mirror with the Hidden Moon Sect.

She had heard about this news a long time ago. At first, she just lamented that the sect could save a fortune in spiritual stones this time, but then she heard someone say that the elder of the Hidden Moon Sect was still unwilling to give up on the death of his great-grandson. , I guess we need to get to the bottom of it.

Qin Shu suddenly thought of something in her mind. She was stunned, her face changed drastically, and she began to lose her composure.

She was the one who spread the grievances between the Hidden Moon Sect and the Beast Control Sect, and she also posted the specific location on the jade slip. Now they use the time retrospective mirror to check what happened in the past. If they see themselves...

No, it doesn't matter if you see her, after all, she is also a victim, but what if you see a big snake? !

She knew that he was the Demon Lord, and she also knew that good and evil were not mutually exclusive.

But the two of them are now grasshoppers on the same rope. Not only are they bound by an equal contract, but his inner elixir is still in his belly.

Even if she told others that she accidentally swallowed the inner elixir, would someone still believe her?

Qin Shu sat cross-legged on the green leaves, feeling uneasy. She wanted to send a message to Xie Shiyuan to ask.

However, the two of them were just a plastic friendship that was not even close to friends.

On the water curtain, Shu You had already prepared the formation and spirit stones, elixirs and magic weapons needed for soul gathering.

Shu You placed the soul gathering lamp in the middle of the formation. The head of the sect pointed his finger, and a ball of green flame ignited on the cotton wick of the soul gathering lamp.

Then, the elders standing behind Qi Nan injected spiritual power into the formation together, watching the runes on the formation light up one by one.

The whole square was silent, and everyone didn't even dare to breathe, fearing that their little actions would cause the soul gathering to fail.

It was drizzling in the sky, and the rain suddenly stopped at this time.

The dark clouds in the sky became thicker, and a gust of cold wind blew, and the light around seemed to be darker.

It seemed that there was only one soul-gathering lamp left between heaven and earth, emitting a green light in the dim sky and earth.

Qin Shu's sight had been on the life cards placed on the table. At this time, she didn't know whether the big snake would be discovered.

She frowned, her two small hands clenched into fists, and her fingernails were about to dig into the flesh.

After a long wait, finally... one of the life cards lit up.

Everyone stretched their necks at the same time, and Qin Shu's clenched hands became tighter. She was too nervous.

It lasted for another quarter of an hour, and two more life cards lit up, and everyone became excited.

However, after that, the other life cards remained silent.

Until the sky brightened again, the wick of the lamp shook slightly and went out.

Qi Nan looked at this scene, but he didn't seem to be surprised.

Then he heard him say to everyone: "The anger here is too strong, so it's better not to disturb the ghosts. Let's disperse."

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