I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 145 The weather is too hot

After Qi Nan said these words, with a casual move, the three life cards that lit up appeared in his hand, and then he disappeared on the spot. The other elders saw this and followed closely, leaving only the young disciples looking at each other.

Life and death are originally opposites. Living people cannot touch the energy of death, and their souls will naturally be affected by anger.

It's not easy for the leader to set up a formation so that everyone can witness the gathering of souls with their own eyes. Next, they must have to wait for the news.

"It seems that only three of my classmates were rescued." He Xin's expression was a little sad. She sighed and said with some loss.

Akabane didn't take it seriously. She folded her arms, looked down at the two people sitting on the green leaves, and explained: "The strength of people's souls is also different. Some people were taken away by ghosts when they died. In the ghost world, some people's souls can stay in the human world for a while after death. Only in this case can they be brought back by the soul gathering lamp. It is estimated that the three people rescued by the leader are also relatively high in cultivation. ”

He Xin suddenly realized: "That's it."

After speaking, he smiled bitterly and said: "It seems that we have to practice hard. If our cultivation is low, if we die in the future and someone wants to gather souls for us, they won't be able to gather them."

Akabane is worthy of being a native of the world of immortality. After hearing her words, he just pulled the corners of his lips and showed a faint smile, "Life and death are destiny, but there is no need to be persistent."

At this time, the senior fellows from the Sword Sect in the distance called Qin Shu, "Junior sister! Do you want to spar?"

Qin Shu looked back at him, but shook her head and refused, "Senior brother, I have something else to do. I have to go back to Danzong. Let's discuss it tomorrow!"

The surrounding disciples had dispersed one after another. Qin Shutong, Xin and Chi Yu went to the Sword Sect, and also used their wood spirit energy to sort out the meridians of the injured senior brothers and sisters.

After doing all this, she said goodbye to everyone and rushed towards Danzong.

She had to go back to discuss with Orochi in case the Moon-Sealing Sect discovered that she and Orochi appeared together at the place where the disciples of the Seal-Mooning Sect died.

Then this matter is really troublesome...

She rushed back to her cave without stopping. As soon as she stepped into the forbidden area, the chicken rushed over and pecked her butt.

"Go to practice, go to practice, go to practice..."

Qin Shu took the trouble and picked up the chicken by its neck.

As soon as the fire spirit energy on his body swayed, the bubbles suspended in the restriction instantly shattered, and most of the originally dreamlike and terrifying atmosphere dissipated.

Then Qin Shu stepped on the black shadow and ran towards the cave. As soon as she entered the door, she found Xie Shiyuan transformed into his original form and lying on the bed, with his head hanging above his body, as if he was taking a nap.

Qin Shu didn't care about anything else at this time and asked directly: "Orochi! What if the time retrospective mirror sees us?"

This was said without any reason, but Xie Shiyuan understood it clearly, and his upper body transformed into a human form again, half leaning on the stone bed.

The originally fair and bloodless skin was now showing some abnormal redness, and he squinted his eyes and said, "It doesn't matter, they can't see it."

Qin Shu blinked and confirmed again: "Are you sure?"

Xie Shiyuan hummed, but didn't want to say more. These people can only trace back to the past in the same dimension, but that person, a disciple of the Beast Control Sect, was isolated to another dimension by him and died.

Qin Shu was worried for a long time. After listening to his two understatement words, she finally let go of her worries.

After relaxing, she glanced and saw something strange about Xie Shiyuan, and asked quickly: "What's wrong with you?"

Xie Shiyuan's eyes were slightly closed and he said calmly: "It's getting a little hot."

An idea flashed in Qin Shu's mind. She looked at the big snake in front of her and remembered that she had seen popular science content in a science column.

Snakes will enter aestivation when the temperature exceeds 35 degrees.

Is it because it’s been too hot these days?

As a disciple with the fire spirit in her body, she would certainly not be afraid of heat, but she would never have thought that the Demon Lord was actually afraid of heat?

Xie Shiyuan didn't know what Qin Shu was thinking at this time. If he knew, he would probably just sneer, an ignorant child.

It's not that he's afraid of heat, it's just that the remaining poisons on his body haven't been completely eliminated, and when the weather gets hot, those remaining poisons become even more rampant.

Qin Shu suddenly thought of a pill that she had seen in the library. In this situation, she might give it a try!

"If you bear with me a little longer, I'll make an elixir for you to try."

Xie Shiyuan said nothing, but he didn't believe it in his heart. This child's alchemy skills are indeed quite good compared to those of her peers, but her cultivation is limited and she cannot make a pill that can completely detoxify.

Qin Shu dropped the chicken she had been carrying on the ground and took out the alchemy furnace.

Sitting on the floor in front of Xie Shiyuan, the elixir she wanted to refine now was just a very ordinary first-grade elixir. According to her current cultivation level, she could refine it without the help of earth fire.

Xie Shiyuan watched with interest as she turned on the stove and threw the spiritual plants in one by one. The chicken even wanted to peck her butt, but its neck was cut off by Xie Shiyuan's spiritual power.

Qin Shu didn't notice this. She focused all her attention on her alchemy furnace. Although the first-grade elixir was simple, it had to be taken seriously.

Qin Shu hit the magic formula one after another, seemingly without much effort. As soon as I opened the furnace lid, it turned out to be perfect alchemy again!

Xie Shiyuan knew from the smell of the elixir that the elixir was not of a high level. Could such a low-level elixir be useful to him? He was skeptical.

Qin Shu put all the pills into the porcelain bottle, and threw the whole bottle to Xie Shiyuan.

"Try it."

Xie Shiyuan took it and the warm porcelain bottle made his palm a little uncomfortable. He frowned and looked at Qin Shu and asked, "What is this? Can it be useful?"

Qin Shu put the alchemy furnace into the storage ring and stood up from the ground. Looking at the vivid fragrance on the bed, he raised his chin and said, "This pill is called Qingliang Pill. The grade is not high, but it will make people feel very cool after taking it. According to rumors, there was an alchemist who found a mortal as his wife. Every summer, his wife was very uncomfortable, so the alchemist invented this pill. Now thousands of years have passed, and this pill is still very popular in the world of immortal cultivation. If you need it, I will refine a few more for you when I have time."

Qingliang Pill?

It turned out that it was not a detoxifying pill. Xie Shiyuan pulled out the bottle stopper, and the refreshing fragrance of the pill came to his face. He raised his head and poured the pill into his mouth, his Adam's apple moving slightly.

It was indeed magical. After taking this cooling pill, the scorching temperature on his body did drop, and the toxins surging in his meridians seemed to be restrained a little.

Xie Shiyuan couldn't help but look up to the little girl in front of him. Although her cultivation was low, she was still useful.

Qin Shu saw the red blush on his body fade away, and knew that her pill should have worked.

She stepped forward and put her fair little hand on his rough snake tail. At this time, the hideous wound on the snake tail had disappeared.

It has been a long time since I treated him. I originally saw his amazing fighting power and thought he no longer needed treatment, but I didn't expect that he was actually just an empty shell.

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