"Thank you, fellow Taoist." Although Hongyuan was much older and more experienced than Qin Shu, Qin Shu helped him solve the inner demon that had troubled him for a long time, so he sincerely bowed to Qin Shu.

Qin Shu quickly returned the greeting, "Senior, you are too polite. I just..."

She actually wanted to say that she was meddling in other people's business, but this didn't seem to be a big deal for the senior in front of her.

She scratched the back of her head and didn't know what to say for a moment.

Hongyuan saw her embarrassment and said, "Young friend, there is no need to say more, whether you did it intentionally or unintentionally. Your casual action really helped me solve the inner demon. I am Taoist Hongyuan of the Zhenzong. May I ask your name?"

When Qin Shu heard that his inner demon had been solved, her first reaction was that if she wanted to eat shaved ice in the future, would she not be able to eat it?

She quickly raised her head and looked at Hongyuan, who was wearing instant noodles and had a burnt face in front of her. It was hard for her not to laugh.

"Senior, I am Qin Shu from Danzong. You...will this shop be closed in the future?" Qin Shu asked seriously.

Hongyuan was also stunned when he heard her words. Thinking that she had visited his shop a lot recently, he understood the meaning of her words.

The corners of his lips rose slightly, and his usual cold expression softened a little. "The shop is closed, but if you want to eat shaved ice, just send me a message."

There was one more person in the column about the big boss in Qin Shu's communication jade slip. This elder was actually from Zhenzong? Qin Shu looked at the name on the jade slip, and the smile on her face rose little by little.

In the future, she can be regarded as someone in Zhenzong!

Hongyuan in front of him wanted to give Qin Shu a little thank you gift, but when his consciousness probed into the storage ring, he found that the good things he had saved before were all consumed in this thunder tribulation. Now there are only some things in the storage ring that are not worth showing off.

A bit of embarrassment also emerged on his burnt face. He clenched his right fist, put it to his lips and coughed to cover up the embarrassment on his face.

He suddenly flew up to the sky and said to the elders who came to congratulate him: "Are you here to congratulate empty-handed?"

His lips were tight, and the other elders were stunned at first, and then laughed.

When Hongyuan returned to Qin Shu, he gave her a good thing in the storage ring.

How could Qin Shu dare to take it? After all, she just helped him write the two words "ten thousand". Others' words cost a thousand gold, but her one word was worth a thousand gold.

"Senior, you really don't have to do this. I am ashamed to accept it!" Qin Shu said.

"Just accept it."

Hongyuan has always been bad at socializing with others, and he is not smooth in speaking and doing things. The more simple-minded people in the world of cultivation are, the easier it is to cultivate to great success.

Even the head of the sect Qi Nan did not expect that he would get stuck on counting.

Qin Shu watched them fly away, then looked down at the storage ring in her hand, and couldn't help but sigh.

It seems that this time she really made the right decision to go out. The way God sends opportunities is really varied.

Qin Shu had just returned to her cave when someone came to visit her outside the cave door.

Qin Shu opened the restriction and took a look, and found that the person who came was a face she had never seen before.

The other party saluted Qin Shu with a fist, "Junior sister, I am Fang Qi, a disciple of Taoist Hongyuan. I am entrusted by my master to send this thing to you. Thank you for helping my master overcome this inner demon. If you can use us in the future, just ask."

After sending the person away, Qin Shu took a look at the two array plates in her hand.

There are two arrays sealed here. When the array master goes out, it is always too late to set up the array temporarily, so he will seal the array on the array plate.

As long as the array plate is activated, it can be used. Many people will buy some ready-made array plates for self-defense.

Qin Shu had such an idea before, but now... isn't this ready-made array plate delivered to her door?

Qin Shu arranged the array plate in her cave and found that the two array plates given to her by Taoist Hongyuan were actually complementary to each other, one for attack and the other for defense.

Not to mention the other gifts he gave her before, these two array plates alone were more than enough as a thank-you gift.

Qin Shu had just arranged the array plate when Xie Shiyuan came out of the cave.

He glanced at the place where Qin Shu arranged the array plate and asked, "With this master here, do you still need this kind of childish thing?"

Qin Shu now has the cultivation level of the sixth level of Qi training. The moment the array plate is opened, she can feel the power of the array plate.

Once this array plate is successfully arranged, even if she encounters a cultivator with the cultivation level of the early stage of the Golden Core, she will have the strength to fight.

If other people say this, Qin Shu will inevitably start to fight directly.

However, the person who said this was Xie Shiyuan.

Qin Shu patted the non-existent dust on her hands, stood up, glanced at Xie Shiyuan, and said with a smile: "My cave has a bubble machine and a ghost forest, so what's so strange about adding some children's playthings?"

Xie Shiyuan: "..."

He had nothing to say. This little girl's cultivation was not high, but she was sharp-tongued.

At this moment, he suddenly noticed a fluctuation, so he looked up at the main peak in the distance.

Qin Shu noticed his movement and asked casually, "What's wrong?"

"I noticed the fluctuation of the soul, and your brothers and sisters should have been awakened." Xie Shiyuan said.

Qin Shu was happy, "Really? Can they survive?"

Xie Shiyuan looked down at her and said, "Their bodies are destroyed, and it is difficult to revive. Now all they can do is to become ghosts or reincarnate."

Qin Shu sighed. Although she knew that resurrection was just a matter of probability, she still felt a little disappointed.

Two days later, the sect spread the news that Luoyun Sect had killed their disciples and paid a lot of compensation. Even the expenses of gathering souls for their disciples were counted on them.

When this news came, Qin Shu was sparring with fellow disciples in the Sword Sect.

Their cultivation levels were uneven, so when they sparred, they locked their own cultivation levels and simply competed in swordsmanship.

Qin Shu was a genius, but she had been practicing for a short time.

Although she had been practicing swordsmanship day and night, how could these two years of practice compare to others' decades of practice?

She always lost at the beginning, but as the number of times increased, her swordsmanship became more and more perfect under her continuous summary.

And she got up again and again, and became more and more courageous, which also inspired other disciples of the Sword Sect.

Although it was a bit tiring, it was right to take a bath together after training.

They were fighting fiercely when a disciple from the Sword Sect ran over in a hurry and told them that the sect had already sought justice for them and officially declared war on the Luoyun Sect.

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