I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 149 Why are people so different from each other?

Everyone was not very surprised about the declaration of war against Luoyun Sect. After all, although they had no evidence before, the disciples had already tacitly accepted that the perpetrator was from Luoyun Sect.

The two sects must have been tit-for-tat behind the scenes, but these things were never brought to the surface.

This time, the leader not only asked for compensation for everyone, but also declared war on Luoyun Sect in a very tough manner, which really surprised Qin Shu.

The leader is worthy of being the leader. He can make Luoyun Sect willingly bleed heavily even though he knows that they are going to break up. He is really amazing.

The disciples of Jianzong were even more excited when they heard the news. "If I run into the disciples of Luoyunzong again next time, my Bishui Sword will definitely not let them go!"

"We must practice hard and avenge our brothers and sisters!"

"Yes! Kill one Luoyunzong lackey with one sword!"


At this moment, a clear bell suddenly rang through the sky. Everyone looked up and saw a white scroll slowly unfolding in the sky, and the words shining with golden light gradually emerged.

Everyone saw it, until the scroll completely disappeared, the entire Xuantian Sect was boiling again, and it was even more intense than before.

"The time for the sect competition has been set!"

"It will be held next month! I won't sleep this month! I feel like I'm about to break through and upgrade my cultivation level."

"I'll go out and take on some missions and save some points to get a good sword."

"I'll go dig some herbs and exchange them with my brothers from the Dan Sect for two bottles of elixirs. The sect competition is a round-robin competition."


All the disciples were excited at once. The sect competition that had been delayed for a year was finally about to begin.

According to the previous rules, before the sect competition, one must compete in one's own sect. Only the disciples who can rank in the top 100 in each level of cultivation in the sect are eligible to represent the sect to compete for resources.

However, this is not over yet. Immediately afterwards, the sect released news again.

In the sect competition, all disciples of various levels of cultivation, who can enter the top 50, can enter the inner sect!

Qi Refining Disciples choose a high-grade spiritual weapon and three foundation-building pills.

Foundation-building Disciples choose a low-grade treasure weapon and three golden pills.

The Jindan stage disciples are rewarded with a top-grade treasure and three Peiying pills!

Once these rewards were released, even some disciples who didn't care about fame and fortune and only focused on cultivating immortals couldn't sit still.

It doesn't matter whether the treasure is a treasure or not, but the pills!

No matter what level of cultivation, having a few pills to pave the way for your advancement is equivalent to having half a foot in the advancement. Who can refuse this? Sign up! You must sign up!

Just when the entire Xuantian Sect seemed to be celebrating the New Year, the atmosphere on Lingxiao Peak was not very good.

Lingxu Zhenren sat cross-legged on the futon with a depressed look on his face, looking at the two disciples in front of him.

"You can share the foundation-building pill and the Jindan, and I will refine the Peiying pill myself. I will refine thirty of each pill first, and make up for it if it is not enough later."

Cheng Yan, who had been beaten countless times by Wangjian Zhenren in swordsmanship every day recently, felt guilty when he heard his master's words.

He almost forgot that he was still an alchemist. It was too easy to get carried away in a fight.

Just when he decided to turn over a new leaf and refine a few furnaces of elixirs for the Dan Sect before continuing the fight, he saw his good junior brother Wen Chi flip his wrist and take out a few bottles of elixirs and put them on the stone table in front of the master.

He shook the fan in his hand and said with a smile: "Why bother? Master, do you think these are enough? If not, I have more here!"

Ling Xu Zhenren was stunned, then stroked his beard, with a gratified smile on his face, and asked him: "When did Wen Chi know how to refine elixirs secretly? I have never seen it for so many years. I have really grown up! I am really pleased!"

Wen Chi smiled at the corners of his lips, and the flowing light fan in his hand swayed slightly, and the broken hair on his temples also fluttered, looking really fairy-like. But the words he said were as infuriating as they could be.

"Master, what you said is wrong. Why do I need to secretly make pills? As long as I have spirit stones, I can buy any pills I want?"

When Lingxu Zhenren heard what he said, his face turned black and he waved his sleeves at him.

A golden light flashed on Wen Chi's body, and he still stood there, unharmed.

Lingxu Zhenren was so angry that he blew his beard and glared, and scolded: "You are an alchemist! You don't make pills yourself, but you still need to buy them?! I beat you up, and you still need to use magic weapons?! This little bastard really pissed me off!"

Although he cursed, Lingxu Zhenren didn't do anything.

Wen Chi smiled and placed another bottle of pills on the table in front of Ling Xu Zhenren, and advised him kindly: "Master, calm down. Learning to refine pills is to have pills to eat when you need them, not to serve others. Besides, we are not without the conditions, don't you think so?"

Ling Xu Zhenren's eyes fell on the jade bottle he placed on the table, and he recognized it with a scan of his spiritual sense.

The bottle contained nine pills, all of which were top-grade, and they were the infant-cultivating pills that he needed to refine personally.

Ling Xu Zhenren: "..."

Suddenly, he didn't know whether he should be angry or not.

He looked at Wen Chi with a stern face and said: "If your father knew that you were such a spendthrift, I don't know how to deal with you!"

Wen Chi still shook his head, "Master, I am surprised by your words. These are all purchased with my own money, and I didn't use the property of the Wen family."

Zhenren Lingxu was silent. As an eighth-grade alchemist, he was definitely wealthy, but he was reluctant to do such a thing.

And Wen Chi only had a limited number of times to make alchemy every year. Obviously, he didn't make spirit stones by making alchemy. Where did he get so many spirit stones?

Not only was Zhenren Lingxu curious, but Cheng Yan beside him was also very curious.

They were all disciples of the master, so why were they so different?

He was so poor that people came to his house to collect debts every three years, and everyone in the cultivation world knew about it, while his junior brother lived a happy life of luxury.

He was really envious of everyone.

Just when he was about to go out and ask his junior brother how he did it, he heard his master say, "You guys go down and let Shu'er come to see me."

Cheng Yan and Wen Chi left Zhenren Lingxu's cave. Cheng Yan cleared his throat and looked at Wen Chi, struggling with how to start.

Unexpectedly, Wen Chi spoke first, "Why? Do you want to borrow spirit stones?"

Cheng Yan: "?"

He quickly shook his head and said, "That's not necessary. I just want to discuss with you how to make money."

Wen Chi raised his eyebrows and said cheerfully, "I'm afraid you, my senior brother, can't imitate my method."

Cheng Yan asked persistently, "Why?"

"First of all, you have to have at least one spirit vein."

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