I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 161 Save when you can, spend when you can

Shu You asked Qin Shu to wait at the foot of the steps while he followed the steps into the house to report. After a while, Shu You came out again and asked Qin Shu to go in with him.

Qin Shu had just walked to the door when she heard her master's loud voice, "Can Shu'er trample so many bricks on the arena with her little cultivation? I mean Qi Nan! Can we earn spiritual stones without such a bottom line? ? How many points can a disciple in the Qi Refining Stage have? You want more than a thousand at once, how many tasks does she have to do? "

Qin Shu was startled and paused. After hearing his words clearly, her heart felt warm again.

Master is really a lovely old man. This is the first time in her two lives that someone has stood up for her after she was wronged.

Even if her voice is louder, she's still cute.

If Master Lingxu knew what Qin Shu was thinking, would he die in agony?

Why is he loud? Wasn't he influenced by her? Originally, they had been using their spiritual consciousness to transmit sounds for hundreds of years, but everything went astray when she came.

Shu You was obviously taken aback. The world of immortality is all about cultivating one's moral character, and it was rare for him to become red-faced like this.

What he won was not something extraordinary, but more than 1,300 points.

If the Sword Sect came to fight, he would understand.

It's Dan Zong who comes back this time? Would the so-called richest alchemists care about these more than 1,300 points?

Qin Shu and Shu You walked in and saw that the dissatisfaction on Master Lingxu's face had solidified, and then asked: "Why did you only punish our Shu'er? Didn't you punish the boy from the Weapon Sect? Are you treating us like we are? Is Danzong being taken advantage of?"

Qi Nan glanced at the two disciples who walked in, sighed, and explained: "Didn't your Shuer crush the bricks on the arena? This really has nothing to do with the Qi Sect disciples, he is Even a single blow with all my strength cannot break the floor."

Master Lingxu's brows furrowed, "What do you mean by that? My Shu'er's cultivation level is not as high as that of that Qi Sect disciple! She is only at the sixth level of Qi training..."

As he was talking, he heard the movement behind him, turned his head and glanced at Qin Shu, his eyes suddenly lit up, he changed his words, and praised: "Oh! Seventh level? The little girl is very fast? You really deserve to be me. False disciple!"

But when he turned his head to look at Qi Nan, the relief on his face suddenly dissipated, and turned into a look of beard blowing and staring.

"Even if you are at the seventh level of Qi training! That's not as high as the disciples of the Weapon Sect! It's totally unfair for you to judge me like this!"

Qi Nan looked at the junior disciple in front of him and felt helpless, "There is definitely no problem with the protective array. The problem is your little apprentice. She knows exactly what she has done. Listen to her tell you. "

After saying this, he looked at Qin Shu.

Qin Shu felt a little guilty when he saw him. Theoretically speaking, when she was borrowing Duan Shou's strength to strengthen her body, the strength was transmitted from her sword to her arms, and was finally absorbed by her body-building technique. Vibration, and finally discharged from the soles of the feet. The bricks in the arena will break, maybe because of resonance?

Master Lingxu also took advantage of the situation and asked: "Shu'er, now in front of the leader, please tell me, what exactly did you do?"

Qin Shu lowered her head, feeling really guilty.

"Disciple just...just...well, I trained my body a little bit."

She originally spoke softly, and the last few words were even more vague.

Even Master Lingxu's level of hearing couldn't hear clearly what she said.

Master Lingxu was anxious, "Shu'er, what on earth did you say?"

Seeing that she couldn't be fooled anymore, Qin Shu could only sigh silently in her heart, raised her head, looked directly into his master's eyes, and said word by word: "Master, I just did some physical training by the way."

"Body training?!"

He knew that Qin Shu was refining her body. She had come to him to ask for elixirs before.

He had seen her running up and down the mountain before, but there had been no movement recently. He thought she had discovered the difficulty of body training after practicing for two days and gave up.

But he didn't expect that she would actually worsen to this point?

Training in the selection competition for the sect competition?

"How did you do it?" Master Lingxu was puzzled.

Qin Shu pursed her lips and said with an innocent look: "Does the disciple just think that he is not from the Weapon Sect? He has to beat the weapons every day, so the disciple acts as the 'weapon' in his hand."

Upon hearing this, Master Qi Nan also looked at Qin Shu and asked, "Have you practiced any special body training techniques?"

He watched the playback of the original shadow stone and found that this disciple named Qin Shu was better at breathing and breathing.

If she hadn't practiced special body-training techniques, the arena wouldn't have been as bad as it was. According to her cultivation level, she definitely wouldn't have been able to withstand so many hammers.

Qin Shu nodded, "Exactly."

No matter how hard you practice, you will be discovered sooner or later.

When she first entered the sect, she had thoroughly studied the "Instructions for Getting Started". Everything she did now did not violate any of the sect's rules.

Before Master Qi Nan spoke, Master Lingxu burst out laughing, "My Shu'er is really good. I heard from Wang Jian that you are also quite extraordinary in swordsmanship, and you haven't fallen behind in your physical training now. You can attack if you advance. You can retreat, not bad!”

Qi Nan also wanted to say that it was good. This disciple clearly had three spiritual roots and his cultivation speed was also good.

This can no longer be explained by ordinary diligence, but with the old fox like Master Lingxu here, he definitely won't be able to ask anything.

That's all, no matter what, he is still a disciple of their Xuantian Clan. It's a good thing to be outstanding, and just turn a blind eye to the others.

"Your body-refining technique is indeed unique, but you need to be extra careful in your future practice and don't be reckless. It is indeed a good idea to use force to refine your body, but have you ever thought about what if you can't handle this force?" Qi Nan said solemnly.

This time, Ling Xu Zhenren did not refute him again, because he felt that the headmaster was right this time.

Breaking through oneself is a good thing, but if you bear pressure that far exceeds your ability to bear, you are likely to suffer a devastating blow.

Qin Shu nodded honestly, "Disciple has remembered it."

Although she said so, she also knew it in her heart.

Her opponent was only a ninth-level Qi training. Even if she couldn't handle this move, she could use the earth spirit to relieve the force with the help of the earth's power.

Ling Xu Zhenren and the headmaster looked at the well-behaved and sensible little girl in front of them, and their faces showed satisfaction.

Genius, or a genius who is not arrogant and can listen to what is said.

Who doesn't like it?

However, Ling Xu Zhenren continued to argue: "Although the broken tiles have a little to do with Shu'er's body-refining technique, to put it bluntly, isn't it because your tiles are of poor quality?!"

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