I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 162 The meeting gift has not been given yet

"Bad quality?!" Qi Nan asked with his eyes widened.

Master Lingxu stroked his beard and nodded solemnly, "A young disciple at the seventh level of Qi training can step on it. Whether she is using the strength to exercise or she is extremely powerful, this floor tile should not be broken. "

Qin Shu lowered her head, and when she heard her master's words, the corners of her lips immediately raised, and she listened very carefully with her ears perked up.

Qi Nan was silent for a while after hearing Master Lingxu's words. After a long time, he nodded slightly and said, "What you said makes sense."

As soon as she said this, Qin Shu almost laughed out loud. It seemed that even if she could not avoid the compensation, she would at least have to pay it in half.

However, the next moment, she heard her master speak again, "Master Master, it seems that you haven't given the children a meeting gift when I accepted the disciples, right?"

Qi Nan: "?"

Shu You couldn't help but lower his head even lower, and Qin Shu couldn't help laughing.

Master Lingxu glared at her, thinking that this disciple really had never seen the world, and he didn't know who he was doing it for.

Qi Nan sighed and accepted his fate.

He took out a pair of women's boots and looked at Qin Shu's black cloth shoes without any spiritual energy fluctuations. He was stunned for a moment and suddenly felt that he had chosen this gift really well.

He waved to Qin Shu and said, "Shu'er, come here."

Qin Shu quickly stepped forward obediently. Of course, she had to be more active when receiving the benefits.

As soon as he looked up, he saw the women's boots in the hands of the master. There was a bell hanging on the back of the red women's boots, which jingled when he walked.

It's cute, but if it's hunting or running away, wouldn't this bell... reveal its whereabouts?

Qin Shu subconsciously felt a little conflicted, but when she thought that the things that the real master could give away were not ordinary boots, she still had to listen to what he had to say.

Qi Nan handed the boots out and said to Qin Shu: "This pair of silver bell speed boots was obtained by me in a small secret realm before. Putting on these boots, you can move at least twice as fast, no matter it is It’s perfect for traveling or escaping.”

At this time, Qin Shu, who had shrunk to an inch, had realized that he was no longer so obsessed with speed.

But when I heard him say that the speed could be at least twice as fast, I was still a little excited.

In this way, if she was hunted down again in the future, no matter whether the big snake would come to save her, with the boots and skirt, she would be able to escape successfully.

"As for the bell..." When Qin Nan mentioned the bell, Qin Shu immediately retracted her thoughts and became serious.

"The bell can only make a sound when spiritual energy is input. This bell can also be regarded as a magic weapon. It has a hallucinogenic effect. Of course, the length of the hallucination time will also depend on your cultivation level. According to your current level of Qi training, In terms of realm, if you encounter a monk at the Golden Core stage, this hallucination may only last for one breath."

One breath, one breath. With this breath time, at least she can still use the Thousand Miles Teleportation Talisman.

Qin Shu took it excitedly and bowed to the Master, "Thank you Master for the reward! This disciple likes this very much!"

The real person in charge also laughed cheerfully, "As long as you like it, that's fine."

Master Lingxu also smiled with satisfaction when he saw the master gave Qin Shu a high-grade spiritual weapon.

Seeing that Qin Shu had put away the silver bell speed boots and retreated behind him, he thought that he had already spoken anyway, so he might as well go ahead shamelessly.

I heard him continue to say: "Brother, head master, didn't I accept two apprentices? You only gave me a meeting gift, and I can't explain it to Akabane when I go back?"

Qi Nan pursed his lips and looked at him with a complicated expression, "Junior brother Lingxu, where is the person who gives you a greeting gift before you meet him?"

Master Lingxu nodded in agreement. Just when Qi Nan thought he was finally giving up, Master Lingxu casually took out another transmission talisman and said, "Yu'er, come to the master's cave to talk."

Qi Nan: "..."

Akabane didn't hesitate, but within a quarter of an hour he was standing outside Qi Nan's cave.

Shu You was also the one who went out to greet her. She still had a straight face. It wasn't until she walked in and saw Qin Shu there that she showed a slightly doubtful look.

Qin Shu quietly winked at her, and Chi Yu felt relieved. It seemed that nothing serious was going on.

Sure enough, she heard the master above her say to her: "Yu'er, since you are here, you have met the master, right?"

Akabane didn't know why, but he still obediently stepped forward and bowed, "Disciple Akabane has seen the real master!"

Seeing that he couldn't hide anymore, Qi Nan reluctantly took out a feather and handed it to Akabane.

Chi Yu's eyes lit up, and Master Ling Xu was also very satisfied. Only Qin Shu looked at the hair with curiosity.

What kind of hair is this? Why are the looks on everyone's faces so wonderful?

Qi Nan glanced at the two little girls in front of him, and then continued: "Are you two sword cultivators? When the sect competition comes back, you can go to the sect's sword formation to try it out."

Master Lingxu was satisfied. He was worried that the master would regret it, so he quickly stood up and said to the two young ones: "You haven't thanked the master for the meeting gift?"

Qin Shu and Chi Yu bowed sensibly, "Thank you, Master, for the reward."

Qi Nan felt panicked when he saw the three masters and disciples. He waved his hands to them, "Forget it, let's forget about the compensation. I will pay for it myself. You all can go back."

The sight of these masters and disciples is a headache.

After the three of them walked out of the house, Qi Nan said sadly to the disciple Shu You beside him: "What a loss! What a loss! Otherwise, I will accept two more disciples as a master?"

Shu You agreed with this with both hands and feet, "Master, it would be good for you to accept two more disciples, so that you can have more people to share your worries."

Qi Nan glared at him and said, "Humph, I know you have this idea. Are you not afraid that your master will take on a disciple and leave it to you?"

Shu You was silent, weighed for a long time, and felt that it was very likely that his master would do such a thing, so he said directly: "Master, I am wrong, you should just accept me as a disciple."

Qin Shu and Chi Yu took their master's flying magic weapon and returned to their Lingxiao Peak. Only then did Master Lingxu return to the country and told the two younger ones, "My Lingxu disciples don't need to worry about anything else when they go out. Next time Just try your best in the competition, Master will be there for the rest."

Qin Shu quickly cupped her fists and saluted, "Thank you, Master!"

Master is so kind! She is such a happy child! Woohoo!

At first, Akabane didn't know why the master would inexplicably call her over to receive a greeting gift, and then brought her back. Now she can see clearly, it turned out to be Qin Shu's favor!

She looked at Qin Shu, who caught her gaze and came over immediately.

"Little senior sister, what kind of feather is that feather that the master gave you?"

Akabane's right hand brushed over the storage ring, and the red feather appeared in her palm again.

Qin Shu just watched from the side without touching it, and then heard Chi Yu say: "It should be the feather of the fire phoenix. I don't know where the master got it from, but if it can be refined, it can not only improve my strength , and it can also improve your bloodline, which is indeed a good thing.”

Qin Shu cried with envy, why didn't she have any bloodline power?

Master Lingxu said from the side: "This fire feather is indeed a good thing, but the sword formation trial is even better. The longer the person who enters it stays, the greater the harvest will be."

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