I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 163 Maybe I am not your opponent either

Zhenren Lingxu is an alchemist and has never been to the sect's sword array trial, but! Haven't you eaten pork but have you seen pigs run? There are so many sword cultivators in the sect, and you will know it with a little inquiry.

It is said that even if you stay in the sword array trial for one day, you will gain something. Zhenren Wangjian, who stayed in it for 49 days, was even praised as a rare genius in a thousand years. His current progress has not fallen into this reputation.

Qin Shu was a little stunned when she heard it, and inexplicably thought of the light and shadow that taught her sword moves in the Transmission Hall before. Counting the time, she hasn't been to the Transmission Hall for a long time. I wonder which one is more powerful, the light and shadow or the sword array trial?

After learning the basic swordsmanship, the light and shadow taught her sword moves again, but she couldn't hold on after learning only one move.

She knew in her heart that it was because her cultivation was too low to support her spiritual power consumption in that golden space. But now her cultivation has improved a little, can't she continue to learn?

As a result, her mood suddenly became cheerful.

Although she didn't have the power of blood, she seemed to be quite lucky.

After saying these words, Lingxu Zhenren looked at the black cloth shoes on Qin Shu's feet with disdain, and said: "Since the headmaster gave you new shoes, change them! You are a little girl, and you dress so dirty all day long."

Qin Shu looked at her men's clothes. If she changed into a pair of small pink shoes? It was simply eye-catching. The straight male aesthetic of the master was not much better than hers...

She bowed quickly and dispelled the master's idea as soon as possible, "Master, change the shoes when you can use them. Wearing such good shoes in the sect is a bit too eye-catching."

Lingxu Zhenren thought so and nodded, "Okay, you just know it yourself."

Qin Shu watched her master and senior sister leave, but she did not return to the mansion, but stepped on the shrinking earth into an inch to go to the power transmission hall.

When passing by Ruiming's residence in Mengtuofeng, he also gave him two bottles of Peiyuan Dan.

Ruiming watched Qin Shu coming and going in a hurry.

For the first time, he made up his mind, clenched his fists, and found his master Fucheng Zhenren, "Master! Disciple wants to practice in seclusion!"

Fucheng Zhenren was very surprised to hear this. They, the monsters, have always eaten, drunk and played every day. When they get older, their cultivation level will also improve. They don't have to practice so hard like humans and fight for time with life and death.

"Why did you suddenly realize this?" Fucheng Zhenren asked.

"Junior sister Qin Shu is practicing every day. Her cultivation level is much higher than that of disciples! Disciple can't catch up with her! When she just started, disciples were practicing Qi at the third level, and now disciples are still practicing Qi at the third level..." Ruiming rubbed his head in distress.

Master Fucheng was stunned and asked, "What is Qin Shu's current level of cultivation?"

"I can't see clearly, but she is definitely better than me. Haven't you heard? She defeated Duan Shou of Qi Zong in the ring. Duan Shou has the ninth level of Qi training!" Ruiming said Qin Shu, and his chest also stood up, with a proud look.

Master Fucheng took a breath of cold air when he heard it, "So powerful?"

He looked calm on the surface, but his heart had already started bleeding!

Regret! Why didn't he be more determined at the beginning? If he accepted Qin Shu as his disciple, wouldn't this proud student be his now? ! How could it be the turn of Ling Xu, that old man!

Ruiming made up his mind to go into seclusion, and Master Fucheng had no choice but to tell him not to stay in seclusion, and if he felt uncomfortable, he should send a message to him in time.

Ruiming responded obediently, returned to his cave, transformed into his original form, hid his head under his warm wings, and began to recall the inheritance of his clan.

This time he wants to turn over a new leaf and become a crane again!

Qin Shu came to the door of the Transmission Hall again, and the door slowly opened to welcome her arrival. Hanging in front of her was still the portrait of the real person in white. She knelt on the mat and bowed, and then the scene changed as she remembered.

She picked up the "Transmission Book" and turned a page, and found herself in the golden illusory scene again.

A golden figure, holding a golden sword, bowed to her, and then stabbed at her with the sword.

Qin Shu was startled and leaned back to avoid the attack, and then the smoky purple sword in her hand also appeared and faced it head-on.

It was impossible to practice the body here. The most important thing was to practice her body and sword skills, and she didn't need to fight hard.

Qin Shu's shrinking body skills were suitable for traveling, but not for fighting enemies. She found that every time she was about to stab the figure, he would quickly dodge.

After two times, Qin Shu gradually realized that the opponent used a more advanced body movement. She learned the opponent's body movement and swordsmanship while integrating them.

As her cultivation level increased, she could stay in this space for a longer time, and Qin Shu was a little happy.

There is a one-on-one private teacher, and it doesn't cost money. Where can I find such a good thing!

Just when she was practicing seriously, the communication jade slip on her legs suddenly became hot and pulled Qin Shu out of this golden space.

Qin Shu opened her eyes and saw that the communication jade slip was shining.

She opened it and saw that it was a message from Senior Sister Shu Ying, notifying her to participate in the next second competition.

This time she faced a disciple who was in the tenth level of Qi training, named Zhuang Heng, and was a sword cultivator.

He was also an acquaintance. Qin Shu had sparred with him in the sword test stone formation before.

But that was just a simple swordsmanship exchange without using spiritual power or any skills.

Qin Shu was not Zhuang Heng's opponent. She had been defeated by him four times.

But it must be said that it was precisely because of this that she knew Zhuang Heng's swordsmanship very well.

When she arrived at the square, He Xin was already waiting on the side.

She lost in the first ring match. She was shocked that Qin Shu could defeat Duan Shou, who was at the ninth level of Qi training. This time, she came to the ring early to wait, just to see the heroic figure of her sister.

But the man on the ring, everyone said he was at the tenth level of Qi training. Could Shu Shu beat her? She was very worried. When she saw Qin Shu, she came up to him, "Shu Shu, those people said he was at the tenth level of Qi training. How... how can we fight?"

Qin Shu's expression was indifferent, "As a sword cultivator, you should just go forward bravely. Anyway, it's not the first time you lose to him. Do your best and leave it to fate."

After saying this, she jumped directly onto the ring.

Zhuang Heng looks like a scholar, and seems to be indifferent to the world, but if you have sparred with him, you will not think so.

His swordsmanship is very sharp, the kind of swordsmanship that completely abandons defense, and uses offense as defense, which is very powerful.

Seeing Qin Shu appear, Zhuang Heng bowed to her and said with a smile: "Please give me some advice, junior sister."

Qin Shu quickly returned the greeting, "Senior brother, you are wrong, it is better for you to give me some advice."

Zhuang Heng shook his head, and he was not arrogant because he had defeated Qin Shu four times. "If it was just a swordsmanship, maybe I am not worse than you, but junior sister, you are more than just swordsmanship, maybe I am not your opponent."

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