I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 164: No more swordplay

Zhuang Heng's attitude was neither arrogant nor impatient, and he really looked like a gentleman.

Qin Shu turned her wrist, and the white jade sword appeared in his hand. She looked at Zhuang Heng and said seriously: "Brother, don't belittle yourself. Let's compete first."

Zhuang Heng's expression also became serious, and his right hand grasped the hilt of the sword, "Junior sister is right, let's see the real thing in the hands."

The two have already sparred four times, and they are very familiar with each other's moves.

Zhuang Heng first used four points of spiritual power, and Qin Shu still greeted him as always. The spiritual energy on the two swords shone brightly, and Qin Shu used her body skills to remove the strength from her arms.

This time, the bricks on the ring were not destroyed again. It should be that the head of the sect was worried that there would be disciples like Qin Shu, so he reinforced the ring.

Qin Shu stepped back a few steps, and with just this one move, she could feel that Brother Zhuang Heng had not used up all his strength.

Because her sword was not broken yet.

However, she had no time to think about it, and the next attack of Senior Brother Zhuang Heng had already arrived.

Qin Shu's skills were running, and she could clearly feel that she could still take this move, so she just picked up the sword.

After four times, Zhuang Heng's "Shadow Blade Sword Technique" had already used the fifth style, and the sky was covered with sword shadows.

Zhuang Heng really wanted to see how Junior Sister Qin Shu took his move, but he didn't expect that his sword would hit nothing.

Qin Shu's figure cleverly passed through the gap between his sword shadows, a move he had never seen before.

Zhuang Heng looked at Qin Shu in surprise, and saw that Qin Shu also raised the sword in his hand, and made a sword flower, and a trace of smoky purple aura passed on the blade.

The sword shadows in the sky were shattered, revealing Zhuang Heng behind the sword shadows.

Zhuang Heng said that he couldn't show off anything except swordsmanship, but Qin Shu was the same. Apart from swordsmanship, she had not learned many magics at all.

If we really compare them, Qin Shu is only slightly better in body training and body movement.

The crowd under the ring watched Qin Shu and Zhuang Heng fight for such a long time. Qin Shu not only showed no signs of defeat, but even the spiritual energy in her body was not exhausted.

Everyone didn't even see her take the spiritual pill. What is her current level of cultivation? How can her spiritual power be so strong?

Qin Shu saw that Zhuang Heng's sixth move was about to take shape, and she also made a sword gesture, "The first move of the Piercing Clouds and Breaking Rain Sword."

To be honest, she can only use two moves now, and she can only copy the next four moves. If she uses spiritual power, she can't use them at all.

Qin Shu's swordsmanship has her own understanding of the laws of heaven and earth. Although it is only a little, it is barely enough to break Zhuang Heng's sword moves.

A golden light and a smoky purple light collided with each other, and Qin Shu's lips curled up. I didn't expect that she was really stopped!

Her right arm holding the sword was a little sore. It was not so easy to spar with a senior brother who was practicing Qi at the tenth level.

Zhuang Heng was a little surprised. Even though they were rivals now, he still praised her highly. "Junior sister is really not simple. Given time, she should have a promising future."

"Thank you for your praise, senior brother."

Zhuang Heng continued, "Next, senior brother will also try his best."

Qin Shu nodded honestly. She had just learned her body skills in the Transmission Hall. She learned and applied them now and found that they were really useful.

However, Qi Nan, who was sitting on the stage, had a different expression. He was not interested in the previous fights between these young disciples.

But when he heard that Qin Shu was going to fight a disciple of the Sword Sect today, he wanted to come over and see how the girl trained her body.

But he didn't expect that he would see this. Many people present might not recognize it, but he knew it very well.

This body skills... were clearly used by the ancestor Xuantian Taoist at that time. If Qin Shu hadn't used Xuantian Taoist's "Haomi Sword Skills", he would have thought that this little girl had secretly inherited the ancestor's inheritance.

Where did she learn this body skills? Strange?

Zhuang Heng's sword moves became more and more fierce, and Qin Shu had to dodge them with great difficulty. There were some small wounds on her cheeks and arms. She rolled on the ground and dodged the move.

She lay on the floor, exhaled a long breath, and swallowed a soul-replenishing pill swiftly.

She climbed up again and said to Zhuang Heng: "Brother, I have another move here. If you can take it, I will admit defeat!"

Zhuang Heng nodded, and he also took a soul-replenishing pill.

He defeated Qin Shu four times, but he didn't expect it would be so difficult to compete with her.

Just when he thought Qin Shu was going to use the third move of "Piercing Clouds and Breaking Rain Sword" by force, Qin Shu directly put away the sword in her hand.

Standing still, she began to form seals with her hands and murmured Sanskrit.

The scene was very quiet for a while, and only the sound of Qin Shu's chanting could be heard. Even Qi Nan, who was sitting on the high platform, stood up excitedly.

Zhongzhou's magic? ! Where did Qin Shu come from? Why did she do this?

As Qin Shu chanted, a realistic fire dragon began to gradually emerge behind her, until she finished the last sentence, the fire dragon slowly opened its eyes.

Zhuang Heng was stared at by the dragon, and felt cold from head to toe. He quickly jumped off the ring.

At the moment when the fire dragon hit the protective shield, Shu You appeared out of thin air and stopped the fire dragon with a spell.

The huge fire dragon was touched casually by him, and it turned into stars of fire spirit energy scattered in the air.

"Qin Shu won." Shu You's voice rang in everyone's ears.

Qin Shu jumped off the ring and clasped her fists towards Zhuang Heng, "Thank you, Senior Brother, for letting me go."

Zhuang Heng smiled bitterly, "Junior Sister, I really didn't let you go this time. I really can't bear your move. I wonder what your move is called?"

"This move is something I got by chance, it has no name, and today is the first time I try it. If I offend you, Senior Brother, please forgive me." Qin Shu said respectfully.

Zhuang Heng shook his head gently, "It's just a competition, what's offensive. Junior Sister's strength certainly surprised us. Today I am not as good as you. I will learn from you in the future. Goodbye."

Qin Shu watched him leave, and when she was about to run away, she was stopped by Shu You.

"Junior Sister Qin Shu, the head of the sect invites you."

Qin Shu frowned, thinking in her heart, do disciples have to report every move to the sect? There are so many disciples traveling outside, can't everyone have their own experience?

She felt a little annoyed, but she had to go anyway.

Just because the master had agreed to summon the souls of those fellow disciples, she still admired him.

Qin Shu followed Shu You and came to the master's cave again.

As soon as the two stood still, the master walked in from outside.

"Shu'er, do you know why I asked you to come here?"

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