I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 165 I scored 150 in English in the college entrance examination

Qin Shu lowered her head, clasped her fists honestly, and answered, "Disciple doesn't know."

Qi Nan waved his hand, and a set of teacups appeared on the table. He sat down and waved at Qin Shu, "Don't be shy, come and sit."

Qin Shu was a little confused by his attitude, but she still walked over and sat down opposite him.

Qi Nan stroked his sleeves with one hand, picked up the teapot with the other hand, poured her a cup of tea, and then asked, "Shu'er, where did you get the body skills you used in the competition just now?"

Qin Shu held the white jade teacup in both hands, and frowned slightly when she heard this. Seeing this, the head of the sect laughed happily, "The sect does not want to explore your secrets. Everyone has their own experiences, and I know it. But... do you know who used your body skills before?"

Qin Shu was stunned. She looked up at the smiling head of the sect in front of her and shook her head.

A feeling came to her mind that the identity of the man in white was about to be revealed.

As expected, the next moment she heard the headmaster say, "This body technique was created by the ancestor Xuantian Daoist, named "Haomiao Xianzong". The ancestor relied on this body technique and "Haomiao Sword Technique" to gain a foothold in the world of immortal cultivation. It's a pity... this body technique and sword technique disappeared completely here with the ascension of the ancestor."

Qin Shu: "..."

She thought of various possibilities but never thought it would be the ancestor?

"Shu'er, can you tell me where you learned this body technique?"

Qin Shu pursed her lips, her expression a little complicated, "Master, you may not believe it, I just kowtowed in the Transmission Hall."

Qin Shu did not hide it. The ancestor hung the portrait in the Transmission Hall to teach his disciples, and it was not that she could learn it and others could not.

She told the headmaster that she walked outside the Transmission Hall and walked in when she saw the door was wide open.

"The disciple saw a portrait hanging at the door, which showed a sword cultivator in white clothes who looked like a banished immortal. Thinking that he must be a senior, he bowed and went in."

Qi Nan's face was even more strange after hearing this. He had been the head of the sect for 600 years, but this was the first time he heard that the door of the Transmission Hall opened automatically without a password.

But seeing that Qin Shu didn't look like she was lying, he smiled and said, "I guess it was the inheritance of the ancestor who found you. You don't have to feel any burden. Just come to me if you need any help."

When Qin Shu came out of the head's cave, she held a communication jade slip in her hand and smiled silently. The big boss of the address book added one again!

It's better to add it. She won't feel embarrassed to bother others. Just after returning to her own cave, her master's transmission talisman came again.

Qin Shu sighed, thinking that she could escape the first day, but not the fifteenth, so she went in the end.

When she arrived at the master's cave, she found that her eldest brother, second brother and master stood in a row, all with their arms folded and looking down at her.

Qin Shu subconsciously took a step back, "Master, senior brother, what are you doing..."

Wen Chi, as a representative, was the first to ask, "Junior sister, why do you know the magic of Zhongzhou? You won't be possessed by them, right?"

Qin Shu frowned, "Since senior brother said so, how can I prove my innocence? Otherwise... tell everyone the story of the golden rainbow pomegranate fruit?"

Wen Chi saw a cunning flash in her eyes, and thought that this girl was not a person who would suffer losses in silence, so he quickly coughed lightly, interrupted her words, and said solemnly: "That's not necessary, my junior sister is naturally innocent, senior brother knows it!"

Cheng Yan turned his head and glanced at Wen Chi, and said: "It's okay to talk about it."

He was originally poor, and the fruit tree he raised for a hundred years finally bore fruit, but when he turned around, he saw that half of the fruit was missing?

Qin Shu looked at Wen Chi again, winking at him and asked, "Second Senior Brother, do you think I should tell you or not?"

Wen Chi casually took out a purple flame Buddha fruit and handed it to Cheng Yan, saying earnestly, "Big Brother, it's better not to get to the bottom of some things."

Cheng Yan glanced at him, weighed the Buddha fruit in his hand, sneered, but didn't say anything in the end, and put the Buddha fruit away with a flip of his wrist.

How could Master Lingxu not know the rift between Cheng Yan and Wen Chi? Wen Chi liked to tease Cheng Yan since he was a child. The two of them had been making trouble for more than a hundred years, and he was no longer surprised.

But this little disciple, although he is not very old, has a lot of things to worry about.

He sighed and asked earnestly, "Shu'er, tell me, where did you learn this Zhongzhou magic? But someone from Zhongzhou came here?"

There is an endless ocean between Zhongzhou, Dongzhou, and Xizhou. They develop on their own and do not interfere with each other.

As early as three thousand years ago, Zhongzhou and Dongzhou had a war. During that war, the teleportation array between them was destroyed.

It is precisely because of this that Dongzhou and them have not had any contact for three thousand years.

Qin Shu shook her head, "No, Master, do you still remember the new disciple trial? This technique was obtained from the central palace there."

As soon as this was said, not only Lingxu Zhenren, but also Wen Chi and Cheng Yan were surprised.

"Of course! Xiao Shuer, the secret realm of the new disciple trial has long been plundered by others. How can you learn this from there? Is it true?" Wen Chi shook the treasure fan in his hand slightly, and looked at Qin Shu as if he was looking at a rare species.

Qin Shu pursed her lips, "Of course it's true, or I'll swear a demon oath?"

Wen Chi closed the fan in his hand and knocked it directly on her little head, "What nonsense are you talking about! We were just joking, why swear a demon oath, isn't it enough that Senior Brother believes you?"

Zhenren Lingxu also said: "The secret realm where new disciples are tested is indeed the culture of Zhongzhou, and you actually know their language?"

Qin Shu sighed, this really couldn't be explained.

Can she tell them that she got 150 in English in the college entrance examination?

She lowered her head, her eyes were a little evasive, and she hesitated for a long time before saying: "The disciple is...just...copying, and learning casually, and only knows this sentence."

Zhenren Lingxu believed it. Everyone encountered different inheritances. Some were jade slips, and some were soul fragments. If the soul taught her word by word, it would be reasonable.

"This move of yours is indeed very powerful, but if you use it, your spiritual energy will be exhausted. What is the difference between a cultivator without spiritual energy and fish on the table? Unless it is absolutely necessary, don't use this move." Lingxu Zhenren solemnly warned.

Qin Shu responded obediently, "Disciple has remembered it."

She didn't know whether her current cultivation level was just enough to use this move, or whether this move would exhaust spiritual energy every time it was released?

After thinking about it for a long time, Qin Shu simply shook her head.

Forget it, wait until her cultivation level is higher in the future, and then try it out!

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