I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 167: Swordplay with Senior Brother

In the middle of her training, Qin Shu took time out to participate in a competition. This time, she faced a senior sister of the Sword Sect who was at the eleventh level of Qi training, named Lianyun. She was extremely beautiful, but as her name suggests, she was like a water lotus that could only be admired from a distance and not played with, with a sense of quietness and alienation.

These senior brothers and sisters at the eleventh and twelfth levels of Qi training were all ruthless people who set high standards and strict requirements for themselves. They all wanted to strive for a perfect foundation, and compared with the salted fish who built their foundation at the tenth level of Qi training, they were incomparable in terms of effort and qualifications.

In this competition, Qin Shu was undoubtedly defeated.

She was forced to the edge of the ring by a sword from Senior Sister Lianyun, and the next sword followed closely. The sword energy in the sky was wrapped in golden spiritual energy, and she didn't dare to force it down.

She knew she was no match for Senior Sister Lianyun, so she jumped down from the ring very openly, clasped her fists towards the senior sister on the ring, and said with a smile: "Thank you for your kindness, senior sister."

Lianyun was tall and long-legged, a cold beauty. When she heard Qin Shu's words, she just nodded reservedly and didn't say anything.

The audience in the audience might not know, but Qin Shu herself knew. She had been in the immortal world for two years, and naturally understood some of the rules here. It is inevitable to get injured in a fight, and swords have no eyes. But she didn't get hurt even a hair in the whole fight with Senior Sister Lianyun.

This shows Senior Sister Lianyun's amazing control ability, which made Qin Shu secretly shocked. This game also strengthened Qin Shu's idea of ​​building a perfect foundation.

The tenth level of Qi training and the eleventh level of Qi training seem to be only one level apart, but the strength of Senior Brother Zhuang Heng yesterday and Senior Sister Lianyun today is very different.

It was not until Senior Sister Shuying appeared and announced that Senior Sister Lianyun had won the competition that Qin Shu and Lianyun left the arena one after the other.

Qin Shu was rushing to the Transmission Hall with all her heart, thinking about perfecting her sword moves, but was stopped by someone behind her, "Qin Shu."

Qin Shu looked back and saw that the person who spoke was Senior Sister Lianyun. Senior Sister Lianyun was wearing a moon-white sect dress, with a slender figure, but she had not lost any flesh where she should have. It makes people sigh at the injustice of heaven. Why do some people look like men when they wear sect disciples' clothes, while others still look so good when they wear them?

Qin Shu was still obsessed with Senior Sister Lianyun's beauty, and she saw Senior Sister Lianyun walk to a foot in front of her and stand still, and said solemnly: "Junior sister, if you are free in the future, you can practice swordsmanship together."

Qin Shu was slightly startled when she heard this request. Her cultivation level was so much worse than hers, but she didn't expect to be approached by her.

But soon, she came back to her senses, smiled and clasped her fists towards Senior Sister Lianyun, and readily agreed, "Definitely!"

Just then, the cold and beautiful senior sister in front of her took out the communication jade slip, raised her beautiful eyes and looked at her, "Junior sister, leave a spiritual breath?"

Looking at the back of Senior Sister Lianyun going away, Qin Shu couldn't help but sigh in her heart.

I don't know if she will look like this many years later. She really loves Senior Sister Lianyun's appearance and figure!

After a little sigh, she retracted her sight and turned to fly towards the Transmission Hall.

This time, Qin Shu plunged in, and she didn't know how long it had been. She always had a formation of not caring about her day and night when she practiced.

I don't know how long it had been, and she had summarized the Piercing Clouds and Breaking Rain Sword to the sixth style. Although she couldn't use the next four moves for the time being, she also wrote them down on paper.

Just when she was stabbed in the heart by the golden shadow again, Qin Shu was numb.

She felt that this was no longer her inner demon. Wasn't it just stabbing the heart? Sister has experienced this thousands of times...

At this moment, the communication jade slip lit up again, and the warm temperature burned her numb soul, and she finally withdrew from the spiritual space.

She took out the communication jade slip and saw that it was a congratulatory message from Senior Sister Shu Ying.

It turned out that she had passed the sect selection and was selected to represent Xuantian Sect to participate in the sect competition with the last 100th place.

She knew that her ability to pass the selection this time was actually related to the fact that many disciples of the Sword Sect were attacked before.

The sect gave a lot of elixirs, but the injuries can be repaired, but it is not possible to restore the peak strength in such a short time.

As the only new disciple who entered the top 100 of the Qi Refining Stage, Qin Shu also received widespread attention from the entire sect.

If this happened to someone else, perhaps some people would not accept it, but Qin Shu was different.

She had only been a disciple for a short time, but she had such a cultivation, and this talent alone was enough to make her stand out from the crowd.

Qin Shu received the jade slip, stretched, and stood up from the mat.

After meditating for a long time, she gained a lot, but her legs were a little numb.

Next, she would go to participate in the sect competition, just like going out to see the world!

Of course, before going out, she had to practice the sword moves she summarized in person.

She looked through the various sword moves she summarized, thought about it, and finally took out the jade slip and sent a message to the eldest brother.

"Elder brother, are you there?"


"Can I learn sword skills from the eldest brother?"


There was silence for a long time, and then he replied, "Yes."

Qin Shu laughed. Perhaps in the eyes of others, her move was a bit overestimating her ability.

But finding the eldest brother was also the result of her thinking. There were very few people in the entire sect who used the Piercing Clouds and Rain Sword like her, and she only knew the eldest brother and Master Wang Jian.

As for her junior sister, she practiced another sword technique because of the spiritual energy attribute. She certainly couldn't beat Master Wang Jian, but she could still struggle with the senior brother.

She still held the wooden sword she had used to practice sword in the sword-testing stone formation, and ran all the way to the outside of the senior brother's cave.

Cheng Yan looked at the little guy in front of him, frowned and confirmed again: "Do you really want to learn sword techniques from me?"

Qin Shu nodded, "Of course it's true! However, we only learn sword techniques, we can't use spiritual energy! And we only learn the sword technique of breaking through clouds and rain! What do you think, senior brother?"

Cheng Yan: "..."

So this little thing was waiting for him here? I don't know who gave her the courage to make her think that they were learning the same sword technique at the same time, so she could learn from him?

Different cultivation levels naturally have different understandings of sword techniques, and his late Jindan cultivation level is two realms higher than hers!

"Yes." Cheng Yan nodded.

He didn't explain much, and he just had to speak with facts.

Qin Shu used a wooden sword, so he naturally had to use a wooden sword as well. The two brothers and sisters stood with swords in hand.

"Brother, I won't be polite then!"

Cheng Yan: "?"

Why did she seem to have interrupted him? Who was being rude?

Before he could figure it out, Qin Shu had already rushed over with her sword.

He also recognized it. This was the first move of the Piercing Clouds and Breaking Rain Sword.

It was just that her starting move was a little different from what he had learned before.

Cheng Yan frowned and thought to himself: Little thing, she even got the starting move wrong, and she still dared to exchange swordsmanship? Since she came to exchange swordsmanship, he, as her senior brother, naturally had to give her some pointers!

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