I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 168: Sword training must also be adapted to local conditions

Qin Shu looked at her senior brother's cool starting moves and sighed silently in her heart.

Sure enough, her senior brother could still step on the thunder she stepped on. This flashy starting move was really useless, and it couldn't be connected with the first move. The only purpose of such a move was to look powerful.

The two of them attacked at the same time, and what surprised Cheng Yan was that Qin Shu was slightly faster than him.

The moment their wooden swords touched each other, Qin Shu's sword move was withdrawn in time, and it turned out to be a feint.

Cheng Yan watched her movements curiously, and finally reacted quickly and knocked her away with a sword.

The moment Qin Shu was thrown out, she turned over and landed on the ground without any surprise on her face.

After all, the eldest brother is at the golden elixir stage, and his reaction speed and fighting habits are already far ahead of her. It is completely normal that she cannot beat the eldest brother.

Cheng Yan, on the other hand, put away his sword, looked at Qin Shu and asked, "We agreed to learn the sword technique of Chuan Yun Po Yu, why are you different?"

Qin Shu stood up with her hands, patted the dust on her hands, shrugged slightly, and said, "I changed it. How is it? Not bad, right?"

Cheng Yan was even more surprised when he heard what she said.

"You are so brave."

This sword manual is even used by Master Wan Jian. How dare Junior Sister, a young disciple in the Qi refining stage, dare to modify the sword technique at will?

The elder brother said it tactfully, but Qin Shu understood it clearly.

This time she did not laugh, but raised her head to look at Cheng Yan, and said solemnly to him: "Senior Brother, although I am young and have little cultivation, I also understand one truth, that is... you cannot learn by rote and adapt to others. It doesn’t necessarily suit you, what do you think?”

Cheng Yan frowned, and his stern gaze fell on Qin Shu, "You are the only young person I have ever seen who has a lot of principles."

Qin Shu laughed and said, "Don't believe it! Look at the starting position you just made. What's the use of it except that it looks good? The sword in the first position was originally meant to be thrust out from the chest, but the sword was carried behind the back. It can’t be connected to the first move at all. Besides, you must have discovered when you attacked me just now that the bigger the move, the slower the attack speed, and the Cloud-Piercing Rain Sword itself is a sword technique that relies on speed to win..."

Listening to Qin Shu's explanation, Cheng Yan gradually showed a thoughtful expression.

He had been practicing the Cloud-Piercing Rain-Piercing Sword for a long time, and he could hear Qin Shu's words at this time.

After thinking for a long time, he nodded slightly and said: "What you say makes sense, but the creator of this sword art must be a powerful person with a higher level of cultivation than us, and his ability to understand the sword art must be better than yours and mine." "If you can find it, he may have already discovered it."

Qin Shu sighed and said: "Brother, this is what I said about adapting to local conditions. Maybe the sword technique created by that senior is only suitable for him? For example, he has practiced a certain kind of body technique, or has some powerful protection. There is no need to worry about physical skills like we do. He only needs to use his power?"

Cheng Yan didn't speak this time. He was also deep in thought. It was obvious that he realized the truth behind what Qin Shu said.

Seeing this, Qin Shu also said from the side: "Brother, you might as well think about it carefully."

Cheng Yan thought for a long time, took out the wooden sword again, and said to Qin Shu: "Come on, try again."

Qin Shu also raised her sword and said with a smile: "I'll let you see the results of what I've learned these days."

As Cheng Yan said, the higher the cultivation level, the more perfect the understanding of swordsmanship.

However, from his point of view, the improved version of the Cloud-Piercing Rain-Piercing Sword Technique used by her junior sister did have fewer loopholes.

Qin Shu was picked off six times by her elder brother, but thanks to her physical training, she had achieved some results. Although her face was flushed, she was not so tired that she could not lift the sword.

Just when she stood up again and prepared to fight, Cheng Yan put away the wooden sword in his hand and said to Qin Shu: "Little junior sister, what loopholes have you discovered? Can you exchange a few words?"

When Qin Shu heard what he said, she felt as if her academic achievements after studying for a long time were recognized by others, and she felt a little excited in her heart.

"Easy to say, easy to say, let me show you my secret book!" Qin Shu smiled, put away the wooden sword in her hand, and took out the paper on which she wrote and drew from the storage ring.

"Senior brother, look at this, this is the first move. I found that when you use the sword move like this, there will be certain flaws in your heart..."

While she was talking, Cheng Yan lowered his head and looked at the "secret book" in her hand. He was dumbfounded when he saw it.

What is this painting...?

He tried to move his eyes to the notes on the side, but found that he didn't even recognize the words.

Of course, it makes perfect sense that he doesn't know him.

When Qin Shu wrote it, she didn't originally think of showing it to others, so she used simplified Chinese characters and interspersed many symbols and Arabic numerals. It would be interesting if the senior brother could recognize it.

Qin Shu told him one of the moves. She talked eloquently and proudly. She felt that she was a genius for being able to change it like this.

After she finished speaking, she looked up at her senior brother and asked him, "Senior brother, do you understand?"

Cheng Yan pursed his lips, shook his head solemnly, and nodded again.

I understand, but I don’t fully understand.

Qin Shu: "..."

Well, not everyone can understand her stick figures.

She stood up as if resigned to her fate, took out the wooden sword again, and said to Cheng Yan: "Elder brother, please look carefully, I will show you the signs."

With Qin Shu as the real person teaching, Cheng Yan saw it clearly.

He once thought that as long as his cultivation was high enough, he could break ten fast with one force. But now, looking at the little sister who was studying swordsmanship seriously, he suddenly realized that he was wrong.

From ancient times to the present, the reason why swordsmanship is highly respected is because of its breadth and depth.

Qin Shu told him a lot, and Cheng Yan also took out the sword to practice with her.

He took back seven points of strength, and Qin Shu was finally not knocked away. The two of them went back and forth, and they probably had never been so harmonious in their two lives.

However, just when the two were making progress together, suddenly an uninvited guest disturbed their strong learning atmosphere.

The restriction of Cheng Yan's cave was triggered, and he untied the restriction casually, and saw a deer standing outside his door.

Qin Shu looked at the somewhat familiar deer and looked at the senior brother in surprise.

Cheng Yan suddenly looked a little embarrassed. He cleared his throat and said to the deer, "Go back and tell Wen Chi that I'm busy these two days and give me another five days."

At this moment, the deer suddenly opened its mouth and Wen Chi's voice came out.

"Want to be lazy again? Senior Brother, if you don't cherish this good opportunity to earn spirit stones, I will give it to someone else."

Cheng Yan said solemnly with a straight face, "It's not lazy, I will personally deliver it to you in two days."

The deer looked at Qin Shu again, and its dark eyes seemed as if Wen Chi was really looking at her, "Oh? Junior Sister is here too? If you don't understand something, why don't you ask your Second Senior Brother instead of bothering Senior Brother? The master entrusted you to me, Senior Brother."

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