I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 303 The weather is getting hotter

Qi Liu gave Tieniu a look that looked like a fool, "Even if I love my son-in-law, I won't love you. Why are you just joining in the fun?"

Although he couldn't understand why Tieniu called this Taoist friend and junior sister, and also said that he was Patriarch Pei's son-in-law?

Is she a boy or a girl?

He raised his hand and scratched the small knot on his head, with a puzzled expression on his face. The relationship between human races was too complicated and he couldn't understand it at all.

Tieniu, however, looked unsure and confident, "I am his son-in-law's senior brother! I am considered half of his in-laws, so trying to please the in-laws is nothing, right?"

Qin Shu didn't expect that his mind was still racing very fast at this moment, but then she thought about her brothers from the Dan Sect and Jian Sect, and pursed her lips and chuckled.

Ancestor Pei probably didn't expect that he would have so many in-laws.

Tieniu's casual remarks really convinced Qi Liu, "It makes sense."

But when he turned around, he encountered new troubles. He folded his arms with one hand and supported his chin with the other, frowning and saying, "But where can I sell my quota?"

Qin Shu blurted out without even thinking, "Go to the Nichang Pavilion!"

"Nishang Pavilion?" Tieniu and Qi Liu looked at Qin Shu together.

"But there is no Nichang Pavilion here at all?" Tieniu asked.

Qi Liu also nodded. Qin Shu smiled calmly and said, "It will be available in three days. Fellow Taoist, you might as well wait for another three days."

Qi Liu believed it, "Okay."

While a few people were talking, someone from outside came to urge him, "Old Liu, let's catch the fish!"

Qi Liuyi saw that he still had the ingredients for grilling fish, but the fish pond was blown up.

The fish everywhere is so black, where can I cook grilled fish?

He had no choice but to go out and apologize to everyone, telling them to come back tomorrow.

The Thunder Element Golden Core Stage monk who took action at the beginning was even more annoyed and said: "Why did you let a fish slip through the net? Today is my last day in the Endless Sea, and I still want to satisfy my appetite again."

Qin Shu thought of the seasoning on the grilled fish. She was sure she had never seen it before. What kind of plant was it? It actually has such an effect?

While she was thinking, she followed Ruiming and Tieniu out of the shop.

The sun on the street was very hot, and most of the water-type monks put on protective shields.

For a fire cultivator like Qin Shu, such a sunny day is like a duck to water.

Tieniu on the side raised his sleeves and wiped the sweat from his forehead, and asked Qin Shu and Ruiming: "Senior brother and sister, do you feel that the weather here seems to be getting hotter and hotter?"

Still looking fresh and fresh, the two of them shook their heads at the same time and said in unison: "I don't think so."

Tieniu looked puzzled when he heard this, "What's going on? I'm the only one who feels hotter?"

Qin Shu leaned close to his ear and said with a smile: "Senior brother, could it be that you have gained some weight recently?"


This possibility cannot be ruled out.

He coughed lightly and changed the subject, "Junior sister, where should we go next?"

Qin Shu clasped her hands behind her back, looked at the bustling crowd on the street, and said, "You go back and rest first. I'll go for a stroll on the street."

Tieniu responded. It was so hot that he really didn't want to go out.

Ruiming glanced at Qin Shu and agreed.

The two of them entered the inn next door together. As soon as they walked in, they heard the waiter sitting in the lobby soliciting customers while wiping the sweat on his forehead with a handkerchief and complaining: "It's really getting hotter day by day. "

Tieniu, who was about to go up the steps, paused after hearing this, then turned around and walked towards the waiter.

"Little brother, do you feel hot too?"

The waiter sighed, "It's hot! Although I also have water spirit roots, I also have the other four spiritual roots. I haven't reached the second level of Qi training after practicing for so many years. Now that it's so hot, that's all I have. Reiki doesn’t work at all.”

"I remember when I first came here, it wasn't so hot."

"No, look at the smokey orchid willow in the backyard. It's almost dried to death. I've been here for more than thirty years, and this has never happened before!" said the waiter.

"Why is it so hot all of a sudden? Will your Endless Sea be this hot in previous years?"

"No, it's been hot in previous years, but not like this. I heard people say that this abnormal weather is either a disaster or a bad luck. Seeing that many people have come to the Endless Sea recently, it seems that there must be some secret treasure coming out of the sky. was born."

When the waiter said this, he was also a little fascinated.

But then he sighed and said: "But it has nothing to do with me. With my little cultivation, I can't hold on to two more spiritual stones, let alone that secret treasure."

Tieniu's heart moved and he chatted with him for a few more words before going upstairs.

Qin Shu was wandering around in the street. She had to find a shop to open the Nishang Pavilion for her second senior brother.

There are neoshang pavilions all over Dongzhou, but there is no one in Endless Sea.

If we can take this opportunity to open up the market of Endless Sea, it will be unreasonable for Senior Brother Wenchi not to give himself more shares.

She is very particular about finding a place. According to Senior Brother Wenchi's publicity skills, no matter how remote the location is, people will still know about it.

It doesn't matter whether this place is in a central location or not, the main thing is that it's big.

While she was searching, she sent a message to Cen Han, asking her to send someone over.

Opening a branch is not something she can do alone. Fortunately, she is now considered half of the Endless Hairen family. With the reputation of Patriarch Pei, opening a store can be a little easier.

After wandering around for an afternoon, Qin Shu took a fancy to two locations. She silently memorized them and planned to wait until the people from Nishang Pavilion arrived.

She walked into the inn with a folding fan in one hand. As soon as Tie Niu saw her, he hurriedly said:

"Junior sister! The weather is getting hotter! I feel it right!"

This time, Qin Shu closed her eyes and felt it carefully. After a while, she opened her eyes and nodded to Tie Niu and said, "Yes, there seems to be more fire elements in the air."

Tie Niu laughed, his eyes narrowed into slits.

He told Qin Shu what the waiter told him, "Junior sister, do you think the sudden warm weather is related to the secret place we are going to?"

Qin Shu shook her head, "I can't say for sure."

After saying this, she simply took out a stack of paper.

She couldn't say for sure, but she could still calculate.

It seems that sometimes learning a skill is still useful when necessary.

She wrote and drew on the paper for a long time, first calculating how long it would take for the secret realm to open, then calculating whether there was any setting sun and dense ice in the secret realm, and finally calculating whether she would gain nothing from this trip.

However, the result of the calculation surprised her very much, she couldn't figure it out.

The hexagram she calculated was an unsolvable one, which meant that everything in the future was full of uncertainty.

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