Qin Shu looked at the calculated hexagram and looked a little surprised.

She expected that the process of finding the setting sun secret ice would not be smooth sailing, but she did not expect that even the hexagrams would not appear.

Tieniu looked at Qin Shu's troubled face and couldn't quite understand why the junior sister was talking so well and then took out a piece of paper and started writing and drawing? The writing was still something he couldn't understand.

He walked over curiously and asked, "Junior sister, what are you writing about?"

Qin Shu shook her head and crumpled the paper, "Nothing, just write whatever you want."

It doesn't matter if she can't figure it out. Aren't there still two Tianji Pavilions on her list?

It was Sui Han who had suggested her to come to the Endless Sea to search for the Secret Ice of the Setting Sun. Of course, Qin Shu's first reaction was to ask Sui Han.

Qin Shu: [Is fellow Taoist here? 】

Suihan: [Not here. 】

Qin Shu: [……]

Qin Shu: [Fellow Taoist, can you see if my ice is any good? 】

Suihan: [I told you I won’t be here. 】

Qin Shu: [Fellow Taoist, please don’t make trouble. At worst, if I find the ice, I will lend it to you to practice. 】

Sui Han looked at the line of words on the jade slip and coughed violently.

Body training?

How can his body, which has lived until today and never tomorrow, be able to refine his body? It's really the most ridiculous thing in the world.

【No need. 】

Qin Shu frowned when she saw that Sui Han's attitude seemed a little bad this time. Suddenly she thought of something and scrawled another line of words and sent it to Sui Han.

[Fellow Taoist, maybe you can’t figure it out, right? 】


He really didn't calculate, not only whether she could find Setting Sun Mibing, but also anything about her.

Seeing that he didn't reply for a long time, Qin Shu suddenly felt that she should be telling the truth.

But then she thought again, even fellow Taoist Sui Han couldn't figure it out, so this trip really wasn't necessarily a blessing or a curse.

Tieniu watched her look thoughtfully at the jade slip and didn't know what was wrong with her.

After thinking about it, he simply took out the jade slip and posted it in the square.

[The Endless Sea has become increasingly hot recently. Do you fellow Taoists know why? 】

Not long after, a burst of light came from their two jade slips at the same time.

Tieniu checked it first, and a reply caught his eye, [The weather is abnormal, and the world will undergo great changes. Fellow Taoist, maybe your fortune has arrived. 】

Qin Shu opened the ban on the jade slip and saw what Sui Han said back, "The setting sun is hidden in ice, hidden in extremely cold and extremely hot places. It is normal for such field treasures to be incalculable." If fellow Taoists want to obtain this treasure, please be fully prepared and protect yourself. 】

People have said this, which means it really can’t be calculated.

Qin Shu didn't force anyone to make things difficult, so she replied seriously, "Thank you, fellow Taoist, for reminding me. If I really find this treasure, I will definitely lend it to you to practice." 】

Qin Shu said it very seriously. In modern times, if you get sick, you can rely on physical exercise to survive. Suihan's body and bones are so weak. If he can strengthen his body, he may be able to live longer in the future.

Qin Shu had just put away the jade slips when Ruiming came over.

Tieniu stepped forward, opened the door, and welcomed him in.

"Maybe this trip to the secret realm will be the time to rewrite my destiny. I must go this time." Tieniu said eagerly, his bright black eyes looking extremely excited at this time.

Qin Shu also nodded and said: "Go, how can you not go because you are afraid of danger?"

After saying this, she stood up directly and said, "You two are waiting for my news at the inn."

Tieniu quickly raised his head and asked, "Junior sister, where are you going?"

Qin Shu smiled and said: "Go to my father-in-law to sponsor us."


Seeing that Qin Shu disappeared, he turned his head and said to Ruiming beside him: "Senior brother, is Junior Sister Qin Shu a little too into the drama?"

Ruiming raised the corners of her lips slightly and smiled, "It doesn't matter, she is just playing in the world."

Tieniu scratched the back of his head and said, "Why do you all speak so strangely?"

Qin Shu left the inn, shook her folding fan and walked slowly towards Pei's mansion.

Order had been restored in the Pei Mansion at this time, and Qin Shu swaggered into the Pei Mansion with the respectful eyes of the guard at the door.

Pei Ya was sitting in the garden painting when she happened to see Qin Shu.

Her slender figure walked over on the black gold slate, and she felt a little bit more ethereal out of thin air.

She clearly didn't do anything, and everyone was just a common person in this troubled world, but she looked so spotless.

It's hard for such a person not to attract attention. Pei Ya didn't have time to think about it, a little ink was dotted in the garden, and then with two strokes, a figure appeared.

Qin Shu came over, smiled, looked at her words, and praised: "Madam's painting is really good."

Pei Ya looked at her with a strange expression.


As soon as she opened her mouth, a green-white jade hand touched her lips, and she heard Qin Shu's specially lowered voice ringing in her ears, "Madam, be careful what you say."

Pei Ya's expression suddenly became even more strange. She was also a woman, how could some people live such a wonderful and wanton life?

Qin Shu quickly retracted her hand. With a gentle smile on her lips, she glanced at Pei Ya's painting and said, "Madam, why don't you paint people? I'll take it as my husband, and your way is Maybe it’s here.”

Pei Ya was stunned, and then she saw Qin Shu suddenly winked at her playfully, and said again: "I will go to see my father-in-law first, so I won't disturb you from painting."

Qin Shu walked away, but Pei Ya's eyes were always on her back, and she didn't come back to her senses for a long time.

"Drawing people?"

Pei Ya murmured to herself, and the pen in her hand fell on the paper again.

If Qin Shu saw her painting, she would definitely praise it.

The person in the painting was her, and it was clear that she was walking towards her, but for some reason, she felt that she was getting farther and farther away.

The shadow behind her gradually enlarged, and Pei Ya fell into deep thought.

After a long time, she opened her eyes and looked at Kong Hou, who had been standing beside her without saying a word.

"Kong Hou, follow me to the street."

"Go to the street?" Kong Hou was stunned.

"If you want to draw people, you need to know the various aspects of the human world." And everyone in her house was wearing a mask, making it difficult to see clearly.

Qin Shu said that she wanted Pei Ya to draw a person, and it was not just a casual talk.

She had just looked at the painting. Although the figure in the painting was only a faint shadow, she inexplicably felt a little spirituality.

Let her know that the person in the painting was her.

She was somewhat relieved. It seemed that it was not impossible for Pei Ya to enter the Tao through painting.

Thinking of this, her mood improved. With a smile on her lips, she walked all the way to the door of Pei Laozu's room.

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