Cen Han held a jade slip in his hand and was counting everyone's quotations. After hearing Qin Shu's words, he looked up at her with a smile and said, "Not only is the big boss praising you, but everyone in our Nichang Pavilion is praising you." Woolen cloth!"

The folding fan in Qin Shu's hand swayed slightly, her chin raised slightly, her lips twitched with a smile, and she responded shamelessly, "Who wouldn't like someone like me?"

In the past, everyone at Nichang Pavilion was working hard to earn wages. Last time in Jibei City, after she drastically opened up the market for Nichang Pavilion, she simply discussed with Wen Chi to give them a commission.

Ordinary employees who originally earned ten yuan of low-grade spiritual stones a month suddenly became more motivated to work.

Everyone knows that all these changes are closely related to Qin Shu, and she has become the most popular person in the entire Nichang Pavilion.

Cen Han smiled and said, "You are right."

Qin Shu did not stay here to brag, but told Cen Han to find someone to spread the news.

"Nowadays, the price of Xinshi is indeed good, but it is not enough. Find someone to control public opinion and add fuel to their fire."

Listening to the new words in Qin Shu's mouth, Cen Han frowned in confusion and asked: "Public opinion? What is this? What kind of control method is it?"

Qin Shu laughed, looking a bit elated, "Let people spread the word and say that someone has already offered 10,000 top-quality spiritual stones."

"Hiss—" Cen Han took a breath of air upon hearing this, "My boss, is this really okay? Is it too expensive?"

Qin Shu shook her head. In her previous life, she had seen other people speculating on art, and the prices were really outrageous.

Their faith stone is really useful after all. For those real bosses, ten thousand top-quality spiritual stones are nothing.

"No, never use our values ​​to underestimate those who are powerful."

Cen Han nodded as if he understood, and finally listened to Qin Shu's words, "I'll do it now."

In the next few days, the rumors started to reach 10,000 top-grade spiritual stones, and in the end, they became more and more outrageous, reaching 30,000 top-grade spiritual stones.

Even Qi Liu started to panic. He simply closed the door of the shop and said to Tieniu with a bitter look on his face: "Old Tie, you don't know, they are looking at me now as if they were looking at a long man." My legs look like treasures. I don’t dare to open a shop now, and I can’t even meditate, for fear that someone will take advantage of me and kill me with a knife.”

Tieniu also frowned, with a more serious look on his face than Qi Liu.

He comes from a large sect and has done many tasks over the years in order to earn points.

He has seen too many cases where ordinary people are innocent but guilty of carrying a jade.

If this situation is allowed to develop, what Qi Liu is worried about is not impossible.

But his brain is stupid, and his brain is barely used for practicing iron head skills. If he wants to think of a way, he really can't do anything even if he tries to break his brain.

He raised his hand and knocked on his head with some annoyance, and finally said in a self-deprecating tone: "Sixth, don't worry, wait until I find my junior sister, she has a flexible mind and will definitely find a solution."

Qin Shu looked at the rescue message sent by Tieniu on the jade slip, chuckled, and replied: "Brother, you ask Qi Liu to go to Nishang Pavilion to consign the letter stone with gongs and drums. I heard someone said that Nishang Pavilion will To provide blessing to the monks who come to consign.”

"Oh? Is there such a good thing? How come I haven't heard of it before? Brother, I will go and tell Qi Liu about it."

Qin Shu looked at the darkened message slip, and the curve of her lips suddenly became deeper.

It doesn't matter if you have never heard of it before, this rule has been in place from this moment on.

In this way, some ordinary monks who have obtained the faith stone will not worry about this and dare not take out the faith stone.

After doing all this, she didn't even stop and walked toward Pei's house with rapid strides.

I have been busy these past two days, and I didn't bother to keep in touch with her father-in-law, so I took advantage of the opportunity to go over and sit down.

When she arrived, Patriarch Pei was appreciating paintings.

He saw that these paintings were all painted by Pei Ya. When he saw Qin Shu coming, he raised his head and glanced at her and asked, "Why haven't I seen Ya'er or you in the past two days?"

Qin Shu said that she was busy practicing. Patriarch Pei nodded happily and showed the painting in his hand to Qin Shu, "Do you think Ya'er's painting skills are getting better and better now? I saw how well she painted. It seems as if people are about to walk out of the painting in the next moment.”

Qin Shu reached out and took it, looked at it carefully for a long time, and then nodded slightly, "Not bad."

Patriarch Pei sighed, "Originally, I didn't quite believe that Ya'er could become a Taoist through painting, but now it seems that he is a superficial father. I wish I had met you earlier."

Qin Shu pursed her lips and smiled softly, "Father-in-law, please relax, everything in this world has its destiny."

Of course she knew why Patriarch Pei said this. It was simply that he was unwilling to recognize Senior Brother Ruiming as his master.

It doesn't seem like much now, but once Brother Ruiming gives an order, he can't resist at all.

Ancestor Pei raised his hand and patted Qin Shu's shoulder gently. Feeling the surging power of flesh and blood on her body, he felt even more relieved.

"Xian son-in-law, it's been a long time since you and Ya'er got married. Why is there no news about Ya'er? You young people, cultivation is cultivation, you still have to hurry up and get down to business..."

Qin Shu: "..."

She twitched her lips, and finally said with a guilty conscience: "Don't worry, father-in-law, my son-in-law will work hard!"

Patriarch Pei's big hand patted her shoulder, and everything was understood without saying a word.

Qin Shu coughed lightly and continued, "Father-in-law, I heard that someone has offered 50,000 top-grade spirit stones for the Xinshi these two days. You see..."

Patriot Pei had just picked up the water cup. After hearing this, he couldn't help shaking his hand and spilled some water in the cup.

He looked at Qin Shu in disbelief, "What? 50,000 top-grade spirit stones? Are these people crazy?"

Qin Shu also became worried, "I just heard it from others. Is it so difficult to go to the Sanghuai Secret Realm? Otherwise, I'd better not go..."

Before Qin Shu finished speaking, Patriarch Pei interrupted her directly, "Go! How can you not go? Hao'er, go and accompany Ya'er first. Since your father has promised you, he will definitely find this place for you."

Let alone 50,000 top-grade spirit stones, he would have to grab one back even if he went out to rob.

Qin Shu's smile was much more genuine at this time. She bowed respectfully, "Thank you, father-in-law."

After leaving Pei Laozu's study, she asked around and found Pei Ya.

Of course, Pei Laozu would not let his daughter paint on the street, so he bought a shop for Pei Ya. Pei Ya sat in it every day to look at people and paint. Her life was really comfortable.

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