I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 307 My husband is busy

When Qin Shu came over, Pei Ya was holding her head in one hand and thinking.

She had drawn a lot of people these days, but she felt like she was stuck.

There was something missing in her drawings of these people. She couldn't figure it out, so she didn't want to start writing.

At this moment, there was another sound of footsteps at the door. She looked up and saw a slender figure coming against the light. Her hair was longer and hanging on her shoulders.

The people on the road are like jade, and the gentlemen are like no other in the world.

Pei Ya never dreamed that she would see the best interpretation of this poem in a woman.

She started writing again, and Konghou quickly polished the ink aside.

She had just rubbed it twice when Qin Shu came over and patted her arm.

She looked over and saw Qin Shu smiling gently, "I'll do it."

Konghou retreated, and Qin Shu took the ink in her hand.

Her movements of grinding ink seemed to have a strange frequency, and at this time, Pei Ya also started writing according to her frequency.

Honghou looked at this pair of peerless beauties, his eyebrows softening.

Pei Ya finished a painting and just put down the pen when a handkerchief was handed to her.

She was stunned for only a moment before the person in front of her raised her hand and took her ink-stained hand. The soft handkerchief on her hand carefully passed between her fingers and wiped the ink stain clean.

Pei Ya froze in place when she heard Qin Shu say: "I haven't seen you for a few days. Madam is even more powerful now than before."

Pei Ya's cheeks turned red when she praised her, "It's still... my husband is amazing."

Qin Shu laughed and said, "Madam is very understanding, but I can't be of much help."

Pei Ya shook her head, "If it weren't for my husband, I'm afraid I would be dead now."

The atmosphere suddenly became heavy, and Qin Shu broke the silence with a chuckle, "There is always a way. I have been busy these past two days and neglected Madam. I came here specifically to apologize to Madam today."

Pei Ya's brows wrinkled little by little. She didn't understand. She was too involved in the drama. Did she really regard herself as a man?

How she wished she were a man! It would be great if she was really her husband.

Qin Shu seemed to be able to feel her uneasiness. She withdrew her hand in time, looked at the paintings spread out on the table, and said to Pei Ya: "Madam, when painting people, we must not only pay attention to the posture of the person, but also the most important thing. A little bit..."

She tapped her finger lightly on the painting, "It has to be eyes."

After Qin Shu left, Pei Ya didn't write anymore. She kept sitting in the shop thinking about Qin Shu's words, and the eyes of all the people she had seen before flashed in her mind.

There are shrewd ones, numb ones, tired ones, kind ones...

It wasn't until the sky outside turned dark that people would exhale a burst of white air even when they spoke a word. Then Honghou opened a formation, stepped forward and said to Pei Ya: "Miss, we should go back. . The weather is getting colder and colder at night. If you stay here for a while, your body will not be able to bear it even if the formation is there. "

Pei Ya then recovered her thoughts and stood up, "Well, let's go back."

The Endless Sea at night is still lively. In the world of monks, there is no such thing as working at sunrise and resting at sunset. They can stay in seclusion for more than ten years and then come out to stay high for half a month without feeling overwhelmed.

Now that it's cold, everyone's clothes are much thicker.

When she was approaching Pei's house, something bright suddenly fell on Pei Ya's shoulder. As soon as she raised her hand to touch it, the white ice crystal melted.

There was a joyful voice in my ears, "It's snowing! It's really snowing! I never thought I'd see snow in the Endless Sea in this life!"

Pei Ya looked up and saw two female cultivators talking. The light in their eyes was very beautiful.

Pei Ya was thoughtful, and after a while she retracted her thoughts and walked towards home.

That night, she tossed and turned in bed unable to sleep.

Sighing, he sat up, put on his shoes, walked over and opened the window.

It was already pure white outside, and a cold wind came, but it was stopped by the cassock on her body.

Pei Ya was also happy. She had never seen such a scene before. The Endless Sea seemed to have a different look today.

She thought of what Qin Shu said, the eyes of the two female cultivators, and the look on Qin Shu's face when she spoke.

She closed her eyes. For some reason, the various eyes in her mind finally merged into a pair of narrow and determined eyes.

She let out a long breath and returned to the table to draw such a picture.

The person stood on countless crystal stones, with countless wind blades behind her, and her hair was fluttering in the wind...

She didn't show off her skills or deliberately sculpt, she just painted what she had in mind.

She dipped the ink again, pursed her lips and started writing again, adding eyes to the painting.

Pei Laozu, who was meditating, suddenly opened his eyes and disappeared from the practice room in the next moment.

"Hao'er? Ya'er? Are you sleeping?"

Her father's voice came from outside the door. Pei Ya put down her pen and walked over and opened the door.

"Dad." She called softly.

Patriarch Pei's eyes swept from her head to her feet, and finally his eyes widened, "Ya'er, you...have entered the Tao?!"

Pei Ya was stunned when she heard this. She didn't know anything at all.

She thought that today was the same day as before, except that it snowed today.

Ancestor Pei immediately took out the spirit test stone, his hands trembling with excitement, "Ya'er, try it quickly."

Pei Ya hummed, and she put her hand on it.

The test spirit stone emitted a faint light, and Pei Laozu laughed out loud, "Really! It's true! Yaer, you really entered the Tao!"

People who enter the Tao through painting have different cultivation methods from ordinary cultivators. If they want to cultivate, they cannot rely on absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, but must paint.

Whether they get sincere praise from others or someone can gain insights from their paintings, it is helpful for their cultivation.

This is somewhat like the wish power of Buddhist practitioners, and faith can also be transformed into spiritual power.

The father and daughter were happy, and Pei Laozu looked around the room and asked, "Yaer, why didn't you see Haoer? Where is he?"

Pei Ya was also stunned. She didn't know that Qin Hao never spent the night with her.

It's just that her father didn't ask before, and she didn't mention it.

Now, how to explain to her father?

Before she could say anything, she heard her father angrily say, "He promised me today that he would hurry up and give birth to a fat baby with you. But he doesn't even come home every day. How can he give birth to a baby?!"

Pei Ya: "..."

She didn't know how to tell her father.

She thought for a long time, then coughed and said, "Dad, my husband...he has been busy these two days..."

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