I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 308: Not even able to give birth to a baby

When Patriarch Pei heard this, he raised his head and looked at Pei Ya, his eyes full of words.

He came to the chair and sat down, "My silly daughter, no matter how busy you are, can you be so busy that you don't even have time to give birth to a baby?"

Pei Ya was even more speechless than him. She knew that her father was right, but...

Her husband is a woman, how can she give birth to a child?

Her husband was kind to her, and she knew that her husband needed this identity now. Not only could she not expose her at this time, but she also had to help hide it.

Just when she was thinking about how to speak, she saw her father raising his hand to set up a soundproof cover for the two of them, and she didn't know which ear outside the house he was protecting.

"Ya'er, I'm afraid our uncle's identity is not simple. Suiyan said it himself, even he is no match for our uncle. Your father and I also have the cultivation level of the middle stage of divine transformation, but we can't see through her cultivation level, which means that she He has at least one magical weapon that is above the highest grade treasure... That crane is his senior brother, and even his senior brother has such a level of cultivation, think about it again, how big must his sect be?"

Pei Ya pursed her lips and did not speak. Seeing that she seemed to be listening, Patriarch Pei continued: "A person like him will have an immeasurable future in the future. My daughter, although you are beautiful, you have just entered the Tao. A woman in the world of immortality Xiu is not lacking in looks, and most of them are in love with each other. As a father, he is also afraid that he is just having fun with you... As long as he has a child who is connected to him by blood, he will miss you in the future... Dad, this is all for Hello! Being able to become an immortal is just the beginning, and dad can’t protect you for the rest of your life.”

Pei Ya looked at him steadily. She admitted that her father was right, but this child...she really couldn't give birth to it.

Seeing that her father seemed to want to keep talking, Pei Ya quickly interrupted him, "Dad!"

Pei Ancestor then stopped, and Pei Ya quickly said: "Dad, I have recorded all the daughters you mentioned. If she comes back today, my daughter will..."

Her cheeks were very red, but she still suppressed her shame and continued, "I will talk to him."

After hearing this, Patriarch Pei nodded with satisfaction, "Hurry up and hurry up. It is not suitable for monks to have children in the first place. Don't wait until he is about to leave. You don't have a child yet."

"Yes, my daughter has remembered it."

After sending her father away, the redness on Pei Ya's face receded slightly.

She felt helpless for a while, hoping that her husband would finish the matter here earlier. Her father wouldn't be able to cope with it for a long time.

Qin Shu didn't know Pei Ya's troubles. Of course she was busy every night if she didn't go back to sleep.

There is a bright moon on the sea, and the moon here seems to be even bigger than the moon at Xuantianmen.

She sat cross-legged on the rock, feeling the aura of heaven and earth.

Nowadays, she seems to be absorbing spiritual energy faster, but for some reason, the loss of spiritual energy is also greater.

Originally, when the spiritual energy circulated for a long time, only a trace of the spiritual energy would dissipate, but now almost one-fifth of it was gone.

Qin Shu guessed that maybe one-fifth of the spiritual energy was used to temper her body, but for some reason, her body did not improve at all.

She quietly and anonymously asked people in the square where the jade slips were handed down, but no one knew what was going on?

She scratched the little ball on her head with some distress. Now her hair could be tied up, but it was much shorter than before. She thought this length was quite good.

Could it be that her body is really leaking air?

One-fifth of the spiritual energy is really distressing!

But it didn't matter. What he was most afraid of was that the more he practiced, the more spiritual energy he would lose, and then there would be no hope of ascension.

Even giving her a spiritual vein can't fill this big hole in her.

Just when she was worrying about practicing, a black figure appeared beside her.

Qin Shu looked up and saw another face filled with anger from both humans and gods. Unfortunately, she had seen it so much now that she was almost immune.

"Come out to take a shower?" She greeted Xie Shiyuan casually.

Xie Shiyuan: "?"

He rolled his eyes helplessly. This kid's attitude towards him was really becoming more and more casual.

"This is sea water."

Qin Shu suddenly realized, "Oh! I understand, freshwater snakes seem to develop hemorrhoids if they go to sea water!"

Xie Shiyuan: "?!!"

hemorrhoid? You have hemorrhoids!

Qin Shu suddenly felt the majestic pressure around her sweeping towards her. Her heart skipped a beat, and a drop of sweat appeared on her face. It also stopped on her face under this powerful pressure. Up, can't fall down at all.

Her eyes moved slightly, and her mind was spinning rapidly.

By the way, it’s not hemorrhoids! The salt concentration in the tissues of freshwater snakes is lower than that of sea water. If they go into sea water, they will be unable to replenish water and die from lack of water.

Of course, the snake would not die at this level, but its skin would definitely feel uncomfortable.

"It was my fault." Only by giving in properly can one live longer in the world of immortality. Today's Qin Shu really understands this.

The big snake then withdrew its pressure and saw Qin Shu tilting her head and smiling at him in a flattering way, and then asked: "Big Snake, could it be that you are not a freshwater snake? Are you a sea snake?"

Xie Shiyuan glanced at her and did not answer her question, but asked: "You have time to care about me, why not think carefully about the loss of spiritual energy in your body."

Qin Shu's expression changed, and the smile on her face disappeared, and she asked the big snake: "Big snake, do you know the reason?"

Although she was asking a question, she was almost certain in her heart that the big snake knew something.

Xie Shiyuan turned into his original form and coiled up on the big reef beside her, bathing in the moonlight with her.

The falling snowflakes seemed to have eyes, and when they were about to fall on him, they automatically took a detour.

"Go find a test spirit stone to see your current spiritual root attributes." Qin Shu heard him say.

Qin Shu's pupils trembled, thinking that her cultivation speed was getting faster and faster, and then thinking that she had tested her spiritual root attributes three times and they were all different.

She thought there was an error at first, but now after hearing what the big snake said, it seemed that her spiritual root attributes had increased?

Could it be that she was the legendary growth spirit root? This is too amazing, right?

Qin Shu just reacted and jumped down from the reef. Just as she was about to go back, she saw the big snake again.

She didn't care about being afraid of him at this moment, so she picked up the little black snake and stuffed it into the monster bag.

Just as she stuffed it in, the monster bag exploded the next moment.

Xiao Xiao was holding the clown bird in a daze, and the fluffy tail was like an umbrella that protected the clown bird tightly.

The moment they fell, Qin Shu quickly picked up Xiao Xiao.

Just as she was about to reach out to catch the big snake, he turned into a half-human form and appeared in front of her.

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